Monday, June 29, 2020

Laboratory tests found that the infant likely contracted the Type 1 herpes virus during his bris, directly from the mohel, who performed the ceremony using the controversial Orthodox method of blood cleaning known as "Metzitzah B'Peh," or oral suction.

3-week-old baby hospitalized with brain infection after bris gone wrong


Evidence of newborn herpes infections accompanied by brain infections and their connection to the 'oral suction' in circumcisions have been widely described in medical history for the past 200 years.

Baby crying [Illustrative] (photo credit: PIXABAY)

A three-weeks-old baby is currently in serious condition at the Bnei Zion Medical Center in Haifa due to a herpetic infection, which began in the genital area and has spread to the brain, leading to convulsions and seizures. 
Laboratory tests found that the infant likely contracted the Type 1 herpes virus during his bris, directly from the mohel, who performed the ceremony using the controversial Orthodox method of blood cleaning known as "Metzitzah B'Peh," or oral suction.
Director of Pediatrics at Bnei Zion Medical Center, Prof. Itzhak Sarugo, said that "the baby was hospitalized in serious condition, with a visible inflammation of the brain (encephalitis) accompanied by prolonged convulsions and a severe skin infection that started in the groin area where the circumcision was performed."
The baby was rushed to Bnei Zion Hospital by his parents immediately after they noticed a large infection in the genital area following the bris.
During hospitalization in the pediatric ward, the herpes virus was discovered in both the cerebrospinal fluid and in the lesions that were on the baby's skin.
During the first three days of hospitalization the infant suffered from numerous seizures despite receiving treatment both for seizures and the virus.
Sarugo said that "the antiviral treatment he received is aimed at destroying the virus in the brain and preventing the inflammation of the nervous system. The baby will have to receive this treatment for the next six months."
The professor explained that "evidence of newborn herpes infections accompanied by brain infections, and their connection to the oral suction in circumcisions, have been widely described in medical history for the past 200 years.
"The herpes virus can cause a skin infection, which can spread to the brain and cause severe inflammation of the brain and even death," Sarugo said.
The neonatal herpes virus can also be transmitted while a baby passes through the birth canal, though not through the placenta, often leading to preventative C-section surgeries.
However, in adults, the virus is most often spread through saliva, sexual contact or blood transfusions.
Bnei Zion Medical Center further stated that "the nature of the lesions' diffusion and onset in the groin area and the continued spread of the lesions imply infection during the bris in the sucking stage when there is contact between the mohel's mouth and the baby's blood."

The Talmud writes that a "Mohel (Circumciser) who does not suck creates a danger, and should be dismissed from practice." Rashi, commenting on that Talmudic passage, explains that the purpose of this step is to draw some blood from deep inside the wound, to prevent danger to the baby.
The suction phase in circumcisions today is most often performed by using a small suction tube, similar to the kind found at a dentist's office, thus avoiding the use of the mouth as recommended by the Pediatric Association and the Ministry of Health. However, some Orthodox and Hassidic Jewish factions still use the Metzitzah B'Peh method for traditional reasons, since it is one of the four steps to fulfill the mitzvah (commandment).


  1. Too many blackhat rabbis hold science in utter contempt.

    Perhaps when a blackhat rabbi is hospitalized, he should only be availed treatments that are specified in the Talmud.

    Ditto for his wife and children.

  2. A "huge sucking sound" and with such venom! Is 1:17 am one of the srugies from Young Israel Scarsdale or Jamaica Estates who hates the "black hats" with a passion?

    Brisk & the rest of the authentic Lithuanian yeshiva world is very much against metzitza.

    Pro-metzitza is a mostly Chassidishe meshugass based on a misinterpretation of the Chasam Sofer. The Agudah sadly backs the Chassidishe position for a combination of motives, namely financial and perhaps because Philadelphia latches on to it as another item in their arsenal of shitos contrarian to the medical establishment.

    1:17 also makes me laugh as many Modern Orthodox in Eretz Yisroel also practice metzitza.


    Dr. Tom Frieden telling the truth, unlike Rabbi Dr. Glatt who caved to the Agudah Fressers, doing a 180 degree turn to sign off on the "bubble" death traps.

    Note that Glatt is not just assistant rabbi in Young Israel but also in a 2nd shul belonging to a Shmuel Kaminetzky nephew.


  5. Amicus Brief of the Dr caught with his pants down7:42 PM, June 29, 2020

    Pun intended. Next Fruit of Loom commercial starring Zweibel, Glatt & Avi THE FERD Schnall. Or at least if they make sizes that fit all three of them.

    When Dokter Rabbiner Glatt was beating around the bush, while even giving MISLEADING information to the community as to where he stands, he obviously didn't realize it was going to go public that he was secretly conspiring with the Deep State Fressers, Satmar & the Lubavs in their quest to kill children to make a few of their shvitzers happy. Like hellooooo Dokter Rabbiner, there is a Pacer service that filed your sneak backing of the bubble fraud which is available for a few kopeks per page. Even besides Pacer, you've got Shlomo Pfeiffer blabbering all over the place & name dropping as many big knockers as he can to make himself look important.

  6. Shmuel Kaminetzky8:51 PM, June 29, 2020

    Yes! Hahahahahahaha!!!!!!

    The US is “unlikely” to achieve herd immunity to the coronavirus even with a vaccine, according to the country’s leading public health expert, who warned that a “general anti-science, anti-authority, anti-vaccine feeling” is likely to thwart vaccination efforts.

    In an interview with CNN, Dr Anthony Fauci also said people not wearing masks was “a recipe for disaster” and said of the Trump administration’s attempts at contact tracing: “I don’t think we’re doing very well.”

    The US reported a record number of new coronavirus cases in a single day on Friday, with 36 states reporting a rise in infections and Texas, Florida and Arizona particularly badly hit.

  7. Tatty, how does that Chabadsker niggun Didan Notzach go again?

    The coronavirus is spreading too rapidly and too broadly for the U.S. to bring it under control, Dr. Anne Schuchat, principal deputy director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said Monday.

  8. Who is the 'know it all' rosh moysad in Lakewood who called all his yeshiva rebbeyim & ordered them that "no matter what" they'd better have a plan to give in person shiur in Elul, because that's what he's mandating even if the corona turns into the 1918 Spanish Flu with tons of dead.

    Whoever this 'Junior Shmuel Kaminetzky' is, HE DECIDED that's the plan after he found out a few bochurim misbehaved in ruchniyus this last tekufa. So now this 'Posek Hador' wannabe in spitting Philly image is sacrificing EVERYONE to a deadly disease.


  9. Judge Sharpe:

    The mouth that forbids is the mouth that permits ---- הפה שאסור הפה שהתיר

  10. Always trying to decipher UOJ's cryptic riddles ...

    Think, think, think (a la Winnie the Pooh)

    Maybe Justice Sharpe has a metzitza case coming up on his docket?

    I give up. But it's a good line for a rap song.

    Oh ok, Chief Justice Roberts just clipped me with a paper airplane & hinted that the Fressers don't stand a chance against Cuomo tomorrow.

  11. Shlomo Pfeiffer2:36 PM, June 30, 2020

    Who gives a rat's tuchess? Where's my hard earned MONEY??!!

    At least 285 U.S. children have developed a serious inflammatory condition linked to the coronavirus and while most recovered, the potential for long-term or permanent damage is unknown, two new studies suggest.

    The papers, published online Monday in the New England Journal of Medicine, provide the fullest report yet on the condition.

    The condition is known as multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children.

  12. "to make himself look important"

    What's wrong with that?

  13. Logic from a Liberal?2:56 PM, June 30, 2020

    “And I say to people on the street, when I see they don’t have a mask or I see these groups of people in front of a bar: ‘What are you thinking? How short a memory. Learn the lesson. Give me a break,’” Cuomo said.

  14. Shmuel Kaminetzky4:00 PM, June 30, 2020

    Associated Press

    Dr. Anthony Fauci said coronavirus cases could grow to 100,000 a day in the U.S. if Americans don’t start following public health recommendations.

    The nation’s leading infectious disease expert made the remark at a Senate hearing on reopening schools and workplaces.

    Asked to forecast the outcome of recent surges in some states, Fauci said he believes it will be “very disturbing.”

    “We are now having 40-plus-thousand new cases a day. I would not be surprised if we go up to to 100,000 a day if this does not turn around, and so I am very concerned,” said Fauci, infectious disease chief at the National Institutes of Health.

    Fauci said areas seeing recent outbreaks are putting the entire nation at risk, including areas that have made progress in reducing COVID-19 cases. He cited recent video footage of people socializing in crowds, often without masks, and otherwise ignoring safety guidelines.

  15. Recruiting station at Philly yeshiva5:27 PM, June 30, 2020

    Russia's head of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) Anti-Terrorism Centre, Andrei Novikov, said Islamist terrorist groups are recruiting a new type of “Jihad soldiers”.

    He added that they are being told to spread Covid-19 in public places.
