Monday, October 19, 2020

Agudath Israel To Governor Cuomo: In Our Shuls There Iz Problem....


Agudah Chorus: We throw our Jews down the well,

by telling you to go to hell,
so our shuls can be free
to make big  funeral "pardee"

We can not go to shul to shmooze,
 we miss the kiddush clubs and all the booze,
The dead Jews are not our problem
most never pay their dues,
This year cuz of you we can not make tenksgiving party,
oy vey, what to do?

 Agudah Chorus : Governor - In our shuls there iz problem,
we will tell you to go to hell,
So we can go to shul
and drop dead, because we are fools

Give us more reasons to sue,
so we can pray together not to lose,
 as we gather our idiot flock,
all around the Boro Park block,
so we give people around the world more reason to hate the Jew...

Agudah Chorus : Governor - In our shuls there iz problem,
we will tell you to go to hell,
So we can go to shul
and drop dead, because we are fools


  1. Margo for make benefit glorious Kolko of Moleststan

    Yudi protector of boys up da ante on da hush gelt. He vant private island like Jeffrey Epstein, protector of girls.

  2. Fresser Way or the Highway2:39 PM, October 19, 2020

    The anti-vaxx / pro-virus reshoyim arurim controlling Agudah-TU did not disappoint after signaling their intentions to gantz Fresserville to all get together on making life miserable for the remote students. And there's no time like now with the virus spread raging out of control for them to put on an even harder squeeze, trying to force immunocompromised kids back into the incubator classrooms.

    They keep making it the kids more & more shorthanded so that it's almost impossible to prepare for tests & submit homework. They even obstruct the audio hookups. And if you complain, YOU are the troublemaker, the bad guy.

    Sholom Kaminetzky might be in need of a bodyguard again like after the Gaavad of the Edah was machriz the oylam should try to stop his mamzerus pay-for-play scheme. There are some pretty upset fathers right now and they know many of the names on the list of instigators.

  3. Listening on Hamodia / Shmeckelstein's YWN to the recording of Yankel Bender shmoozing with Gov. Cuomo, I didn't know that Bender can be such a baal mechanef. But Bender is still a sad sack how he was

    I didn't know until now that the block by block micro-cluster strategy was the Gov's way to be mefayess the Yidden. So now I am infuriated that the Fresser kefuyei tov are still lashing out with insults even after that.

    Bender, just like Duvid Niederman, begged for a special favor exemption. Cuomo said no exceptions to the law. Bender couldn't stop bellyaching the whole phone call that he thinks the law is worse than unfair, he meant the word 'tyrannical' without saying it.

    Bender kept lying through his teeth, which I don't think Cuomo fell for it, saying in a matter of words that it was the Amnon's Pizza 3 am crowd tzuzamen mit Tischler insulting him, not the Fressers who have the greatest respect for him, and the Hassidim too who are also Cuomo groupies. I think Cuomo knows enough to recognize that farkert, it's high ranking Fressers insulting him the whole time out loud, who were even using Tischler as a proxy. Though Cuomo may not be aware that a vicious letter attacking him were a bunch of Satmar rabbonim who altered their titles.

    At one point because Bender could not completely ignore Fresser frasks in the Gov's punim if he wanted to have even an iota of credibility, he offered a lame non-apology for the Fresser lawsuits with the pathetic excuse the Fressers 'wanted' to talk to him instead of suing, but "didn't have time", so they were muchrach to launch an assault of multiple lawsuits with zero warning. Yankel, do yourself a favor & stop being mevazeh yourself!

    Bender's biggest howler lie was that of 3000 people in his yeshiva, not a single mishpocho is anti-Cuomo and that if he ever heard a parent say one negative thing about the Gov, their kids would be immediately expelled. Who is Bender kidding with all kinds of Fressers on the record publicly lashing out with personal anti-Cuomo insults - whose kids are in his yeshiva Darchei Torah???!!!!

    Bender Resign! And not just your Agudah Fresser membership either!


    Now the Fressers are pulling on Bibi what they did to Cuomo. Personally, I don't buy the other part of this conspiracy theory that Bibi has been setting up the frumma the whole time to be the fall guys.

  5. Agudah Fresser Papal infallibility Complex8:11 PM, October 19, 2020

    Health Minister Yuli Edelstein admits authorities fall short to keep Haredi yeshivas from opening illegally, now 2nd day in Jerusalem, Elad & other Haredi areas.

    “Enforcement isn't good. I hope tomorrow it'll be serious. I'll do what I can to step enforcement up. Not with threats, but we need all tools at our disposal to make it stop.

    “If they're fined tomorrow & the next day, after 3 days they get the message.”

    Police don't say how many fines they imposed for illegal openings. Stats on their website show few fines for anything but masks.

    Police will use kid glove enforcement vs openings amid fear of mass unrest & optics to have police remove kids. Govt leaders spoke against the openings, but are in talks with Haredim for a compromise.

    In some Haredi areas, officials back yeshivas that open illegally. Gedalya BenShimon, Bnei Brak deputy Mayor, said his municipality will not enforce the law.

    “I don’t speak vs rabbis decisions,” he told Kan. “The rules are flouted throughout the country. Haredim are pushed to the limit.

    “I don't believe in red, yellow, etc,” a system of each neighborhood designated color-code as per infections.

    MK Pindrus of UTJ-Agudah on Army Radio: “I expect understanding that it's a legitimate opinion. When a business owner from Jaffa shouts he'll open in defiance of the law, he's interviewed with much empathy. That’s not the case for us.”

    But Deputy Interior Minister Yoav BenTzur of Shas argues violations are only committed at the margins of the Haredi community.

    “Haredim must adhere to the rules,” he told Radio Tzafon. “We painfully close yeshivot & shuls in accordance with great rabbis. The media always seize the margins to showcase as Haredi mainstream.”

    UTJ-Agudah's Moshe Gafni “made clear” to Netanyahu his respect for Kanievsky’s demand Haredi children be back at school, despite that the education system is a major contributor to spread of the virus.

    Kanievsky is revered. His wavering on seriousness of the virus is blamed for mass noncompliance of Haredim. Frail from the virus himself, the rabbi, 92, issues opinions via aides who speak on his behalf, if they are his opinions instead of aides opinions.

  6. Confused Fresser? Does he think he's attacking Cuomo? Or is everyone rightly concerned now given a din of Cuomo?

    “Ronni Gamzu doesn’t make decisions based on the number of sick people, but rather only if they’re Haredi,” said UTJ-Agudah MK Moshe Gafni, accusing Israel's virus czar of “doing calculations in his head in the dead of the night how to put Haredim in lockdown.”

    “I urge the prime minister to stop the activities of this man, immediately,” added Gafni.

  7. Twistleton Stompleton11:09 PM, October 19, 2020

    "Sholom Kaminetzky might be in need of a bodyguard again"

    Right after Sholom & his father - altz the mamzerus scam - were publicly trashed & warned by both factions in the Edah Charedis, the old school ones & the violent Sikrik crazies, Sholom was scheduled to speak in Lakewood. A mechuah was organized that was larger than expected & turned violent. One of Sholom's sons was left to fend off the hostiles getting too close, so he sprung into action with a bunch of punches, slaps, kicks & stomps. Sholom avoided public events for a long time after that.

  8. The Rebbe of Karlin-Stolin Hasidim, who has recovered from COVID, laments health violations among Haredim, while strongly urging to heed guidelines.

    Rabbi Baruch Meir Yaakov Shochet, 66, was hospitalized earlier this month with the virus. His Hassidut, which numbers several thousands, has strictly followed Health Ministry guidelines & was the first Hasidic community to shutter synagogues & ritual baths when the pandemic began.

    Speaking this week, Rabbi Shochet said: “It amazes me that particularly in the Haredi community there is such contempt for the lives of others. What happened to us? How did we get here?”

    “For G-d’s sake, we can't bend any rules under any circumstances. This is not child’s play, it’s life & death and the essence of the law.”

    Underlining Jewish law to safeguard life, Rabbi Shochet adds: “Can it be some forgot the simple law pikuah nefesh, which is the basis of Judaism? We all see so many people endure suffering & pain, are sick & dying. I understand it’s difficult, constant tension to observe the rules, but we must do it. This is the will of G-d & we should be happy for the opportunity we’ve been given to protect human life.”

    The virus has also infected some Haredi top leaders, including a head of Lithuanian non-Hasidim, Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, 92, and the Rebbes of Belz & Sanz Hasidim.

    Since a 2nd lockdown began over the High Holidays, some Hasidic groups, including Belz & hardline groups in Mea Shearim, have openly flouted the rules. Others, like Ger, Sanz & Karlin-Stolin have adopted the health precautions & warned of the dangers of the virus.

  9. Less than a week after Hasidic Brooklyn erupted in response to COVID restrictions, Bet Yaakov Ateret Torah has its doors open & parents cars lined up Coney Island Ave to drop off & collect students on the same old 9-3 schedule.

    2:30 pm, kids voices fill the yard of trailers alongside the brick compound. Vehicles pull up to collect the children. Multiple neighbors told The Daily Beast new signs: “CHILD CARE SERVICES” went up Monday — when yeshivas in the state’s red zones would have reopened following Jewish holidays, if not for Gov. Cuomo.

    The wording is clear, even if what actually happens at Bet Yaakov & other yeshivas is harder to pin down.

    No parents The Daily Beast approach will answer questions. But an individual who presented himself as rep for the school & would not provide his name or title, insisted Bet Yaakov was in compliance.

    “Part of Cuomo's order is childcare can open,” he asserts.

    That may be correct: A spokesman for Mayor de Blasio told The Daily Beast it's “familiar” with the activities at Bet Yaakov & at numerous others in the most virus-addled areas & described it as an oversight in the governor’s decree.

    “We received reports of yeshivas operating as child-care,” City Hall's Bill Neidhardt told The Daily Beast. “The spirit of the law should be followed & we’re working with the state to address it. We saw outbreaks in yeshivas weeks ago. We can’t go through that again.”

    Caitlin Girouard, spokeswoman for Gov. Cuomo, said: “The law's clear — licensed day care's essential, but school-based unlicensed child care in red-orange zones must close. In case it wasn’t clear enough, we'll notify them they shouldn't be open.”

    Public records show Bet Yaakov's licensed to operate a small, half-day pre-K for 2-5 year olds, which is legal child-care. However, 3 neighbors — who ask to remain anonymous to keep peace on their block — see elementary kids continuously stream in & out of the building. Visiting the location, The Daily Beast spotted a number of youngsters who appear age 6+.

    Glimpses thru the gate reveal general lack of masks among children & staff within.

    Further, the yeshiva runs all day. When The Daily Beast asked DOH who license-inspect child-cares if Bet Yaakov’s license permits beyond pre-K, they refer to remarks the mayor made: "There's a gray area that we’re waiting for guidance from the state,” de Blasio said. “Everybody needs clearer standards. We don’t have enough clarity on child care.”

    Cuomo doesn’t think it's gray at all.

    “There's a difference between child care & a school. You can't operate a school & say, ‘Well, tomorrow I call it child-care. So, I operate a school, but it’s not a school, it’s a child-care,’” the Gov said, unprompted, at an event Wed. “Maybe you can fool some people, but you can’t fool the State of New York.”

    But the failure of Cuomo to enforce the child-care issue is strange given yeshivas in the suburbs taking advantage of the loophole during the earliest months of the pandemic.

    Calls to Bet Yaakov seeking comment were not returned. But the school’s continued activities rankle some who reside nearby.

    “It’s a pandemic,” said a man who lives across the street, noting his own son takes classes via Zoom. “They should close.”

  10. New Jersey Gov Phil Murphy released a “Road to Recovery” plan for opening New Jersey during Covid. The benchmark that determines if a community is in pandemic phase is when 20% of tests are positive. Lakewood, NJ was at 29% before Yom Tov. ALL advisors in the Gov’s office were adamantly demanding closing down Lakewood when reached by nudnik Agudah Fressers led by Avi THE FERD Schnall, who badgered them through Chol Hamoed & Isru Chag, not knowing the Gov himself was ignoring his advisors, scared of his own shadow that he might be attacked as an "anti-Semitic tyrant" as was done to Cuomo.

    The Fressers meanwhile scrambled in Lakewood, insisting everyone without symptoms to test, intending to dilute the results & in fact skewered the rate to bring it down to 14% by Isru Chag. This was enough of a change that the Gov's advisors backed off from pressuring him into a shutdown. However, the Health Commissioner made it clear this is contingent on an ongoing effort to test students. They delivered 20,000 tests to Lakewood after Yom Tov to assist with testing. CEO Aaron Kotler & Pinny Lipschutz are told that the rate continues to drop rapidly, as expected.

    Bikur Cholim & Chemed are both recognized by the state as valid test agents. Bikur Cholim uses a company called Vault medical Services. Chemed does not administer a saliva test, which is why many yeshivos have opted to go with Bikur Cholim.

    CEO-Pinny were told by the Fressers, Gov Murphy could've easily closed down Lakewood but chose not to, thanks to the relationship cultivated by "hardworking askanim." This was the Fressers taking credit were it wasn't due according to a shomer Shabbos State official with intimate knowledge of operations in Trenton.

    “In summation, if we do not comply with the State requirement to test, they will shut us down so long as there are positive cases in Lakewood,” a Fresser askan continues to tell the CEO, perhaps a scaremongering tactic because the Agudah wants to continue diluting the rates by dishonest, artificial means.

    In the week since Simchas Torah, there have been 500 positive cases in Lakewood. This was a result of symptomatic people who have been going to doctors despite the Fressers warning them not to so as to further dilute rates by fraudulent means. While this number is lower than it was during Yom Tov, it is still high enough to warrant government intervention, warn the Fressers. The Fressers expect all Lakewooders to take the hint or else they will have to use more threatening language to keep the sick away from doctors & to have all vadai negatives test at least 101 times each.

  11. It seems like Gov. Murphy is not an anti-Semite ----- yet!

  12. They are out of their minds in Trenton if they think 19.9% infected or anywhere close to it does not warrant drastic action. Murphy is the most unDemocrat Democrat of all the Governors. Find me even a Republican who would wait until 20%!

    Besides that the whole rating system needs an overhaul after the Fressers together with Satmar & Bobov 45 made a mockery tampering with the percentages.

  13. A leading Sephardic haredi rabbi ruled Monday that prayer groups must exclude worshippers who aren’t wearing face masks, calling their prayers “an abomination”.

    Rabbi Ben Zion Mutzafi said during his weekly lecture at the Musayof synagogue in Jerusalem that it is “forbidden” to pray with people who don’t have masks on during prayer.

    “There are people outside who don’t have masks. You can’t include these people in prayer quorums [minyanim], it is forbidden to pray with them.”

    “Their prayers are an abomination, since they are hurting others, God help us. They may have a beard, sidelocks, a long jacket, a gartel [prayer belt] and who knows what else – they can put on a shtreimel too even on a weekday, it won’t help.”

    In June, Rabbi Mutzafi compared worshippers who attend synagogue prayers without a mask to “murderers”.

    “They are murderers! Today there are over 4,000 people ill, hundreds of people dead, and much suffering and financial loss, horrible suffering for the entire family. And we haven't even talked about the tens of thousands who were required to quarantine!"

    "Woe betide those [who don't wear masks] from Heaven, in another three months it will be the Day of Judgement, when the three Books are opened."


  15. Compliments of Agudah12:39 PM, October 20, 2020

    An askan speaking on condition of anonymity, said that he’s received unflattering comments about unzerra in recent days from top hospital officials & elected officials.

    “I was never so depressed in my entire life,” the askan said, saying he had a hard time explaining to his children why they couldn’t go to the Simchas Beis Hashoeivos blaring from all sides during Chol Hamoed.

    “The problem here is that there are 1000s of government officials — legislators, state senators, assemblymen, state judges, federal judges, prosecutors, you name it — who live in the state of New York. They don’t love us, they don’t hate us, they have no opinion about us. But this is not the first time they’re getting a certain view of us as a community that is reckless & that has no problem being mass spreaders of illness.

    “Take, for example, a judge in the 9th District of the State Supreme Court. He reads what’s going on, and he says, ‘Okay, I see what kind of people they are.’ Tomorrow there will be a case before him — let’s say the development the chassidishe community filed against the town of Chester for not allowing them to build there — and the judge will say to himself, ‘Those people don’t want to live next to Jews? Well, good for them. I wouldn’t want to live next to Jews either, because I see what they're all about.’

    “Years after COVID is gone,” he said, “the community will still be suffering from this.”

  16. Shame on Yochanan Donn writing in Hamodia who does not challenge top NJ Agudah Fresser, the FAT FERD Avi Schnall, for deceiving Gov Murphy with two faced lies, showing the Governor kol koreis from anti-Agudah rabbonim AGAINST the virus while covering up that the Agudah does the exact opposite while trying to undermine those rabbonim!:

    Schnall has also unremittingly made sure that Murphy was kept up to date on the community’s efforts to control the pandemic. He forwarded every kol korei from gedolim, every robocall, every doctor’s letter, every notice from a yeshivah that voluntarily closed.

    All the efforts paid off, Schnall said, when Murphy nixed a plan to follow Cuomo’s lead and crack down hard on the frum community. That cooperation manifested itself in a tweet that Murphy posted less than an hour before Simchas Torah praising the community for their work to limit spread of the virus. The governor was fascinated, Schnall said, when he saw a kol korei by Lakewood’s leading rabbanim calling for hakafos to be minimized — fewer than five minutes each, they advised.

    “He was very impressed that here’s a Jewish holiday with customs that are thousands of years old, and the rabbis, the leadership, put out a letter changing those customs in a big way because of the situation,” Rabbi Schnall said. “And he showed his appreciation for that.”

    “We make sure that every little blurb that comes out from the rabbanim, that the governor is aware of everything,” he said. “So he knows, he feels, that he has a partner ready to work with him.”


    The Forshayer Rebbe is lead plaintiff in the one suit specifically attacking Cuomo as an anti-Semite.

    Background: Molester ex-AG Schneidermann was under investigation for taking heimishe shoichad at this Rebbe's table!

    A Shvartza hitman was sent to the Rebbe on Chanukka by an unidentified heimishe lowlife trying to settle a score but killed instead a Yid who looks like the Rebbe. Cuomo came running to the Rebbe's house to hold the Rebbe's hand & assure him he has the Rebbe's back.

    What the heck is going on here?

  18. 66th Precinct - Fort Surrender - Israel branch?12:26 AM, October 21, 2020

    Interior Minister Arye Deri told Haredi leaders that Prime Minister Netanyahu & Public Security Minister Amir Ohana agreed yeshivas would reopen despite lockdown & enforcement would be minimal

    Citing several unnamed Haredi sources, Haaretz reports a framework was drawn which yeshivas for ages 5-13 restart keeping Health guidelines eg separations between classes, virus tests for all staff & masks for all students

    Though Netanyahu-Ohana-Health Ministry initially backed it, they dropped it, Deri explained from Blue & White objection & anticipated legal challenges as other schools remain shut

    Yet Netanyahu-Ohana secretly nodded yeshivas open anyway — no formal approval. The PM later also dropped this secret idea

    Netanyahu, Deri & Ohana are all huffing, calling the Haaretz report a “lie”

    Talks were held at a Bnei Brak meeting of Haredi leaders & senior Health officials. Also present: MK Moshe Gafni of UTJ-Agudah, Bnei Brak Mayor Avi Rubinstein, Deri, Health deputy Itamar Grotto, Home Front Command Maj. Gen. Ori Gordin & Maj. Gen. Roni Numa

    Going in was clear Haredi yeshivas would open. A concern was 10,000s pupils with no framework & nothing to do all day. Whereas other students study online in lockdown, internet among Haredim is shunned & not widely available

    “There were 2 options: war of heavy enforcement or framework,” a source said

    Deri got near total agreement of Haredim to shut yeshivas until a deal with Netanyahu. But when clear the govt wouldn’t go ahead due to expected fallout, Deri told leaders that he'd agreed with Netanyahu yeshivas will open without permission, but enforcement minimal

    Next morning Deri updates leaders Netanyahu also backed out of that arrangement

    Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, a top rabbi of non-Hasidic Lithuanians, instructed yeshivas to reopen in defiance of govt, leading 100s of yeshivas to illicitly open

    In response to Haaretz, a statement on behalf of Deri: “that Minister Deri acts for a framework to covertly open yeshivas without enforcement, is a lie. All talks were with Health Ministry reps & at their insistence, a framework was never implemented”

    The PM’s Office brushed it off as an “outright lie”

    Ohana: “Lies! Never happened. Minister Ohana is with police in effective enforcement in the entire population in equal manner”

    Enforcement on Haredim was minimal Sun, but Mon dozens of fines were issued & more yeshiva principals summoned for police questioning

    To ease tensions, Netanyahu asked to visit to Bnei Brak, while Defense Minister Benny Gantz ordered a check into possibility of yeshivas in open air

    There are efforts for a declaration by senior rabbis to social distance during studies

    Opening yeshivas is a massive danger, with many Haredi areas having high infection rates

    Many Haredi leaders & residents continue to believe their community's unfairly targeted by Netanyahu
