Thursday, July 09, 2020

Agudath Israel....Ready--- Set----Go! Send In The Clowns...

July 8, 2020

Dear Paul,

I understand many people are anxiously awaiting a decision on school reopening. New York has 700 school districts statewide that range from rural to urban to suburban districts and we have been spending the past weeks and months in discussion with all stakeholders on what September looks like.

 As in every other decision on reopening, our first responsibility is health and safety. All schools are required to submit a reopening plan by the end of July.

We all want schools to open, but we must ensure that it is safe. I wouldn't ask anyone to put their child in a situation that I would not put my child in. Like every decision we make, we will decide based on data and facts. A plan will be announced in the first week of August. 

Ever Upward,
Governor Andrew M. Cuomo


  1. July 9, 2020

    Dear Paul,

    I understand that camps and schools must remain closed. But I still have not decided where to send Neubergers and Eisemanns. Since health and safety are our first responsibilities, I have been suggested to ship them all back to Germany where they all came from. Especially in light of the fact that now Germany is investigating 30,000 potential suspects in pedophile probe.

    Ever Upward,

    Governor Andrew M. Cuomo

  2. Surkis is a mishpocho in New Square

    If this is the Gavriel Surkis who is 30, which it seems to be the case, then his brothers are Pinches Surkis who was arrested for luring a Mexican cleaning lady into his car to molest her, steal her purse & throw her out on the ground when finished, and Chaim Surkis who was arrested for some kind of assault plus some really wild crimes.

    These three losers are the nephews of Lipa Schmeltzer.

    There is also a Montreal pedophile Bill Surkis whose rabbi is talmid of R' Mottel Weinberg. He was head of Bnai Brith Quebec, the Montreal Holocaust Center & the Dean of John Abbott College.

    Bates Drive near the intersection of Horton Drive in Monsey.

    The initial investigation revealed that bus from Congregation Beth Rochel collided with the girl while the child was attempting to cross in front of the stopped school bus, to board the bus, Ramapo Police said.

    During the investigation, it was found the bus driver was apparently unaware of the child’s presence and began moving forward, according to police.

    While the bus was in motion, the safety bar affixed to the front of the bus continued to close, knocking the child to the ground, said police.

    The bus then continued to move forward driving over the child, according to police.

    The undercarriage of the bus did make contact with the child; however, at no time did the child get run over by the tires, police said.

    The bus driver, Gavriel Surkis, was cited for New York Vehicle and Traffic Law Section 1162 (unsafe starting).

  3. Baltimore-Born Nancy Patricia (Née D'Alesandro) Pelosi On Christopher Columbus Statue’s Removal in Baltimore: ‘If The Community Doesn’t Want The Statue There, The Statue Shouldn’t Be There!

    Pelosi is my hero! Columbus was a white supremacist and a reptile who surely did not discover America. Instead, that was the grandfather of George Floyd, he discovered this great land! Replace the statue of Columbus with that of GF’s grandfather!

  4. Reptile Reuben, wasn't George Floyd's grandfather the plantation master who owned George's great-grandmother?
