Friday, July 17, 2020

This Is The Reason Boro Park 24 Gives For The Drug Overdose: "The non-Jewish men were employed at a Jewish camps that was forced to operate as a day camp because of Covid rules in New York. They took advantage of the children leaving on a trip and overdosed on the illegal substances. In Other Words, If This Was An Overnight Camp, These Guys Would Never Have Overdosed :-)

Workers at Jewish Day Camp in Serious Condition After Drug Intake

Kiamesha - Three workers at a Jewish day camp are in serious condition after they overdosed on drugs while the children were away from the grounds.

The non-Jewish men were employed at a Jewish camps that was forced to operate as a day camp because of Covid rules in New York. They took advantage of the children leaving on a trip and overdosed on the illegal substances.

Volunteers from the Catskills Hatzolah and other emergency first responders treated the three workers on scene and then transported them to a regional hospital.


  1. "They took advantage of the children leaving on a trip and overdosed on the illegal substances."

    In other words, they would not have overdosed if the children had been present in the camp.

  2. Fresser challenge to keep track of which Lies when3:51 PM, July 17, 2020

    Didn't the Fressers & their heimishe camp allies promise Cuomo & the public that there would be no camp trips so as to prevent community spread?

    And what's the story with Hecht suddenly moving the Chabadsker girls camp Emunah in the middle of the session? His excuses don't add up if you ask me.


    the FBI arrested this macher Dokter Rabbiner Yitzchok Barry Kurtzer in an early morning raid in Scranton which nebich left Rabbi Fine's shul without him to give the Yiddish version Daf Yomi.

    He owns homes in both Scranton & Monsey where he is neighbors with Pinny Lipschutz.

    The arrest was in a Scranton raid a week ago by the FBI & at least one other Federal agency. Yitz's wife was apparently hiding out in Monsey and negotiating her surrender to Federal agents. Maybe in the veiber section of the Philly hangout Rav Levitin's shul where he davens with Pinny.

    The Agudah must be proud of their foresight that they had appointed Kurtzer to give the ETHICS workshop at the Agudah Fresser Convention, filling the shoes of previous maggid shiur & ponzi scammer-moyser David Schick. And Kurtzer was the same year that the filthy goinev aniyim Willie Rapfogel & other lowlives were guest speakers.

    The Scranton Times adds that a sales rep for 2 of the labs massered on Yitz.

    I don't understand how the shvantz thought he could pay off and/or raise red flags in front of dozens of people and that no one would talk. There is being blinded by money and there is just plain retarded

    Yitz's shver was Dokter Rabbiner Joseph Goldberg, a Menahel in Chaim Berlin, Bais Yehuda Detroit & the Lower East Side Bais Yaakov.

    The shver's father was R' Kalman Goldberg, rov of a major shul on the Lower East Side who was talmid of the Alter fun Novardok.

    The crook's wife's uncle was R' Moshe Pivevoz who learned by Rav Schach in the Karliner yeshiva, escaped with the Mirrers to Shangchai & gave a shiur in Chasam Sofer (Lower East Side)

    Blue Ridge Cable's Channel 13 was told by an FBI agent that Yitz was bringing the shoichad couriers to take the money behind closed doors but when the pandemic hit he switched to bank wires & money transfer phone apps only as he didn't want to get infected.

    Isn't that interesting of the hypocrite?! Because Kurtzer was the shvantz medical doctor who signed off that the overnight summer camp owned by the Philly Agudah FRESSER Pechter is "safe". Kurtzer himself wont go near anyone but when FRESSERS pay him to say it's "safe" as part of their money grubbing schemes, then yes! Pechter (another Kurtzer-Lipschutz buddy at Levitin's) is otherwise known as the most shverra baal davar rosh yeshiva of this dor. And Pechter has three monstrous daughters who don't belong in the chinuch system where they have destroyed or tried to destroy many young innocent neshomos. What a family. Pechter is even mechuton with the gangster mashchiss Lippy Geldwerth.

  4. Eastern Parkway (before Rav Gustman moved Rameilles to Bnei Brak)
    Boca Raton

    Dokter Embezzler Rabbiner Yitz Kurtzer is son of Dokter Rabbiner Edward Kurtzer who oddly enough for the President of Rav Gustman's alumni association, makes his Headquarters & also gives Daf Yomi in the Far Left Boca outposts like the OU's "elite" Boca Raton Synagogue which harbors all kinds of infamous molesters.

    It turns out that Edward was also arrested as a child molester, while owner of a Sullivan County camp that sponged huge profits compliments of taxpayers to supposedly take care of young mentally retarded patients.

    If you click on "OCR" you can read the article without buying a subscription

    Edward & his shvogger Harold Levine were arrested for abusing the campers with electrified cattle prods.

    And they call Mendel Epstein "The Prodfather"?

  5. All of a sudden it became a bungalow colony with a day camp! Where's Neuhoff?

    "Three maintenance workers at a summer getaway overdosed in Kiamisha on Thursday afternoon.

    It happened just after 4:00PM at the Munkatcher Camp on Route 42, when the three men suffered a drug overdose.

    Catskills Hatzolah Paramedics was on the scene in minutes and began administering Narcan to all three victims. Two of the victims were in cardiac arrest. MobileMedics were requested to respond to assist Hatzolah with transporting the victims to the hospital.

    The Sullivan County Sheriff Department was on the scene investigating.

    The Chevra Kaddisha was not needed in this tragic incident.

    The camp is a bungalow colony with a day camp on premises."

  6. Bungalow Putz Tracker4:32 PM, July 17, 2020

    Not clear if Neuhoff could have conducted his survey there, depending.

    Because while Neuhoff is surely fluent in trailer trash dialect, I don't think he speaks Polish or Spanish.

    I'm guessing that Neuhoff's sidekick Gil Student however probably learned Spanish in high school. In fact, Bungalow Putz should have definitely dispatched Gilligan to the scene before it was too late. Gilligan could have covered up for the workers like he covered up for the drug addict Zuckerwar who was burglarizing shuls-yeshivos all over Boro Park & Flatbush. When the NYPD finally nailed Zuckerwar, he walked out of court laughing, scott free, because witness Gilligan Student sabotaged the prosecution when he refused to testify against him.

    Gilligan was really having a fit back then by the way when UOJ & friends called him out for it on the blog. He couldn't believe that UOJ found about it & exposed him.


    This summer camp took extraordinary covid-19 precautions. It still failed

    Kanakuk Kamps, a network of Christian camps in Missouri posted a 31-point program of pandemic precautions as summer approached. Despite those preparations, one of its camps, for teenagers, was hit by a major outbreak this summer. That failure, and others like it nationwide, is a warning sign for schools and colleges that hope to reopen this fall.

    The risk-benefit calculation for education is very different than, say, for filling football stadiums. But as Kanakuk’s cautionary tale makes clear, the risks can’t be minimized.

    One usually reads of the peril posed by “enclosed, poorly ventilated” settings. But Kanakuk’s website made it known that every cabin had been outfitted with filtration systems — “NASA developed units [that] provide multiple layers of active defense against airborne viruses and bacteria through active filtration, ionization that deactivates” impure elements. In addition, the camp said, its precautions included documented health screenings; daily temperature checks; highly qualified doctors and nurses; hand sanitizer in all buildings; limited access to camp grounds for outsiders; elaborate quarantine protocols; rigorous cleaning; and stringent limits on touching — even a ban on campers exchanging high-fives and holding hands while saying grace. Before camp started, campers and employees also had been urged to self-isolate for two weeks.

    None of it worked. On July 2, with the outbreak spreading out of control, Kanakuk’s camp was shut down. Missouri state health officials have since said that more than 80 campers, counselors and staff tested positive for covid-19, and camp officials told families that those infected should quarantine themselves for two weeks — presumably in homes where their parents and siblings will now be at risk.

    The Kanakuk camp is located in an area midway between Springfield, Mo., and Fayetteville, Ark., that had been lightly touched by the pandemic before the summer season. Campers and staff came from all over; it’s likely that one or more of them arrived infected with the coronavirus and were the vectors for contagion. What’s striking is how fast the disease spread, and how many were sickened.

    That could happen as easily at any school or college, where students, teachers and others attend class after having traveled over the summer, including to parts of the country where coronavirus cases are surging.

  8. It's a choshuva zach that the Agudah finally started listening to the rosh yeshiva to put Torah on par with Yoshke

    How a Christian Summer Camp Ended Up With 82 Cases of COVID

    "For us, the risk of COVID-19 versus the chance of the kids having more time with Jesus, it was hands down: the chance to have more of Jesus.”

    — Laura Hobbs, who sent her three children to Kanakuk


    Summer Camps Have Become a New Hotbed for COVID-19 Spread

    In St. Cloud, Florida, a city day camp shuttered operations this week after a staffer tested positive for COVID-19. In Plano, Texas, a day camp closed for the summer on Tuesday after four people—two staffers and two campers—tested positive for COVID-19.

    Other camps have opted to remain… let’s say... “optimistic.” In Manasquan, New Jersey, a day camp run by the city’s beach and recreation department “paused” operations after “several” workers (they have not made the exact number public) tested positive for COVID-19, with more test results from campers and staffers still pending. Two summer day camps in Sarasota County, Florida, closed for two weeks after a camper tested positive at one, while a staffer exhibited symptoms at another. Both are slated to reopen in late July. Three employees, including two counselors, tested positive for COVID-19 while working at a YMCA overnight camp in O’Fallon, Illinois; the camp plans to resume operations July 27.

    Then there are the bigger outbreaks that cast serious doubt on the idea that camps should be open at all this year. Eighty-two cases of COVID-19 have been linked to a single sleepaway camp in Lampe, Missouri, which shut down in early July after 41 people tested positive. According to NPR, campers and staffers who later tested positive headed home to “at least 10 states and to multiple counties in Missouri.” In Georgia, 85 confirmed cases in counselors and campers emerged from two separate YMCA overnight camps, since shut down; initial reports misstated the number of cases to somewhere around 30.

  10. I'm here!

    Rutland Town Selectboard Chair Josh Terenzini told VTDigger last week he hoped the state would not split the campers only to send them to different lodging facilities in town. He said that would be “counterproductive” because it could expose additional Rutland community members to out-of-state campers.

    Terenzini assumes the state permit will be granted, and he has continued to hear from concerned residents in Rutland who worry about the camp’s size and its potential to spread Covid-19.

    He’s frustrated, he said, that the state may allow the Holiday Inn to work around its initial violation of Gov. Phil Scott’s Covid-19 orders.

    “I know that I speak for many in our community who are disappointed with the state’s ruling on this, allowing it to stay a campground,” he said. “It’s purely from a standpoint of health and safety. Just south of us by 30 minutes, we’re seeing an influx of Covid-19 cases in Manchester, and we have a community that’s been very cautious and is very concerned about the virus and community spread amongst us.”

    He said he hopes his concerns are unwarranted, and emphasized his desire to see the same group return when the pandemic ends.

    Perlstein said he’s given out his phone number to many community members who are concerned about the camp. He said he hopes Terenzini will tell concerned residents to contact him.

    “I ask — I’m actually begging. If people are reaching out to you, give them my number,” Perlstein said. “Give them my email address. I will talk to them.”

  11. And here!,609369

    After obtaining a restraining order Wednesday in Superior Court against loud noise from a summer camp on the Southern Vermont College campus, the town was back in court Thursday seeking a contempt order following new complaints from residents.

    Attorney Merrill Bent representing the town, obtained a restraining order against director Moshe Perlstein & Zichron Chaim, based on documentation of numerous noise complaints from residents & notifications from police since the camp opened on July 5.

    Judge Cortland Corsones signed a restraining order Wednesday, barring noise audible from neighboring properties after 9 pm.

    However, police documented several new complaints of loud electronically amplified voices or music after 9 pm that night. The complaints came from residents living around the campus.

    Bent on Thursday filed requesting an order of contempt of court. She's requesting a hearing on that, prior to a hearing already scheduled for July 30 to consider the earlier request for injunctive relief.

    Perlstein, WHO COULD NOT BE REACHED FOR COMMENT, was personally served notice of the restraining 5 pm Wednesday, according to the town's filing for a contempt order.

    However, police received complaints at 9:27, 9:41, 9:47 & 10:03 p.m. from different residents. And decibel readings were taken from residences, ranging up to 52.4 decibels.

    "If the decibel readings from a distance are that high, then the source decibel level is significantly higher," Bent wrote. "DEFENDANT CONDUCT NOT ONLY DEMONSTRATES COMPLETE DISREGARD FOR NEIGHBORS, BUT NOW THIS COURT."

    Regardless if the decibels are above levels in the town noise ordinance, the judge had previously specified that the camp was restrained from "using or permitting sound devices audible from adjacent properties after 9 pm," Bent said.

    She added that the filing under a Vermont public nuisance statute, allows remedies beyond the fines in the noise ordinance.

    "There's no reason defendants need to project a loudspeaker late at night, disturbing numerous families & requiring multiple police officers to respond," Bent continued. "Defendants demonstrate that a court order is not enough to compel them to conform to legal & community standards."

    State Rep. Mary Morrissey, R-Bennington, said she continues to receive calls & emails about the noise since the camp opened on July 5.

    "It's sad the town had to go through the courts to resolve this," Morrissey said. "But this has been an ongoing issue."

    She added, "The director said they'd like to be good neighbors, but that probably isn't representing what a good neighbor should look like."

    Perlstein's lease agreement was to allow the 3 week Orthodox Jewish camp for girls from the New Jersey-New York City area.

    In addition, Perlstein said he plans a 3 week camp for boys to follow.

  12. Avi THE FERD Schick8:07 PM, July 17, 2020

    Oh come on, these stuffy old New Englanders can't put up with a bissel lebedikeit? R' Shmuel was just remarking to me that what's wrong with these increasingly unreasonable Amerikanner shkotzim? It's like they think they are entitled to quiet enjoyment or episs azoy.

    I can't wait to insert myself into the court proceedings. I am sure the Judge will be impressed with my legal prowess and how I chapp that it's the residents who just don't get it.
