Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Know that the Black Lives Matter Pogrom was so violent and vicious that it even scared the Rabbinical Council of America, the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America, and Yeshiva University into silence. (The Agudath Israel of California went shamelessly further, they referred to the entire American Police as a "BROKEN SYSTEM") In the aftermath of the pogrom, each issued mollifying milquetoast statements that were targeted carefully at not getting the Black Lives Matter pogromists and Nazis angry.


Systemic Racism and Bigotry Are the Lifeblood of the Left
And so there was no coverage of the pogroms in Los Angeles.

A person applies for admission to college or grad school. Or to the federal or state or municipal government for a Small Business Loan or other program to help promote commerce. Or for a job at most anywhere. The résumé is submitted and is competitive. Or the business loan paperwork is in perfect order. Or the job applicant is able-bodied and dependable. Time passes, and a decision is made as to whom to admit, or who gets the government business benefit, or who gets the job. And it turns out that the decision went to someone based on race. The person with lesser credentials won because of his (male) or her (female) or their (whatever other gender they got) race.
That is racism. Of course it is racism. It is an “ism” derived from and based on race. If the English language still has any words not yet deconstructed by the Left, that is the very definition of racism: admitting people to schools, supporting businesses, hiring for work … based on race. It is racism, and racism is the theological sacrament of the Left.
We now are half a century into “Affirmative Action.” As with all Left initiatives, words are distorted to mean things they are not because the Left refuses to call the Truth by the truth. When an Arab Muslim terrorist murders Americans at a military base, the Left calls it “workplace violence.” Obamacare is called the “Affordable Care Act” even though it gyrated health-care prices through the roof and forced many to lose their preferred doctors and health plans. Likewise with “Affirmative Action.” Instead of honestly calling it “Quotas,” they call it “Goals and Timetables.” But it is quotas. Here is why.
The government tells an entrepreneur that they will leave her alone if Albanians comprise at least 18 percent of her workforce. (Why Albanians? Why not?) They add, of course, that she should know that America is fair (wink, wink), and she of course will not necessarily get into any trouble if Albanians comprise fewer than 18 percent of her workforce, but the government then might just need to come in and take a peek in her books to figure out why she had so much trouble finding enough qualified Albanians to hire. She sits down with her husband or her lesbian life partner or whatever else they got and asks herself, “Do I want the government poking around my life, auditing my Widgets business, and do I want to have to fill out dozens of papers explaining why 18 percent of my employees are not from Albania and proving that I am not anti-Albanian and that I reached out to Albanians?” Only an idiot would say, “Yes, please, I want Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch and all the others to come in and poke.” So here is what happens: She double-checks on the “Affirmative Action Goal” that the government has “recommended,” and she sees that they recommend she hire a workforce that is at least 18 percent Albanian. She understands that if she treats the “goal” as a “quota” and hires the necessary quota of Albanians, she will be left alone. So she does. Thus, the “goal” inexorably becomes a “quota.”
Meanwhile, someone else has a job opening and has the perfect candidate for the job. Maybe the entrepreneur knows the guy personally from having served with him under fire in the military. Or maybe he once before worked famously with the guy. Or maybe that potential hire has been recommended by the entrepreneur’s colleague. The problem is that there is “Affirmative Action” for Albanians. And no one wants Eric Holder or Loretta Lynch poking around. So here is what the entrepreneur does: He advertises in Albanian publications, solicits Albanians wherever he can find them, and he interviews 10 or 20 of them — with absolutely no intention to hire any of them. So these Albanians take time off from work, change their schedules, buy airline tickets and fly to interview for a job they will not get. The entrepreneur takes three days out of his life and productivity to interview 10 or 20 Albanians he never will hire. Each interview runs between 30 to 45 minutes. Maybe he also takes each Albanian out to lunch. He also arranges for two or three others in his mid-level management to interview the unsuspectingly hapless Albanians. He then carefully documents each time-wasted interview copiously, documenting for the government agency that will poke around, and then he hires the guy he wanted to hire three weeks ago. Everyone’s time is wasted. People’s hopes are raised falsely.
Or a white guy has a business. He wants to get a business loan or benefit from some other government business-supporting program. He finds out that his business has all the needed qualifications, except for two small problems: (i) he is White, and (ii) he is … a he. So he finds himself a woman … who is … Blue or Green or Purple or Whatever Color the Government Wants … and even better if she is an Albanian … and he makes a deal: “You be the president of my company, or whatever title the government requires, and I will pay you ‘x’ amount of dollars per year for allowing me to use you as my Front to get the government loan.” Now he is a “minority-owned business.” So he qualifies — er, she qualifies — for the government program.
This all is racism in a society that no longer is racist. Fifty years after “Affirmative Action,” we now are in the third generation; that should be more than enough time to shift any imbalances. Look at the immigrants who came here in the 1880s from Germany, Italy, Poland, Ireland, Russia — even Albania. After 50 years there still was some prejudice. For example, American-born Jewish people who descended from Jewish immigrants who arrived here legally from Russia between 1881 to 1914 still could not get into the Ivy League in the 1940s and 1950s because of the Ivy League’s anti-Semitic admission quotas. The few who did slip in, say to an Ivy League law school, could not get hired by any respectable law firm in America. So the Jews had to start their own law firms or practice bankruptcy law because the elite major law firms needed some attorneys who specialized in bankruptcy work but found the practice area too greasy and grimy to touch themselves, so they told the Jews to do it if they wanted in. Jews could not get high-level executive positions in American banks or other such corporations, so they had to found their own companies and industries.
And so it went with continued latent discrimination against Irish Americans, Italians, Poles, Germans, and others who had arrived here legally, worked hard and honorably, saw their kids still facing discrimination half a century later, but now could not be stopped from achieving great things because they had worked their way into the American dream through honor, honesty, ethics, and hard work. Asian-Americans particularly got the short end of the stick. We encouraged Chinese to come here to build the western half of the Trans-Pacific railroad, and then we passed the Chinese Exclusion Act to deny them citizenship through World War II. We interned 110,000 Japanese Americans. Yet that did not stop their descendants from attaining their slice of the American pie, even in the face of new anti-Asian quotas in the Ivy League and at other major universities.
Fifty years of government programming to offset imbalances is ample. With Affirmative Action, many Americans in newly burned-out neighborhoods now can look outside the window and see what it has wrought. Fifty years of correcting an imbalance. Fifty years of assuring that goals and timetables have been met. Fifty years of college and graduate school degrees. Fifty years of government programs, government loans, government food assistance, government housing programs. Fifty years, paid with taxes collected from the “Haves” on all sides of the spectrum. Fifty years of systemic largesse. If you live in Minneapolis, Chicago, St. Louis, or even down the block from Macy’s at Herald Square — look outside the window.
The only racism in America that is systemic — deeply ingrained into the system — is on the left. It is so disgusting that it is hard even to speak about it. It is shameful, and it exists for one reason only: for White leftists to grab votes, to attract more viewers to their television channels at a time that no Malaysian planes are missing so as to increase advertising revenue, to claw for power in whatever field they practice. How low will they grovel to get power? They will kneel on the floor. They actually will kneel on the floor, groveling for power.
Of course, as Nancy Pelosi just found, she kneeled so long that she could not even get back up. You think she was kneeling to Jesus? Nancy Pelosi is America’s leading Catholic proponent of abortion — though Joe Biden, Andrew Cuomo, and a boatload of other Democrat Catholics would take great offense at Nancy Pelosi getting all the credit for funding the killing of fetuses, especially in the Black community. That Pelosi is kneeling to Jesus?
And who, pray tell, was Schumer kneeling to? He claims to be Jewish, so he is not kneeling to Jesus. But wait! It is a core tenet of Judaism that kneeling is forbidden except on Yom Kippur during the recitation of the Kohen service that occurred at the Holy Temple in Jerusalem during Talmudic times. Otherwise, it is so fundamentally against Judaism to kneel that every Jewish child learns the story associated with Talmud Tractate Gittin 57b of “The Woman and Her Seven Sons.” During anti-Jewish persecutions, an evil Emperor ordered each of the woman’s sons, one by one, to show fealty to the foreign gods by kneeling since he knew that, as a core tenet, Jews are forbidden ever to kneel. None of the sons would kneel; therefore each was executed. Jews do not kneel. Perhaps nowhere in the Bible is that core Judaic tenet more dramatically central and underscored than in the Book of Esther, Chapter 3:
2 And all the king’s servants that were in the king’s gate bowed down and prostrated themselves before Haman because the king had so commanded concerning him. But Mordecai would not bow down nor prostrate himself before him.
3 Then the king’s servants who were in the king’s gate said unto Mordecai: “Why do you transgress the king’s command?”
4 Now it came to pass, as they spoke daily to him and he did not hearken to them, that they told Haman — to see whether Mordecai’s words would stand, because he had told them that he was a Jew.
5 And when Haman saw that Mordecai would not bow down nor prostrate himself before him, then was Haman full of wrath.
6 But it seemed contemptible in his eyes to lay hands on Mordecai alone for they had made known to him the people of Mordecai; wherefore Haman sought to destroy all the Jews, the people of Mordecai, that were throughout the whole kingdom of Ahasuerus.
So to whom was Schumer kneeling? Why, the Senate Minority Leader was not kneeling at all. Rather, he was groveling, groveling for votes from Black voters and perhaps kneeling to firebrand racist Al Sharpton. And, oh that cultural appropriation, donning that kente fabric that is unique to the culture of Ghana! Interesting. I searched the internet for a photo of Schumer ever wearing a Jewish prayer shawl. Nope. Just a kente.
The Left kneels. They grovel. They bow down to others, as Obama — then holding the office of president of the United States — bowed down to Arab Muslim oil sheiks. That is their way. They bow. They kneel. They grovel.
And they hate.
If one wants to find systemic hate in America, you will find it among outliers on the right and within the very core and system of the left. The hate that has been shown in burning down even minority-owned drug stores and clothing stores. The looting and the physical violence that awaits us all if the Left and its Ocasio-Hyphen anarchists ever attain their dream of defunding ICE at the border and the police in our cities. And when the mob strikes, nowhere do they let their hate demonstrate itself more manifestly than when they go after the Jews. First they go after the Jews who will not bow, just as Stalin did. And eventually they get to the Schumers and Bernies just as Stalin got to the anti-Semitic Jewish apostates of another time like the Trotskys, Kamenevs, and Zinovievs.
The Left media have been so enthralled covering a few troubling but isolated cases of police roughness that they conveniently have refused to cover the anti-Jewish pogrom that took place in Los Angeles in the name of “Black Lives Matter.” The Black Lives Matter Pogrom saw attacks on Temple Beth El, Baba Sali Congregation, the Kosher Mensch Bakery and Kitchen, Cong. Beth Israel, Cong. Beth Tivereth Avi/Morasha, Shaarei Tefilah Synagogue, Shalhevet Yeshiva High School for Girls, and a Shul wall on which were spray-painted anti-Semitic and anti-Israel slogans. The Black Lives Matter pogromists even — get this! — defaced a statue of Raoul Wallenberg, the Swedish diplomat who lost his life during the World War II era by leveraging his diplomatic status to save thousands of Hungarian Jews from being gassed and cremated by Hitler’s Nazis in Auschwitz. Wallenberg issued thousands of falsified Swedish passports to Hungarian Jews and rented 32 buildings in Budapest, declaring those edifices to be extraterritorial Swedish national property protected by diplomatic immunity. He hid thousands of Jews safely inside them. The haters of Black Lives Matter attacked Raoul Wallenberg’s memory during their anti-Jewish pogrom. Did you see that on social media? Do you remember Don Lemon, Wolf Blitzer, Jake Tapper, Chris Cuomo, Brooke Baldwin, David Axelrod, Erin Burnett, Anderson Cooper, Van Jones, Robin Meade, Brian Stelter, Fareed Zakaria, Lester Holt, David Muir, Norah O’Donnell, Morning Joe, or Rachel Maddow reporting or commenting on the Black Lives Matter Nazi pogrom? No? Neither do I.
Know that the Black Lives Matter Pogrom was so violent and vicious that it even scared the Rabbinical Council of America, the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America, and Yeshiva University into silence. In the aftermath of the pogrom, each issued mollifying milquetoast statements that were targeted carefully at not getting the Black Lives Matter pogromists and Nazis angry. There was even a non-kosher “Jewish deli” that decided, in light of all the destruction all around them, to put a “Black Lives Matter” sign in their window and to hand out bottles of water to the anti-Semitic Black Lives Matter pogromists and Nazis. Their cowardice worked; their structure was not burned down. Only the Zionist Organization of America had the courage to speak out unequivocally.
The Left is systemically racist. And we see that they welcome as brothers in arms those who are pathologically hateful. They see everyone and everything in racial, gender, and ethnic categories. They cannot simply see people as people. Their hate and violence reveals itself most manifestly when their target is history’s perennial canary in the coal mine — the Jews. The coal miner watches the canary die of a lack of oxygen and knows who is next. When Stalin went after the Jews, it was predictable what would come next for the rest of the USSR. When Hitler went after the Jews, it was not long before he targeted Holland, France, England, and even America, engulfing the entire world in flames and mass death. Bernie Sanders can waltz with Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, Schumer can kneel and grovel, the whole Democrat apparatus can wear those African kente scarves like they are doing a TV ad for the United Colors of Benneton. But let us all know what would come about if the Antifa-Ocasio-Ellison anarchists and their Pelosi enablers ever defund ICE and the police. Inasmuch as most American Blacks do not walk around all day like Eddie Murphy in Coming to America, those kente cloths will just make Pelosi, Schumer, and their whole murder of crows easier to target after Black Lives Matter’s pogromists and Nazis finish with the Jews.
Rabbi Dov Fischer, Esq., a high-stakes litigation attorney of more than twenty-five years and an adjunct professor of law of more than fifteen years, is rabbi of Young Israel of Orange County, California. His legal career has included serving as Chief Articles Editor of UCLA Law Review, clerking for the Hon. Danny J. Boggs in the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit, and then litigating at three of America’s most prominent law firms: JonesDay, Akin Gump, and Baker & Hostetler. In his rabbinical career, Rabbi Fischer has served several terms on the Executive Committee of the Rabbinical Council of America, is Senior Rabbinic Fellow at the Coalition for Jewish Values, has been Vice President of Zionist Organization of America, and has served on regional boards of the American Jewish Committee, B’nai Brith Hillel, and several others. His writings on contemporary political issues have appeared over the years in the Wall Street Journal, the Los Angeles Times, the Jerusalem Post, National Review, American Greatness, The Weekly Standard, and in Jewish media in American and in Israel. A winner of an American Jurisprudence Award in Professional Legal Ethics, Rabbi Fischer also is the author of two books, including General Sharon’s War Against Time Magazine, which covered the Israeli General’s 1980s landmark libel suit. 
For Readers' Comments: https://spectator.org/systemic-racism-bigotry-left-black-lives-matter/


  1. Fresser Lives Matter?6:16 PM, June 16, 2020

    The eccentric Agudah Fresser Heshy Tischler who doubles as the BLM shvantz with a yarmulka - and he does in fact join actual BLM mobs - has been running around now, the anarchist that he is, making a public show of breaking locks on NYC parks. There is also no heter l'halacha to damage government property or even to use a space without reshus - never mind the chilul Hashem & aivah. While the corrupt Rebbelas & Fressers have slimy motives in this case, even they are against using the parks.

    Why are these politico bums Kalman Yeger & Simcha Eichenstein running behind Tischler as his cheerleaders? Oh right, because these zoynos for votes perceive that the ignorant masses don't care what the Rebbelas hold in this instance. At least Lentol had enough sense to farentfer after the fact he didn't know Tischler was vandalizing. Hey Lentol, like DUH! How else do you think the slob managed to get 100s of maskless kids & mommies in there?

  2. Agudah Fresser has Bolt Cutter will travel7:28 PM, June 16, 2020


    Heshy "wreck it ralph" Tischler

    Doesn't the NYPD / State Police have to press charges by law if they have him committing a crime & broadcasting it to challenge them?

  3. Woowoowoowoowoowoo!


    Tischler challenging cops with Yeger & Eichenstein

    Who is the important looking guy who shows up into the clip with the shmatta concealing most of his punim? Don't tell me that Leon Goldenberg has lowered himself to back these morons? Is it Leon?

  4. https://twitter.com/i/status/1272884177847889927

    Yeger & Agudah Fresser Heshy "Friar Tuck" Tischler were bad enough examples when they almost never don a mask, but now this?

  5. https://twitter.com/i/status/1272883961732247557

    Agudah-backed elected officials actually participating in the destruction & misappropriation of government property.

  6. https://twitter.com/i/status/1272883916370841602

    ain lecha premeditated gedola mizu

  7. https://twitter.com/i/status/1272669507778207744

    the Philly-Satmar pro-corona derangement syndrome is also contagious

  8. There's something weird going on.

    After Tischler cited emails & letters exposing the Ingrisher Rebbes and the Agudah conspiring to close parks only, bdavka, while fighting to multiply infections by opening everything else, Zalmi Teitelbaum seems to have possibly reversed course. Unless he is playing the old good cop bad cop routine for some reason. Because Zalmi's shik yingel Duvid Niederman is running down to stand shoulder to shoulder with Tischler during his bolt cutter freak shows.

  9. No Feeding the Animals11:38 PM, June 16, 2020

    Tishler is demented and these politicians are a disgrace, only backing the shlumpf because they figure the heimishe ignoramouses are a roiv so they will use Tishler for voter recognition. The idiot with the large mask I think is Simcha Felder, not Leon. Felder has already so badly damaged his relationship with Cuomo that it probably doesn't matter at this point how he behaves.

    I think Tishler is lying about the State law suddenly mandating to open parks. Cuomo said he is leaving parks up to local jurisdictions to decide and de Blasio has ordered them closed.

    Therefore, Tishler & the stupid elected officials assisting him should all be arrested for breaking & entering, trespassing, destruction of government property, obstruction of governmental administration and disorderly conduct. Yesh gorsin that Ezra "the Kapo" Friedlander is another participant but I haven't seen him in any of the videos yet.

  10. https://www.theyeshivaworld.com/news/headlines-breaking-stories/1872932/j-m-student-infects-5-family-members-including-bubby-her-mother-ends-up-in-icu.html

    Jerusalem Student Infects 5 Family Members Including Bubby, Her Mother Ends Up In ICU

  11. Shmuel Kaminetzky2:51 AM, June 17, 2020

    Yeah! Woohoo!

    June 16, 2020

    Israel’s Health Ministry is concerned about a worrying rise in coronavirus cases in several Chareidi cities, with an emphasis on Beitar Illit, Bnei Brak and Elad.

    The rate of positive coronavirus tests in Beitar in the last two days has been over 6% in comparison to the national rate of less than 1.5%. The rate of infection in Bnei Brak and Elad is 3%.

    The IDF’s Coronavirus National Information and Knowledge Center has recommended increasing testing in the above cities as well as the southern cities of Netivot, Ofakim and Sderot, which also have been experiencing a spike of coronavirus cases.

    The Chareidi city of Rechasim in northern Israel, located in the Haifa District of Israel, has also seen a rise of virus cases.

    “We’re a moment away from being turned into a “red city” which would have unpleasant consequences,” said Don Cohen, the head of the Rechasim local council, on Sunday evening.

  12. The Fressers incited 100s of kids to riot in Lakewood NJ against Cuomo & Murphy positions on overnight camps. Big police response because they blocked the major intersection of 2 County highways known as County Line & Squankum.

    This is child endangerment on top of anarchy so the organizers & parents should be charged.

  13. https://iapps.courts.state.ny.us/fbem/DocumentDisplayServlet?documentId=B/LKfwohW4GEDUKmYnprTA==&system=prod

    Chaim Singer has been named a molester at 1973 Camp Agudah under the charge of his superior Yudi Kolko.

    Online records tie Chaim to the podiatrist Dr. Solomon H. Singer who might be the same person. Chaim was served papers at 1421 48th St which is the podiatrist office. He otherwise may be living on East 29th between Kings Hwy & P, behind the house of Shmuel Kaminetzky's mop up man Rabbi Doniel Kleinman.

    Both Chaim & Solomon, whether or not they are the same person, come up at both addresses. They also both come up at 3007 Bedford next to Brooklyn College which seems to be the residence of Chasan Sofer Menahel Rabbi Schonbrun.

    The victim testifies that despite being terrorized when 8 years old, he was ordered to write his parents that he is having a jolly good time at camp. When he tried refusing to write such a letter, he was threatened by administration figures that seem to be higher than Kolko, that he will be stripped naked & forced to don only a diaper and then marched into the packed dining room where he will be called a baby. Belsky was the Moron d'asra that year.

  14. https://www.justice.gov/archive/usao/nys/pressreleases/October11/davidearletalarrestspr.pdf

    Heshy or Harold Tischler is an ex-con, a felon convicted of fraud who did time at Otisville.

    This was the scam with bogus immigration visas that was masterminded by the Rebbishe aynekel Avromi David who skipped the country & was eventually extradited from Toronto by the RCMP. Avromi was assisted primarily by a backstabbing Monsey moyser named "Sam" Salamon & by Boro Park / Willy street urchin "Leo" Teitelbaum who at that time was eidim of alter Munkatcher child molester Potyi Lipschutz from Frankels shul in Flatbush who moved to Monsey.

    Tischler was the employer facilitating that end of the fraud.

    The heimishe Brooklyn elected officials know all about Tischler but have shame or reservations to prance about with him!

  15. And if you didn't think Simcha Felder was already pathetic enough going bananas with Tischler & the bolt cutter, he does so even though Tischler blames Felder as having framed him!


    Harold Tischler – whose 21-year-old son Abraham is vying for the State Senate seat in the borough’s new “Super Jewish” district and 20-year-old son Moshe is attempting to unseat long-time Assemblyman Dov Hikind – is being charged with conspiracy to commit immigration fraud, mail and wire fraud, and other charges.

    According to the indictment by United States attorney Preet Bharara, Harold (Hershy) Tischler used his position as a housing developer to participate in a multi-million dollar plot hatched by attorney Earl Seth (Rabbi Avraham) David. Over a lengthy period stretching from 1996 to 2009, David submitted fraudulent applications and petitions to the U.S. Department of Labor and the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, wherein, for a fee of as much as $30,000 each, he “documented” immigrants – who were actually in the country illegally – as under the sponsorship of an American employer, and thereby legal immigrants. One such fictitious employer was Tischler, who allegedly was given cash kickbacks by David for agreeing to be listed as an employer. As the indictment charges, none of the sponsors ever planned to hire these immigrants.

    The manager of the Tischler brothers’ campaigns, Joseph Tempelberg, corroborated the indictment of their father. “Harold Tischler, I’ve known him for a number of years, we’ve prayed in the same synagogue together and I’m surprised that he’s being accused of such stuff,” Tempelberg commented.

    Defending his father, Abraham Tischler first said that the indictment was a result of political moves by one of his opponents for the State Senate seat, Simcha Felder.

  16. https://www.nytimes.com/1976/10/09/archives/queens-man-accused-of-attempting-to-bilk-nursing-unit-of-23000.html

    Tischler's mother was even in trouble with the State Attorney General for scams at the nursing home she owned in the 1970s

  17. https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:3YHa-r4i5N0J:https://cloud.patamu.com/it/%40roy17den/born-under-a-bad-sign/download+&cd=42&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us

    Page 59-60

    A Channel 5 investigation revealed the elderly Yidden at Tischler's nursing home were being robbed of their SSI payments & otherwise treated as if they were animals!

    Felder, Yeger, Eichenstein, Niederman & anyone else backing Tischler, you are a disgrace! Resign!

  18. Public Service Announcement11:17 PM, June 17, 2020

    People should call 311 or 212-NEW-YORK from outside NYC and voice a complaint for the Mayor's office that Tischler and all the elected yoyos who were broadcast on TV news breaking locks & herding 1000s of people into the parks to get infected should be arrested.

    de Blasio was quoted by the NY Post as bellyaching that they really should be all arrested because they are not above the law. That they have not been arrested could only be because the Mayor is agonizing like a sissy if it might be too politically explosive. But if he gets enough public complaints he will hopefully grow a backbone for at least a few minutes, long enough to order the NYPD to bring them in in handcuffs!
