Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Agudath Israel Reminds You How Important They Are To You! Give Them Your Money So They Can Replace Your Doctors With Their Deadly Medical Advice!

Mon, Aug 24 at 5:33 PM
The vital importance of Agudath Israel of America cannot be understated. Our future, just as our past and present, is ensured by the Agudah’s tireless efforts on the frontlines and behind the scenes.

As the Agudah is vital to you, in 1 week YOU ARE VITAL to the Agudah! Bez”H on Tuesday, September 1, the entire Agudah family will launch a national fundraising campaign, entitled YOU ARE VITAL.

For over 100 years, the Agudah's vital nature was felt, directly or indirectly, across all aspects of your Jewish life. The vital importance was especially acute during the pandemic, as all aspects of life-health, education, advocacy, work, community, religion, family-were suddenly upended.
More than the past and present, the Agudah is vital to our future. The Agudah’s increased vitality will ensure that each individual Jew in America and the collective family of Am Yisroel will have a vibrant tomorrow.


  1. Why does everyone make a big deal of that TU letter? At that point when schools throughout the country were open it didn’t seem negligent to keep yeshivos open even if it would have been smarter to close. There’s so much to write about why pick a thing that actually sounds normal.

  2. Agudah Fresser Papal infallibility Complex10:27 AM, August 25, 2020

    There they go again on a power trip that they are on the madraiga of Chazal that they can make a supernatural force protect us all from a pandemic if they just serve notice to the mazikim that they are on a holy mission.

    Where's Valdo? That really worked out well so far for the Novominsker, the Belzer and the 1000s of Yidden who expired when they ignored all the doctors begging to shut down the Purim mesibos.

    The two faced liars what they are! It boils down to whether the government forces a shutdown? Yeah, just like last time when they were pushing mosdos to remain open until the last possible second when already illegal but police were not yet arresting menahelim. And even after that point, Kaminetzky was pressuring everyone to open up again in secret.

  3. No fan must be thinking with his BUTT.

    It was absolutely negligent at that point. This blog previously brought a timeline of proofs.

  4. 1 - The frum doctors were pleading with them to close the yeshivas in February.
    2- They were advising all in a "psak Halacha" that if you feel well it is OK to carry on with Purim festivities.
    3- They waited until people started getting very ill to issue any directive on schools and shuls, ONLY, after NYS ordered them closed....and there is much more, not to forget the inherent danger of overnight camps they were pushing against the advice of the medical community as late as July. They are charlatans; including allowing a rabbi anti-vaxxer in their group of medical morons.

  5. Yeshivos currently being blindly led by Fresser poskim and the Agudah-TU quack "medical" board are inhospitable, even hostile to immunocompromised kids who cannot return to the classroom for Elul. To be clear, they act much worse to mishpochos who have no comorbidities who disagree with their philosophy for healthy people. But they are even sticking it to those who they know for certain are a few virus particles away from dying. Anything these tyrants say rings hollow from the sheker that it is!


    "Most importantly ... compromised ... should stay home" - Tell us about it! So that our Agudah-TU affiliated yeshivos will "show them" by purposely doing all kinds of nasty things to put them at a disadvantage while they reward parents who don't care about their children and do send them into harm's way. They are basically encouraging all the immunocompromised to report to the petri dish classrooms by dangling short lived rewards and by punishing those who don't participate in the death wish.

  6. Pechter, who they say is the most shverra baal davar rosh yeshiva of this dor, was afraid of being arrested so he eloped with the bochurim to out of State to form a "camp".


    He appointed Fresser Yitzchok Barry Kurtzer as medical director but Kurtzer was arrested by FBI the day after "camp" started. Kurtzer was previously giving the ETHICS workshop at the Agudah convention!

    Kurtzer's father Dr. Rabbi Edward Kurtzer once owned a real camp in the Catskills. Or at least until it was confiscated by the government when Edward & his shvogger were convicted of sexually molesting campers.

    Yitzchok Kurtzer's 1st cousin is Obama groupie Dan Kurtzer from Foggy Bottom.

    Dan's son is the koifer Yehuda Kurtzer, groupie of the bulvan David Hartman.

  7. I like the adjectives: Fresser, Bulvan, Koifer.

  8. https://nypost.com/2020/08/24/sheldon-silver-threatens-to-punch-post-photographer/

    Crooked ex-pol Sheldon Silver almost added assault to his criminal record on Monday evening — when he blew his stack at a Post photographer.

    The prison-bound former state Assembly speaker emerged from his apartment building on Manhattan’s Lower East Side shortly after 6 pm & recognized the shutterbug from past encounters.

    “Get away from me! You have enough photographs!” he said from behind a safety mask.

    The disgraced Democrat — who’s set to start serving a 6-1/2-year sentence for corruption on Wednesday — then balled up his plastic-gloved right hand into a fist & threatened to take a swing.

    “I’m gonna punch you in your mouth!” he said.

    “You have enough pictures! I’m gonna break your camera!”

    At that point, Silver’s son, Edward Silver, pulled up in a gray Toyota Camry and managed to pacify his pop.

    “Dad! Dad! Calm down!” Edward said.

    But Silver, 76, couldn’t resist getting in one last dig at the journalist — as well as New York’s favorite tabloid.

    “You’re a scumbag & the newspaper you work for!” he said while getting into the car.

    Despite the mistreatment, the photographer politely helped the aging felon shut the passenger-side door, prompting thanks from both father & son.

    The men drove away, only to return 25 minutes later, with Edward hopping into a parked Chrysler Sebring & pulling out of the space, and Silver maneuvering the Camry into it.

    Asked when he planned to leave for prison, Silver cryptically replied, “I left yesterday,” then went back into his building.

    Silver spent more than 5 years battling charges of fraud, extortion & money laundering following his blockbuster, 2015 arrest in a pair of schemes that netted him nearly $4 million in bribes & kickbacks.

    He avoided prison by appealing his jury conviction later that year, and again by mounting another appeal after he was convicted again in 2018.

    But justice was finally served when Manhattan federal Judge Valerie Caproni sentenced him for a third time last month & ordered him to report to prison despite defense claims that he could contract a deadly case of the coronavirus there.

    “This was corruption pure & simple,” Caproni said.

    “The time, however, has now come for Mr. Silver to pay the piper.”

  9. https://www.benningtonbanner.com/stories/assault-on-employee-reported-at-summer-camp,611808

    Police are investigating a report that an employee of a summer camp for youth operating at Southern Vermont College campus was assaulted by a visitor on Wednesday.

    The director Moshe Perlstein, said Wednesday that a woman grabbed the employee by the neck & shoved him in an "unprovoked attack."

    The employee, who was not identified, "was very shaken up," Perlstein said.

    Perlstein said the woman, a former SVC employee, had been on campus several times. He said that when she was told to leave, she began "screaming insults," and assaulted the camp employee.

    Bennington Police Chief Paul Doucette said he's aware of the incident. He said that "numerous statements were gathered as well as video footage." The case has been referred to the Bennington County State's Attorney's Office for possible criminal charges, he said.


    The state will not file criminal charges in Wednesday's reported assault at the youth summer camp operating on Southern Vermont College campus, the Bennington County State's Attorney said Thursday.

    The director Moshe Perlstein, had accused a female visitor of an unprovoked attack. He said the woman grabbed a male camp employee by the neck & shoved him, leaving him shaken up.

    Bennington police said they investigated the incident, conducting interviews & gathering video footage. The police then forwarded the case to prosecutors for possible criminal charges.

    State's attorney Erica Marthage said Thursday she's declining to prosecute after reviewing the case. She didn't provide an explanation for her decision.

    Approximately 350 Orthodox Jewish teens & staff from NJ-NY have been staying in campus buildings as part of camp. Perlstein said the camp is "winding down," with few campers remaining.

    Reached for comment, Perlstein said the camp would explore other options to move forward.

  10. https://forward.com/news/national/453035/some-of-las-orthodox-day-schools-set-to-reopenas-camps/

    I should get royalties that the Modern Orthos in LA are copying my trickery to put different titles on the same old operations.

  11. Young people like me don’t trust anyone like Paul Mendlowitz who uses periods because only old people or troubled souls put periods at the end of every sentence!


  12. Plenty of non Jewish doctors said Purim was fine and there wasn’t a need to cancel school. And ironically most sleepaway camps were fine but many day camps were not. Not saying the rabbis were right as we see that they were not the question is if they were negligent which they were also not

  13. the mishpooche is reference to the psychotic OU mashgiach Yanky Ribowsky whose convicted embezzler father is mechuton of molester Ephraim Bryks. He hangs out day & night on Yudelstake bashing UOJ, Rabbi Shain himself and countless others, mostly on account that they've been critical of any molester or crook. Ribowsky was already banned from Google+ for his childish tirades that are mostly pure slander.

    Whenever you corner Ribowsky with irrefutable logic, the most toned down retort you can get out of him is that people like UOJ 'pick n choose' non-normative gedolim to back the agenda (which is also a lie as all the biggest poskim have ruled to report molesters to police)


    Shafran is not the only one who has a sick agenda behind every weird statement he makes.

    The gantze extended mishpooche of molester Bryks (who knows Shafran from Ner Yisroel) are even more out of control.


    The molester's father Lejzor Bryks was also a molester who was meabed atzmo al hadaas when he was nailed for a fraud scandal


    He was the kashrus administrator in Denver & head of both the regular vaad + the one intermingled with the Reform-Conservative koifrim


    When the gedolim poskened that vaaden with koifrim should be disbanded, arrogant ferd Bryks gave them the middle finger, announcing publicly that he a Denver rabbi doesn't have to be goress gedolim from the East Coast

    Isn't that interesting considering the extended mishpoochenik has announced here several times that things even much less than this constitute apikorsis!

    Everything about Bryks in fact was a slap in the face to the gedolim, including in the dor before that. He was a talmid of Novardok's yeshiva in Pinsk and had semicha from the Brisker Dayan R' Zelig, yet he joined the Mizrachi party.

    So here is a mishpooche who 'pick n choose' whatever the heck they want to do, including apikorsis. Meanwhile they scream that anyone against them are the apikorsim!


  14. Must be the wrong time of the month for Hannah Frishberg & Victoria Turk; are they due for their periods?

  15. https://nypost.com/2020/08/25/antisocial-traits-linked-to-lower-coronavirus-safety-adherence-researchers-say/

    University researchers mechaven to gedolei Eretz Yisroel who wrote the same thing with a different choice of words that was actually even more shtark than this. Chaval that a tiny nutjob minority has hijacked the entire Agudah-Torah Umesorah and anywhere else they have managed to pull this con job.

  16. https://nypost.com/2020/08/25/golden-state-killer-lied-in-court-about-being-feeble-old-man-video/

    This is just a new snif of Cancel Culture.

    UOJ & Ben Hirsch started a whole campaign mocking me for calling myself too old to corral Kolko when I was at age 50.

    Now every poor elderly shmageggy is going to be second guessed by cheeky smart alecs.

  17. Bobov First Major Kehilla to Warn of New Covid Cases


  18. Shnorrers with Gall12:22 AM, August 26, 2020

    The Agudah Fressers have just launched a mass shnorring campaign for their *camp* in Northern Ontario as if it's a tzedoka instead of a money making racket that fleeces families while taking advantage of the kids. This place is somewhat abusive and extremely stingy to the detriment of campers. They are using a guilt trip in the campaign that a rebbi in Scranton who used to summer there was niftar this past year. I'd love to be mefarsem a scam the camp has been pulling but it might make me a target of suspicion when they try to figure out who spilled the beans.

  19. Pandemic for Dummies12:34 AM, August 26, 2020

    To easily refute the Town Crier who doesn't know his head from his foot:

    "Plenty of non Jewish doctors said Purim was fine and there wasn’t a need to cancel school."

    You will always find morons in every field that even a small percentage constitutes 'plenty'. It was just before Purim that the vast majority of doctors realized any crowds are a disaster in the making.

    "And ironically most sleepaway camps were fine but many day camps were not."

    Don't comment on things you know NOTHING about. There have been rampant cover ups at both types of camps. Most camps never opened to begin with except for very frum ones in different religions. And they all had many reasons to cover up, the least of them being proven wrong and reckless. Some are even davka trying to infect everyone which goes hand in hand with their snowball method propaganda against vaccines to paraphrase from Orwell's Animal Farm.

    "the rabbis ... if they were negligent ... not"

    Exactly what planet have you been on since Purim? Sheesh!

  20. Before zusha made his concert in crown heights on Purim he asked the CDC who told him not to worry! You can double check that out through many sources. Obviously that was a mistake but you can’t blame Rabbis for everything. And you are WRONG about sleepaway camps. The couple of ones that had problems were camps where kids came from all over and were not careful they were negative before they camp. All the other camps were fine but you’re used to saying rabbis cover up everything so you think they did it this time too.

  21. Pandemic for Dummies12:26 PM, August 26, 2020

    The CDC is a political entity that is conflicted. They are pressured by Trump to put the economy ahead of public health. And they have other agendas that are politically correct. NJ Gov. Murphy admitted that to do what's best for Shvartza kids who don't have an option to stay home like wealthier kids of other races who have a family structure without beatings from mamma's boyfriend, they will put EVERYONE in harm's way in keeping everything open outside the house.

    Idiot! How do you know which camps had virus outbreak when it was not in the newspapers and you don't have inside information? You are even CLUELESS about the reported ones, you obviously don't know how to track down published reports as even those reported were certainly more than a "couple".

    You are obviously used to saying that rabbis don't cover up, despite what the facts are. So take your juvenile propaganda with you and take a hike!

  22. When you don’t like what we say you claim it’s politics but when you want to get ppl to listen you quote the CDC and btw we do know which camps had issues and which didn’t so keep your fake overblown facts to yourself.
