Thursday, July 23, 2020

As Israel Struggles Desperately, Aryeh Deri Opens Up Israel's Borders To Foreign Students Come September. Follow The Money!

Israel Isn't Prepared
for the Second Wave
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The second wave has completely devastated Israel and the government’s handling of the situation has been a subject of criticism. The state's contact tracing system is failing, their economic stimulus plan is inadequate, their healthcare system is overwhelmed, their food distribution efforts are insufficient, and the economy is in ruins after a long lockdown with another one around the corner. As a result, the number of Israelis facing economic hardship and can't provide food for their families is growing, rapidly.
Active Cases in Israel
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    19% of infections brought from outside the country, almost 1 in 5!

  2. Shmuel Kaminetzky12:26 PM, July 23, 2020

    The figures are noch nisht where I want to see them, ober tze fort oif a veg. Bifrat mein tayereh Nechemia Malinowitz tued oif being a nudnik at every branch of government to get infected Amerikanner & Eurpeyisher back into Eretz Yisroel, what Litzman couldn't tu oif.

    Laboratories across the U.S. are buckling under a surge of coronavirus tests, creating long processing delays that experts say are actually undercutting the pandemic response.

    Associated Fress newswire

    With the U.S. tally of infections at 3.9 million Wednesday and new cases surging, the bottlenecks are creating problems for workers kept off the job while awaiting results, nursing homes struggling to keep the virus out and for the labs themselves, dealing with a crushing workload.

    Some labs are taking weeks to return COVID-19 results, exacerbating fears that asymptomatic people could be spreading the virus if they don’t isolate while they wait.

    The testing lags in the U.S. come as the number of people confirmed to be infected globally passed a staggering 15 million on Wednesday, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University. The U.S. leads the world in cases as well as deaths, which stand at more than 142,000 nationwide. New York, once by far the U.S. leader in infections, has been surpassed by California

    Health experts assembled by the Rockefeller Foundation said last week that the U.S. should scale up to testing 30 million Americans per week by the fall, when school reopenings and flu season are expected to further exacerbate the virus’ spread. The group acknowledged that their figure will not be possible with the current laboratory-based testing system.

  3. Philly Brains Splatter12:37 PM, July 23, 2020

    Pinny Lipschutz is trumpeting & cheering in the Yated that the Agudah Fressers are still pursuing the overnight camp lawsuit vs Cuomo despite that the camps are now irrelevent, because they intend on repurposing the lawsuit in the middle of the trial to attempt to get yeshivos open. Read between the lines: this is in the hope that the Kaminetzkys can be goirem the infection of alla Yidden, even while Governors will be moving to shut all schools down again.


    District of Columbia Health Department Director Dr. LaQuandra Nesbitt says her office is particularly concerned with data that show most new infections aren’t coming from people already in quarantine or on the contact trace list of an infected person. That, she said, indicates a high level of wild community spread. Nesbit also said the percentage of people hospitalized who are under age 40 has nearly doubled in July.


    Don't look at me!


    Rav Berkovicz ztl was an ish tzaddik veyoshor. He was like an amoledik gadol that even goyim recognized the tzidkus in him.

    Although he once spoke at a Fresser convention, he was anything but a Fresser, not in selfishness & not in food. In fact, his topic when addressing the Agudah was to criticize gashmiyus & Fressing.

  6. Shmuel Kaminetzky gets results6:16 PM, July 23, 2020

    Two babies in Israel contracted a rare strain of bacterial meningitis in the past two weeks after the parents neglected to have them vaccinated.

    The babies were infected with the Haemophilus influenza b bacteria, which once was one of the most common causes of meningitis in Israel but has become extremely rare since babies began to be routinely vaccinated for it in the 1990s.

    The father of one of the sick babies told Channel 12 News: “We didn’t vaccinate our 8-month old twins because I was exposed to information that opposed vaccines. Now I’m sorry I didn’t vaccinate her. It wouldn’t have happened if she had been vaccinated.”
