Thursday, October 15, 2020

Who are the ultra-Orthodox community fooling, who are they killing?


The streets of Williamsburg, Brooklyn, one of the Orthodox neighborhoods in New York City where COVID cases have increased recently. Few people are wearing masks. 


By Passover we knew for sure. We were mourning the deaths of our dear family and friends. We were recovering from the virus ourselves.

When it all began sometime around Purim, we did not understand how deadly this novel virus would be. We couldn’t know. We couldn’t be blamed for not knowing. We didn’t realize that eating together, and singing and dancing together were the easiest ways to transmit this deadly disease. But that was Purim. By Passover we knew for sure. We were mourning the deaths of our dear family and friends. We were recovering from the virus ourselves. 
Seven weeks later, on Shavuot, COVID-19 was still raging. And on Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot and Simhat Torah it still raged.It’s not what we wanted, it’s not what we expected, but it is – as the saying goes – what it is.So why can’t the Jewish world, the haredi, ultra-Orthodox world in particular, accept this hard truth? Why do some people think that they are different from everyone else?As Jews, we know how to abide by rules and regulations: Shabbat, kashrut, the 613 commandments we obey on a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis.
 How is it that people either don’t realize or don’t care that by flaunting the rules being imposed on us by medical professionals, they are risking their lives, the lives of people about whom they care, even the lives of people whose names they now know but whose lives they have – because of their own selfish and self-serving needs and desires – altered forever.I’m angry. I’m more than angry. I’m enraged, and I’m embarrassed.My fellow Jews are rioting. They are burning protective masks, mocking social distancing and fighting with police. And the whole world is watching.And it’s been going on this entire pandemic. 
How can such people – the “People of the Book” – not realize that instead of saving lives as we are instructed, they are causing the loss of lives?Weddings are celebrated and then, about five days later, the parents or grandparents of brides and grooms are testing positive for the virus. They might die. Thousands of people attend a funeral of someone who died from COVID-19, and then hundreds become infected. Again, they might die. People mourn, sitting shiva – not Zoom shiva but real shiva, where well-wishers enter their homes to share condolences – and the mourners themselves end up sick, hospitalized or dead. A grandmother contracts it from a grandchild. An uncle catches it from a nephew and is admitted to the ICU.
 It is a deadly cycle.INCONVENIENCING OURSELVES in order to respect and honor the elderly and those most at risk should not be treated as a burden, it should be treated as a gift. When we have the ability to help save lives, why would people – our people – choose instead to engage in acts that will, ultimately and inevitably, take lives? Why?The haredi community believes they are being singled out and even persecuted, in the United States as in Israel, because they are different, because they stand out. They are right. They are being singled out. But not for those reasons. They have thrown the health recommendations out the proverbial window and their number of coronavirus cases has skyrocketed. That’s why.When the number of cases declined in Orlando, Florida – the home of Disney World, “the happiest place on Earth” – until this past week, there has to be a reason.
 Maybe it’s because it’s Sukkot, and Orlando was the destination of choice for thousands of Jews from haredi communities across the USA.Do they not see the correlation or can they just not accept the truth?The riots I am seeing on television and social media, the open disregard for the law of the land, is the stuff of anarchists and hate groups, not the Orthodox Jewish community. The logic is warped. The violence is real.Synagogues, stores and restaurants in some Orthodox communities are pretending to comply. They are posting large signs on their doors that say “CLOSED,” and in smaller letters, in Hebrew or Yiddish they write, “Use the back door instead,” as if the police don’t know what’s happening. 
The haredi community might not be fluent in the use of Google Translate, but the police certainly are. And in the end, who are they hurting? Who are they fooling? More importantly, who are they killing? Against whom are they committing the ultimate sin?Doctors and scientists still do not fully understand this virus, but there are some things they know. They know that avoiding large groups save lives. They know that wearing masks save lives. They know that social distancing saves lives. And they know the importance of hand-washing. It’s not rocket science, but it is science.Maybe, just maybe – if we all do our best to follow the advice of the health professionals and others who know what they’re talking about – by next Purim we will be able to sing and dance and dine and rejoice with no fear of spreading the virus.




  2. For those of you who saw the recent selfie video from FAT FERD Avi Schnall, rosh Agudas Fressers of NJ, taking credit for his supposed coup over Gov. Murphy, he is full of baloney he just fressed.

    While it's probably true that the galloping Nudnik spent like 18 hours badgering State officials through Chol Hamoed & motzaei Simchas Torah, begging not to shut down the mosdos like Cuomo, he doesn't deserve the credit he takes for himself.

    According to a shomer Shabbos NJ bureaucrat, Murphy's advisors were all in unison pushing him to follow Cuomo's lead, but he's a Liberal who tzitters from his own shadow, so he chickened out from beginning to end that he can't shut down selfish Agudah losers who are a threat to public health unless he shuts everyone down, because big bad Trump might gang up with James Wood for one of their anteh-Semitt potshots.

    So the FAT FERD can pull at Murphy's sleeve fun heint biz morgen, but like this Isru Chag, Murphy usually has his mind made up already.

    It's a good thing the FAT FERD has what to take "credit" for to impress his Overlords at Agudah Fresser HQ!

  3. Darft men flow charts far alla Shysters11:31 AM, October 15, 2020

    What's up with Aryeh Deri? First he was waffling back & forth for months, sometimes with Philly-Litzman-Yanky Kanievsky, and sometimes against them.

    And now that the Sfardishe gedolim are all in agreement against indoor learning & davening, Deri's suddenly threatening BLM type riots if Bibi doesn't open everything?

    What does Deri have up his sleeze, I mean sleeve?

    Be very wary of Deri. There was an alter Poilisher Yid in Queens who was Deri's adoptive father. This Yid was killed in what appeared to be a contract hit. NYPD caught the Sfardi hitman who has ties to Deri's associates. Homocide detectives never conclusively connected the dots. Deri was in financial straights at the time of the hit when he scored a huge yerusha from the alter Yid.

    NYPD reopened the investigation multiple times because two vehicles were involved including one driven by a Sfardi who worked for a close associate of Deri but the NYPD, DA & AG were all reluctant to get involved in a scandal that could have brought down an Israeli cabinet member & maybe the government itself. Deri sued the top fraud investigator in Israel for libel who had to concede there is no evidence while he continued to rightly insist that, besides Deri being caught on several lies, too many details don't add up or are otherwise suspicious.

    Journalist Guy Peleg wrote in the Zayin Yamim Magazine edition of Aug. 4th, 2000, that Yaakov Shmuelevitz, who was the money man at the yeshiva most central to Deri's money laundering, was being trailed & was almost assassinated.

    Similarly, Yediot reported on July 14th, 2000, that multiple judges in Deri's corruption trial received death threats

    Meanwhile the Israeli Yated is fed up with the Agudah manipulation of R' Chaim Kanievsky so they are only accepting psak signed by Ponivitch rosh yeshiva R' Gershon Edelstein.

  4. Police announced Thurs they arrested a man on suspicion of assaulting a journalist last week as he reported on an illegal mass gathering of Haredim in Jerusalem.

    Army Radio reporter Shahar Glick was attacked by Haredim in Kiryat Belz as he waited to report on a celebratory event banned under lockdown.

    Police said the suspect in his 20s will appear in court later in the day on extending his remand.

    “The Israel Police takes a grave view of violent offenses, especially when directed at officials carrying out their work, including journalists,” they said in a statement.

    Glick was watching people arrive at the north Jerusalem event & tweeted a video that showed dozens gathering for Simhat Beit Hashoeva.

    He was spotted by a participant, who called over a group who surrounded & beat him, causing injuries to his head, neck & legs. Glick said the man who spotted him knew he was a reporter & knew his name.

    That man took his cellphone away & only returned it after making him promise he would not further cover the event.

    Glick was taken into an alley by the man, who questioned him, photographed his press & ID cards, and told him he risks his life reporting on Haredim, those who attacked him could have killed him, and that bad things happen to those who “pry” into others.

    The incident is of a number of attacks on journalists in Israel & the US, as they report on high virus rates of Haredim & mass gatherings that fuel that rise.

    Heshy Tischler, a leader of protests vs virus restrictions in Brooklyn, was charged Mon with inciting riot & unlawful imprisonment, after journalist Jacob Kornbluh was beaten by a mob.

    Kornbluh, who is also Orthodox, reported on mass gatherings & infrequent masks in the community.

    Earlier this month, journalists for Channel 13 were assaulted near Mea Shearim, with several rioters smashing their vehicle’s windows.

  5. Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz wrote a letter against Heshy Tischler. "We always knew our place," he remarked. Paul, what do you think of this? אלו ואלו נשרפים בבית הדשן or something else? I need your פסק.

  6. IMHO --- The Agudath Israel, all the Rebbes & rabbis, (that have not spoken out), are the reasons the Jews are being targeted around the world as vile creatures, not some fat slob loudmouth in Brooklyn. If you see SY tell him if he had any guts, he'd go after them! Send him my regards.

  7. >Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz5:05 PM, October 15, 2020

    I just got your regards from טראַנסגענדער כייַע, UOJ....

    Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz
    Address: 102 N Alta Vista Blvd, Los Angeles, CA, 90036-2826
    Landline number: (323) 932-1218
    Mobile number: (213) 923-1195

    Hey... You know, I haven't said Heshy is "some fat slob loudmouth"... you see... that may be applied to me too... I am just not in Brooklyn... and I need some Atkins diet. May I get it at one of my nursing homes, where folks die of dehydration? You unmasked me right away that I never go against my rebbes & rabbis, my holy father-in-law, etc. But once I am unmasked what about COVID-19? If/when the police stops me, I'll tell them you took off my mask, UOJ!!!

  8. Please delete SY's personal information. Thanks

  9. Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz5:21 PM, October 15, 2020

    What did I just do?.. I posted my personal info that I am some fat slob loudmouth... Boy...

  10. Ingrisher Imbecile5:28 PM, October 15, 2020

    Last week, Ohad Hemo, indefatigable Channel 12 reporter who risks well-being entering West Bank areas, went to Mea Shearim to speak to extremist Haredim breaching lockdown

    As Hemo interviews, trying to make sense of insistent contagion-spread behavior, a boy approaches in deliberate view of the camera, mock-sneezes — pretend infects the reporter with deadly virus

    The contemptuous refusal of a substantial minority of Haredim in Israel & elsewhere, to heed govt rules in the battle vs COVID defies explanation

    They place their own lives in danger + others’ lives in danger. Still more inexplicably, if possible, they contradict the values they say they most hold sacred. In so doing, they commit hillul haShem

    Haredim build high fences to protect the faithful from challenges, temptations & pollutants of human flaws. Yet a substantial minority willfully costs lives, shows contempt for others & revel in it

    Judaism at its core is about sanctity of life. Humanity was created by G-d in his image; to save a life is to save the world; to act moral is to sanctify G-d’s name. Judaism follows a code of ethics

    The grim, unavoidable conclusion is the minority, in emphasis on full-time study of holy texts, unthinking fealty to its leaders, raising fences ever higher, has lost sight of Judaism’s precious core — the very humanity & morality Haredism intends

    The result is catastrophic — for all Haredim, marked by distinct appearance & inevitably lumped in together with its most extreme elements; and for all of Jewry

    We long suffered intra-Jewish friction, secular vs Orthodox mainstream on one hand & vs the Haredi minority on the other. It's a function of entangled religion-state, with Haredi politicians at the heart of governing coalitions. Most Haredim neither serve in the IDF or national service; they include anti-Zionists that live at least partly at expense of taxpayers, simultaneously denouncing them & in extreme cases even consorting with our enemies

    Disconnect deepens, become inexplicable & prompts further hostility to Haredim as a whole — though there's no shortage of defiance & selfishness in other sectors of society

    It intensified in lockdown, with dire, wide economic-social consequence, as Netanyahu dares not alienate the Haredi electorate by local lockdown on the most affected — largely Haredi. It reached fever pitch with disproportionate Haredi contagion & death, against the backdrop of extremist mass indoor prayer-festivities

    Outside Israel, public defiance of COVID rules by Haredim risks not only intra-Jewish friction but, non-Jewish antipathy to Haredim & to Jews period

    Interviewed by reporter Nat Jeffay, Yehuda Meshi-Zahav, Haredi health pioneer, parsed Haredi mainstream heeding rules, Hasidim in deathly experiments (herd immunity) & extremists so consumed by antagonism to Zionists to deliberately foment confrontation. The latter 2 groups deaf to his warnings-entreaties even though he carries the bodies — a walking, talking, expert from their own community to the fatal ravages

    Meshi-Zahav is out of ideas to snap extremists out of pernicious, lethal defiance. With firm enforcement, the path he suggests should've been followed is the only way: convince extremist leaders of the fatal dangers of blinkered disrespect for humankind’s efforts vs the virus. But they're not about to change from warnings-entreaties of mortals, much less Zionists

    Meshi-Zahav laments it's indeed hillul Hashem. A challenge falls to credible Haredi leaders for the uphill battle to get the message across

  11. Ex-Fresser who saw the Light6:05 PM, October 15, 2020

    Cuomo said at yesterday's conference that he expects targeted lockdowns to continue for at least a year. He was mossif to WINS 1010 AM that if the Agudah Fresser-Marmorosher Peasant shnit doesn't behave, the broader public can expect off & on, up to THREE YEARS of these hassles & hits to the wallet.

    I of course am paraphrasing who he's referring to. But he was clear enough to the millions of radio listeners that he's talking about unzerra. He never used to talk this way with subtle hostility to specifically call us out. Der Eybishter zolt hitten from what's going through the minds of the millions who 'get' Cuomo's drift.

    The Fressers must have 'really' gotten under Cuomo's skin. There are probably even more things the pathological losers needled him with that haven't made it into the newspapers.

    "Thank" you mishpachas Kaminetzky, Sruli Reisman, Pfeiffer, Zweibel, Shafran, Avi Dreck Esq, fairweather Fresser-ally Aron Teitelbaum & the rest of you idiots that had your filthy hands in it

    Shame on you all. There was never a dor like you who tried so hard to mevatel any zecher we are in Golus. Especially you Teitelbaum, whatever happened to the big Rabbeinee Yoel shita that we don't show up the Umos?

  12. "Thank" you mishpachas Kaminetzky, Sruli Reisman, Pfeiffer, Zweibel, Shafran, Avi Dreck Esq, fairweather Fresser-ally Aron Teitelbaum & the rest of you idiots that had your filthy hands in it

    Shame on you all. There was never a dor like you who tried so hard to mevatel any zecher we are in Golus. Especially you Teitelbaum, whatever happened to the big Rabbeinee Yoel shita that we don't show up the Umos?


    Amen V'amen!

    1. Reisman? I thought he promotes masks, his Shul is pretty makpid and he did not want YTV opened too quickly

  13. "Angry" Sfardishe theater from the corrupt Moroccan Putz. And no wonder Deri was threatening riots yesterday regarding general lockdown as it now looks like he may be angling for baksheesh from caterers!

    By Staff
    Today 6:35 pm

    The high-level virus cabinet voted Thurs to begin lifting lockdown restrictions starting Sun, as Prime Minister Netanyahu warns decisions could change if infections rise over the weekend.

    Ministers agreed to lift the limit on travel more than 1 km from home; allow visits to others’ homes so long as caps are adhered to (10 indoor, 20 outdoor); reopen preschools-daycares; allow restaurant takeout; permit businesses that don’t receive customers; allow beaches & national parks; reopen the Kotel plaza & Har Habayit compound for prayer only & under certain restrictions.

    Health Minister Yuli Edelstein said Israel still had a long way to go to curb the virus & said virus numbers will rise every time the govt lifts restrictions, so the govt may be forced to pull back the exit from lockdown if infections spiral, but he “very much hopes” it doesn’t happen.

    Despite the planned opening of daycares-preschools, Edelstein expresses concern of outbreaks there.

    “We're very worried about infections in preschools,” he said.

    Other lockdown restrictions — closure of schools, commerce & caps on gatherings to 10 indoor, 20 outdoor — remain in force.

    Welfare Minister Itzik Shmuli, who may be getting his data from Heshy Tischler, pushed back against the Health Minister, arguing the return of preschools was a most welcome development, as “the percentage of cases in them is near zero.”

    Interior Minister Aryeh Deri left the meeting angrily, after his latest demand - weddings with 200 guests - was rejected.

    Deri’s demand angered colleagues, with an unnamed minister launching into a tirade of Deri caves to every pressure from his Haredi circles & drags the country to a potential THIRD lockdown.

    Media sources say other Haredi members of government also at least privately criticized Deri’s conduct from one angle or another.

    Meanwhile, subsidized daycare centers fumed at the lack of notice, as they're only prepared to resume Mon the earliest, possibly Tues.

    Restrictions on flights at Ben Gurion will be lifted Thurs night, as per a decision Wed.

  14. How can anyone take that Schachter shtikel seriously? No source for the Chazon Ish, if he even said it.

    Plus you have to take it from these Zionistic guys with the whole salt shaker. It's like with that clean shaven Ner Yisroel guy in Lawrence who knows a lot of bekius but warps things to fit his Left of Pikesville hashkofos on Zionism. He mostly gets away with it because he darshans it to crowds not holding in learning. It's exceedingly weird how it floats his boat to take from the biggest anti-Tzionim and twist it around to fit his Tzioni agenda.

  15. There was a lot of sloppy, confusing reporting on Tischler's arrest which I finally got to the bottom of after reading the thorough report from NY1.

    Tischler was actually hit with 4 criminal charges, not just inciting riot & unlawful imprisonment, but also harassment & menacing. He could be getting a substantial prison sentence.

    And why was Tischler not charged with assault for "spitting" on Kornblue? Because the "spitting" was hyperbole from a prosecutor who made a tummel about how spittle is always flying from the slob's filthy mouth, and heyos he had his nose in Kornblue's face, Kornblue was getting the "weather" instead of the news.

    Kornblue was still spat on in the classic sense however by Chassidishe bochurim who Tischler instigated.

  16. How can you explain the fact that we (have) lived in the days of Moshiach, the Lubavitcher Rebbe, but the geulah is still not here? We saw that great Prophet, the King, the Messiah with our own eyes! AND HE NEVER DIED! So, rabbi Hershel Schachter ia absolutely right, the golus is over! Shibud Malchiyot is what differentiates the time of golus and our time! How can a gentile governor tell us in NYC what to do, when Shibud Malchiyot is over? That is against our Judaism! כבוד צו די אידישע מענטשן און דער מלך המשיח שליט"א

  17. Besides the so called "Magenta Yenta" of Flatbush, Tischler has also retained attorney Abe Hoschander from Boro Park. He may have been in Kaminetz the same tekufa as Tischler. Abe is a real slimeball the way he arrogantly insists Tischler is the "victim" and lashes at the Judge. He's also trained Tischler on the new false narrative that the bulldog on two legs has been barking this week that he's just some hapless schmo who the gantz mob was delusional enough to think for some strange reason that he was the pied piper.

    Hoschander is definitely the same mishpocho as a Rabbi Henry Hoschander in his 90s from YU. Old Henry held the pulpit for many years at an Open Orthodox place in Toronto that was before it's time of the Open becoming a movement. The place has since shifted to just inside the most Leftist reaches of Modern Orthodox. Old Henry was using the microphone there even on Yom Kippur. Other rabbis who tired to disable the mic were immediately fired and Old Henry sure knows who butters his bread!

    Old Henry had a Charedishe-tilting minyan in the cong.'s basement that was led by fugitive child molester Amram Bendahan with his deputy, the child molester Harvey Erlich. So what did Old Henry know & when did he know it?

    People somehow got the impression that Old Henry was more frum than he is. This irritated an alter Frankfurter Yid in town who was previously Breuer's rosh yeshiva & Gateshead rosh kollel. So when someone would call Old Henry's congregation "Orthodox", he was moyche.

    Tischler is mamash a fool who went from comfortably living off all the fraud victims of both himself & his crooked parents who in the 1970s may have even been more corrupt in nursing homes than Bergman. Tischler had invested in apt building which gives him a steady income. He may lose them to cover legal fees as NY Democrats will likely drag him through the courts for years after all the insults he's been launching at them.

  18. Prime Minister Netanyahu said Israel’s 2nd lockdown is “a tremendous success” followed close internationally.

    As govt debates easing closure, small business owners devastated by lockdown angrily protested in Tel Aviv, throwing merchandise in the street & setting fires.

    Yamina opposition chairman Naftali Bennett tore into Netanyahu for characterizing “success.”

    “Lockdown isn't ‘success,’ it's result of your failure,” Bennett said. Yamina is up in the polls, seen as a damning indictment of Netanyahu’s handling of the pandemic.

    Bennett: “the 1st lockdown bought time. I had a plan to prevent the 2nd, but you didn't prepare. Lockdown is enormous suffering & loss of livelihood for millions.”

    Bennett isn’t the only one turned off. “When the PM calls closure ‘tremendous success’ our stomachs churn,” a minister from the virus cabinet told Ynet on condition of anonymity.

    The Tel Aviv protest was on Jaffa St, home to textile & clothing shops. “We have dresses just going in the trash,” an owner told Channel 12.

    “Money & workers are gone, we have small kids. The bank wants answers, what do we say? There’s nothing to do with merchandise.”

    The protest came after a Tel Aviv shoe store bankrupted by lockdown, shut down for good & dumped merchandise on the sidewalk.

    Video of the incident went viral, highlighting struggles & pain of owners hit by lockdown.

    “It’s desperation,” said Avi Samay, 38, father of 3 from Holon. “If I lose everything, at least others should benefit.”

    “I hand in the keys & job hunt the million unemployed,” he told Ynet with tears in his eyes.

    “Who can I sell to? No one's open,” gesturing to shut stores with For Rent signs. “It’s not just me.”

    Ministers discussed separate exits for cities. Restrictions will remain in Modiin Illit, Bnei Brak, Rechasim, Beitar Illit, Beit Shemesh, Kiryat Malachi & several Haredi areas in Jerusalem.

    Interior Minister Aryeh Deri aggressively pushed for large weddings of up to 200 guests — a move strongly opposed by Netanyahu. Weddings are limited to 20 outdoor, 10 indoor.

    “It’ll lead to terrible tragedy,” Netanyahu's quoted by Ynet bristling back at Deri.

    Even officials representing the Arab community at the meeting expressed strong opposition to Deri's 11th hour demand, warning it would lead to a surge of infections in both Arab & Jewish communities.

    “I represent the Jewish people,” Deri shot back. Deri's office later backtracked that the quote was “imprecise.”

    “Minister Deri represents a broad public for whom this issue is important,” his office said. Deri is leader of the Haredi Shas party.

    After reportedly storming out of the meeting in anger, Deri took a call from a journalist to say he's not only still trying hard to increase weddings to 200 participants, and does not intend to take no for an answer, but he had informally floated before departing that he also intends to lobby for increasing the caps on funerals, brit milot, bar & bat mitzvot. And a maximum of 2,000 at the Kotel, but divided into groups of 20.

    An officer of the Mishmar HaKnesset protective security force speaking off the record to a Haredi newspaper in France, relates a violent row almost erupted when it appeared an unidentified Minister was irked listening to Deri's laundry list & muttered something that sounded like a derogatory Yiddish slang word for a part of male anatomy. When Deri roared to ascertain if heard a particular word that he thinks he heard, the Minister denied having said the alleged word. There was no further escalation at that point between the two but Deri was still visibly upset when trudging out later.

    An alliance in apparel, commerce & catering called on retailers to disobey restrictions, urging to open on Oct 18.

    The 18,000+ stores are mostly in malls, said civil disobedience is in response to “the drastic exit plan”

  19. What masks?

    Sruli Reisman led the pack at Camp Agudah Fressers that relocated to New England. I saw pictures from there.

    Many of the overnight camps who fled to out of State had virus outbreaks but only a fraction of the places were reported in the newspapers. And it wasn't just the usual suspect Fressers who are guilty. All factions that supposedly have a shita to not join Agudah either joined the Agudah camps association or at least attended all the meetings to trade notes on hiding illegal behavior from the Governors. This includes Satmar & Lubavitch.

  20. Recht? Nit!

    Where the heck does Shlomo Yehuda get his information from? Did Belsky come to him ba'chaloym?

    Not only did Tischler jump head first into the vacuum the Agudah created, but they were using Tischler in the insurrection for the parks, while their planted elected officials followed Tischler as personal valets for his burglar tools! And Tischler would never have gotten the chutzpa he did had the Agudah not started publicly insulting the Governor themselves, which they continue to do on a daily basis!

    Rechnitz, take the Fressers to task - who are the real culprits - instead of conveniently scapegoating the village idiot!

    Oh right, you have to be politically correct, like after you did the right thing to put the Lakewood admin gangsters in their place, it took a week for you to fold like a cheap camera when they retaliated by bashmutzing you, so you let them go right back to killing the innocent kinder.

    Grow a pair!
