Friday, August 14, 2020

Why do people distrust vaccines? "The Local Religious Leaders"......

Anthropologist Heidi Larson explores how medical rumors originate, spread and fuel resistance to vaccines worldwide. While vaccines cannot escape the "political and social turbulence" that surrounds them, she says, the first step to stopping the spread of disease is to talk to people, listen and build trust.



    The camp operating on Southern Vermont College has been fined $1,600 over multiple nighttime noise complaints, but a forced shutdown of the camp was rejected by Judge Cortland Corsones in Bennington Superior Court.

    The judge also ruled camp operators "may purge themselves of contempt by full compliance with his injunction between now & the closing of camp on Sept. 1."

    The town, which had sued director Moshe Perlstein & Camp Southern Vermont LLC, after multiple noise complaints from neighbors, also was awarded legal costs, pending approval of the amount.

    Following a hearing Wednesday, attorney Merrill Bent, representing the town, had asked for fines, punitive penalties over the repeated complaints & court order violations and asked that further use for a camp be prohibited & that the site be vacated within 72 hours.

    The judge agreed with the town that the camp clearly violated court orders on at least 4 occasions. Although the court held the defendants in contempt, the penalty was de minimus [minimal]. It remains to be seen whether the camp will follow through on the director's promise to reduce noise complaints to zero. New violations will result in further action through the court.

    In his decision, Corsones also wrote: "While defendants made efforts to comply with the court, their violations have been willful & occurred soon after each order was issued. In addition, the town made many attempts through police to warn against ongoing violations, which were not taken to heart by defendants. Finally, defendants actions had a significant effect on quality of life of neighbors."

    Perlstein said, "This is a tremendous victory that the judge realized how hard we're trying".

    Perlstein noted a major effect of the COVID epidemic has been neighbors were homebound & hearing noise from the camp.

    He said his goal is to build a positive relationship with the community through annual camps at the site.

    Perlstein said he still intends to purchase the campus. The real estate & assets are however likely to be involved in Chapter 7 proceedings before the property can be sold.

    Dispersal of property was halted over concerns there might be uninsured liabilities as a camp was in progress on site. It's expected the college will again be placed in Chapter 7 once camp ends.

  2. It would have been a lot more "fun" if the Fressers had used this Perlstein putz to take on Albany,611123

    This is a response to Moshe Perlstein's letter to Bennington.

    Mr. Perlstein, I'd like to respond to your "open letter to the Bennington community" if I may

    In your letter, you mentioned about Ms. Bent, "If she were really interested in resolving this issue, she would work with us to create a plan."

    The Town of Bennington did work with you to attempt to "resolve this issue" by agreeing to meet prior to the 1st court date & hammering out a noise abatement agreement eliminating amplified sound systems & limiting noise to certain times. The noise continued, as did immense traffic in/out of the camp, and numerous complaints were filed. In a conversation with Lt. Grande of Bennington Police, I found out public records indicate 56 complaints filed with his department since July 1, half of which were filed after the noise abatement stipulation on July 22. I repeat: AFTER the stipulation was signed.

    I know the Fire Department has been called up to the camp on multiple occasions — once when a camper caused water damage by tampering with a sprinkler head & very recently to evacuate a dorm because of a fire alarm triggered falsely. I can only assume it was false as there was no fire.

    You said, "I'm appalled at this complete lack of sensitivity displayed to blameless children," yet you had these children bused off — and more children back on — very late at night. How is that not a "complete lack of sensitivity" as well?

    Several times you mentioned your desire to "be a good neighbor & to cooperate" — but then you close off the popular BATS trails & SVC Fieldhouse parking. You agree to stop using the PA system, then you use amplified megaphones instead. You agree to comply with sound reduction, but the PD still has to respond to multiple complaints from townsfolk. Please explain what about that is cooperative & neighborly?

    You mentioned to several people in town that the majority of complaints have been from a "small group of disgruntled neighbors." After my conversation with Lt. Grande, I can safely say this simply isn't true — unless your definition of a "small group" is dozens of people, some of whom live over a mile from the camp. I don't appreciate the implication that if we weren't complaining about the noise, trash, etc., the town would happily greet you with open arms. I know this issue runs far deeper than "a few disgruntled neighbors."

    Wayn Goodman,



    Meshichist nut starts a new summer camp on a Kentucky farm B&B, says in the interview yes there is a pandemic ober der Rebbe vet helfen ...

  4. Shmuel Kaminetzky1:51 PM, August 14, 2020

    Well, these Meshichist Chabadskers are fort not idolizing me, but as long as they are spreading the virus I'll take it.


    Run by the Metzgers & Pinters

    "Due to Covid-19, we will be following all CDC and DOH safety guidelines."

    (An "Energizer Ganav" type statement in the style of Leib Pinter, not to be taken literally)

    Check out how the boys are crammed into a tight indoor space in the hundreds - with not a single mask - like sardines, to sing & shout which has the same virus output as coughing & sneezing


    The forced closure of several Jewish businesses by village officials has stoked tensions between year round residents & seasonals and prompted intervention by state officials.

    Fleischmanns Mayor Fred Woller received many complaints from residents about Avi Mendlovic, Brooklyn native & Fleischmanns seasonal business owner.

    “He’s running an illegal camp,” Woller said.

    Noting the Mendlovic family long history as hoteliers, Woller observed “there’s more students this year, not many families. The state banned overnight camps. This is his way of getting around it. He’s lying & saying their parents are there.”

    Following multiple businesses in Delaware & Sullivan counties in violation of state law, the Health Dept issued 6 cease & desist orders. The Department seeks all legal options to protect the community during this unprecedented pandemic.

    In a Monday email to residents, Woller acknowledged “there's much frustration & worry. It takes just one person not caring to throw a wrench in the gears. It's a major challenge.”

    Woller announced closure of the Palace Hotel, Flagstone Motel, Oppenheimers Regis Hotel, Fleischmanns Kosher Deli & the yeshiva, all owned by Orthodox Jews, the majority of seasonal residents.

    “That's difficult,” Woller told The Daily Star. “It seems we’re against them, but we’re not.”

    “There are people here who are devout. They follow rules,” he said, praising the yeshiva & Regis Hotel for complying immediately with state guidelines.

    Bright yellow Danger signs on 3 Mendlovic businesses — the kosher deli, Flagstone Inn & Palace Hotel — proclaim the structures unsafe for use & unlawful to enter by authority of town of Middletown & village of Fleischmanns.

    Despite an explicit sign declaring any person removing it will be prosecuted, the one posted to the deli had been removed Monday, when a steady flow of patrons could be seen entering & exiting, grocery bags in hand.

    Chris Plant, Margaretville code officer & contractor for Mendlovic, claimed the documents were invalid because they were issued “in an unauthorized inspection & no legal explanation was provided. It’s a piece of paper. The building's fine.”

    As Woller approached Monday, camera in hand to document the violation, Abe Mendlovic, Avi’s son, rushed out, bellowing the mayor's an anti-Semite & demanding he don a mask.

    He decried the mayor’s double standard to masks & parking, showing a photo of Woller’s truck parked on the curb.

    Abe recorded Woller’s every step while his father rolled up sleeves of his shirt & bounced on his feet, lunging as if preparing to swing fists.

    Woller denied anti-Semitism. “That was years ago. It’s all about him. He cries prejudice. I grew up Jewish — I believe in the rules.”

    Mendlovic issued a no-trespass for Woller & other officials, unless authorized, citing “a constant barrage from all aspects of the village.”

    Plant said the businesses had been in absence of guidelines from the state until an update for overnight camps was issued.

    “It wasn’t clear if a hotel can do what they do,” he said.

    Asked directly if he operates a camp, legal or illegal, Avi was interrupted by Plant, who said: “Mendlovic doesn't own a camp. He does own a large portion of village of Fleischmanns. That’s why he’s under constant scrutiny.”

    Prior to the village of Margaretville, Plant served as code officer for town of Middletown & village of Fleischmanns.

    Plant said he left on good terms & “was definitely not let go.”

    Woller said Plant was fired for reasons he won't disclose, stating only that officials weren’t happy with his relationship with Mendlovic.

    “We’re here for 28 years. We support everybody,” Abe said. “We hire people from here.”

    “He has no heart; no soul,” Woller said. “He’s all about money.”

  7. Where's the little big mouth Agudah Fresser Ralph Zucker when you need him? He only plays cover up for Mintz and not Mendlovic?


    Despite orders from the state to empty hotels & camps cited for violating COVID guidelines by Friday evening, the village seasonal population remained intact Monday, according to officials.

    The State Dept of Health issued cease & desists earlier this month to 6 village businesses.

    Flagstone Motel & Palace Hotel, both owned by Avi Mendlovic, were among 5 businesses operating as overnight camps outside parameters of state COVID guidelines.

    “The motels might be empty, but he put them in other houses,” said Fleischmanns Mayor Fred Woller. “Someone can rent a house & fill it with as many people as they want & claim it’s family. There’s nothing stopping him.”

    “They closed the buildings & dispersed them throughout the village,” said code officer Hiram Davis. “It doesn’t resolve the issue; it makes it harder for us to deal with.”

    The mayor witnessed several people “scrambling” throughout the village with suitcases & bags of clothes as the deadline approached Friday evening.

    Oppenheimer’s Regis Hotel & Yeshiva Metzyoonim Dsatmar, which is split between a camp facility & the former Fleischmanns school, were issued cease & desists July 10, Davis said, but the owners of each complied immediately.

    Oppenheimers never intended to run a camp — it was just when the new COVID guidelines came out that they had a problem.

    “We did everything in good faith, the way the rules were written,” said Maurice Oppenheimer, hotel owner from New Jersey.

    Following a meeting with Woller & Ed Bartos, state regional environmental health director for Oneonta district, Davis posted Danger signs on Mendlovic properties, proclaiming the structures “unsafe for use” & “unlawful for any person to enter.”

    Despite an explicit statement on the sign that “any unauthorized person” removing it will be prosecuted, the one posted to Fleischmanns Kosher Deli — owned by Mendlovic — was removed that afternoon, when a steady flow of patrons could be seen entering & exiting.

    Davis said Mendlovic had since submitted proper paperwork to operate the deli under state COVID guidelines, but “it doesn’t make it right that they removed the signs.”

    Chris Plant, Margaretville code officer & contractor for Mendlovic, claimed the documents were invalid.

    “He was out of bounds — he has no jurisdiction in Fleischmanns,” Davis said of Plant’s involvement.

    Davis said he & Bartos met with Oppenheimer to get the hotel back up & running in compliance with local & state guidelines.

    “Everything seemed OK,” Oppenheimer said of the meeting & subsequent inspection.

    “If they work with us, we can help them get back to operating legally,” Davis said of the Mendlovics.

    The New York State Dept of Health did not respond to requests for comment

  9. residents filing complaints get anonymous, threatening phone calls

    After state officials ordered closure of Jewish hotels & camps for violating COVID guidelines, dozens of additional visitors arrived in the village, according to Mayor Fred Woller.

    “Busloads of students just pulled up at the yeshiva,” Woller wrote to community members. “I'm frustrated beyond the edge.”

    Another busload arrived Tuesday, according to Janet Becker, resident.

    “We expect them, but this summer's different. They’re not protecting us if carrying the virus. The rest of us don’t want to be infected.”

    Becker, who's blind as the result of autoimmune disease that left her compromised, said “the last thing I want is COVID. I’m cautious; I don’t go to the supermarket. I can’t walk my seeing-eye dog without someone else because I can’t see who’s without a mask.”

    Becker observed an influx of 14+ year olds throughout the village & suspected it's Timber Lake Camp in Shandaken, known to host large populations of Jewish campers.

    “They argue gatherings are part of religious instruction, but they do all things a camper would, including basketball. Why are they different than any other kid? Why are they above the law?”

    The State Dept of Health issued cease & desists to 6 village businesses after finding them in violation, but Woller & other officials suspect hundreds of hotel occupants were dispersed among private residences.

    Woller met with state officials after the latest wave of visitors.

    “DOH will hold all camp operators accountable,” reps said. “As these are active investigations, we can't comment.”

    Marilyn Ringel's residence is “right in the middle. I see the show unraveling. I’d call it a circus, but a circus is organized. This is very unorganized chaos. Me & my neighbors just want a healthy community.”

    Ringel witnessed boys going in rooms at Flagstone with flashlights & driven to houses in the middle of the night.

    State Police responded to a late night campfire in the parking lot of Flagstone, she said.

    Flagstone has been site of multiple complaints, according to Troop C Info Officer Aga Dembinska.

    On July 18, troopers responded to children playing basketball without masks. With no power to enforce state regs, troopers reported the incident to the village & the state health dept.

    “We respond to any complaint, but we can only educate,” Dembinska said, adding a disorderly conduct citation could be issued if someone “adamantly doesn't wear a mask.”

    Troopers respond to complaints about chanting & singing, which disperse before their arrival.

    On July 12, troopers spoke with the director of a camp who informed them of a “no mask, no entry” policy, Dembinska said. “We didn’t see anybody not wearing a mask, but that doesn’t mean they didn’t just put one on when they saw us pull up.”

    Becker said Mendlovic’s son Abe called her an “anti-Semitic Jew” in response to speaking up about COVID transgressions.

    “This has nothing to do with anti-Semitism. I’m Jewish, but I don’t practice the level they do. They’re lovely. They have every right to be here. I don’t agree with them because of COVID.”

    Victoria Szerko, resident, said she & her friends receive threatening, anonymous calls with ominous messages such as “what goes around, comes around.”

    “People feel emboldened if there are no consequences. Mendlovic is untouchable.”

    Szerko is concerned for her 77 year old husband with pulmonary disease & lupus.

    “People walk around not wearing masks. The visitors seem to not care,” Szerko continued, citing complaints about noise & garbage in the streets. “It’s disconcerting people aren't following the law.”

    “The law applies to everybody. No one’s picking on anybody,” Ringel said. “Most are on the same page. We don’t want others getting sick. I can't wait for summer to be over.”

  10. Agudah Fresser Way or the Highway12:11 PM, August 17, 2020

    Will the Philly-led Agudah Fressers ever learn?

    Telz-Chicago rosh yeshiva & Moetzes member R' Chaim Dov Keller has dropped dead from the virus and the Pittsburgher Rebbe is in the ICU.

    Meanwhile the Fressers are sticking their noses into the affairs of many more yeshivos than usual with their modern orthodox quack doctor Daniel Berman to make life miserable for mishpochos who won't send their kids back in 2 weeks to crowded classrooms. They plan to violate laws while causing politically-motivated harm (besides virus harm) to whoever doesn't submit like lemmelach to their death wishes.

    Berman is grada not only the Fresser apologist for pro-virus & anti-vaxx, but he was first discovered by Satmar & made as their tool to cover up mohelim giving deadly viruses to infants b'oyfan which was already assered in the Heim by R' Chaim Brisker & R' Chaim Oizer. But some ignorant chassidishe make an incorrect diyuk in the Chasam Sofer to justify killing babies. And some corrupt doctors will say anything as long as they are compensated. Are the hospitals & universities giving Berman his fancy titles aware of his murderous moonlighting?


    10 COVID-19 cases have been reported to the state health department associated with Camp Judson, state epidemiologist Derrick Haskins said in an email to the Journal on Sunday.

    In a press release, the Christian summer youth camp said the cases came from the senior high camp, which was held July 12-18.

    Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Camp Judson said they believe "camp is important enough to the spiritual, emotional, mental and physical well-being of people that we needed to give them the option to attend camp."

    The First Baptist Church in Sioux Falls, which has ties to Camp Judson, reported on its Facebook page on Thursday that three campers, three counselors and the camp director had tested positive for COVID-19.

  12. Well, they come from Esav who was fort a Rebbe with chassidim and he Fressed the same way you will find by the Agudah Conventions today

    Don't try to downplay their lofty accomplishment as just a week later Camp Judson was up to 96 infected!


    Michael Leon, who lives in Woodmere where the largest initial outbreak of Cobid-19 took place in the Five Towns posted on Facebook. “This is outrageous. Camp Shoresh apparently knew campers were displaying symptoms and did not have the courtesy to have them tested.” Leon went on to write that, “unfortunately some people in this community just do not take this issue seriously enough.”

    On Camp Shoresh’s website there is a six-page listing of its Covid-19 protocols. According to its mission it is, "a camp for teenage boys, focused on helping mold well rounded Bnei-Torah and athletes." The goal, camp officials stated on the site is to teach the fundamentals of several sports through daily clinics, leagues, and intercamps with role models and teachers. The camp aims to combine Torah, sports and fun trips and activities designed to ensure an "incredible summer experience" for the campers.

    As of press time calls to the camp for comment were not returned.


    100s of children packed in buses & brought to 6+ Jewish camps in Ulster County, triggered a battle with officials who asked a judge to shut the facilities allegedly violating zoning & COVID restrictions.

    The 6 camps & at least one operated as a school, are in Wawarsing, at the base of the Catskills.

    The town also received reports buses drive campers from Brooklyn to neighboring Sullivan Co. at night, to stay at other camps.

    Jeff Kaplan, attorney who reps the camps, said 2 camps don't host children. Rather, families stay on site.

    Kaplan said town enforcement wander from one issue to another, after it's clear children don't stay overnight.

    "The town goal was whether authorized by the state or not, they don’t want camps. Town officials grasp for areas not part of the allegations."

    After police responded to the large camp, Rav Tov in Wawarsing, Phil Mattracion, police chief in Ellenville, wrote Wawarsing Supervisor Terry Houck describing the scene.

    "Upon arrival I observe numerous buses dropping off 100s. People walk in large groups off buses filled to capacity. No one had masks or social distanced. When the pandemic takes hold & we have executive orders, the camp put 100s lives at stake, and the safety of this community."

    Mattracion said a rabbi assured him they follow DOH guidelines & take temperatures. The chief responded to assist State Police after a motorist complained a bus forced him off the road & that the town asked him to document what he saw.

    Houck declined comment on litigation & enforcement, but said the town's concerned about safety of all visitors & residents.

    John Bailey, attorney for the town, said code officers were denied access to the camps so they obtained a court order. They found inoperable smoke detectors, stove without exhaust & barricaded doors.

    "It's clear they operate overnight camps, permitted or not. Kaplan admits to the Times Union there are people sleeping in camps. It's clear there are many 100s of children ferried around jam packed buses without distancing & masks. The town hasn't been provided their plan."

    Code officers have difficulty investigating because operators prevent them from entering or only consent if given a day's notice.

    It's unclear how many people stay overnight.

    Camp operators waged a counterattack, obtaining temporary residence permits from the County. And a group representing many camps filed a federal suit challenging Cuomo. The lawsuit is pending.

    In a parallel battle, Wawarsing filed in state Supreme Court asking a judge to order the camps shut down, alleging violation of zoning & state virus orders.

    The town argues facilities permitted as "overnight" violate permits by hosting day camps with 100s of children bused each day, and failure to follow distancing & other requirements.

    The camps obtain temporary residence permits from the County & assert permits allow them to operate. But Kaplan, who's also mayor of Ellenville, said the permits were used at camps where parents & children stay in bungalows.

    The town contends temporary residence use "must be a permitted use for the District in which located & the owner must receive approvals + COs & permits." That hasn't been done.

    The petition includes an affidavit from Arkady Aleksandryants, neighbor of Rav Tov, who said camp buses park illegally on his property & he's observed 100s of children & buses loaded.

    "I observe children not wearing masks & not any distancing," Aleksandryants said.

    Agudath Israel's Assoc. of Jewish Camps didn't respond to request for comment. State DOH couldn't be reached.

    With courts slowed due to the pandemic, it's possible a permanent injunction shutting down the camps may not be resolved before they close for the season.
