Monday, November 09, 2020

What Price Will Israel Pay For Bibi Being A Mensch? The Next 72 Days Will Speak Volumes About Trump & His "Love" of Israel & the Jews!

Netanyahu opens cabinet meeting with congratulations to Biden


“I have a personal, long and warm connection with Joe Biden for nearly 40 years, and I know him to be a great friend of the State of Israel.”

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu congratulated US President-elect Joe Biden and his running mate, Kamala Harris, in his message to Sunday’s cabinet meeting, which was conducted over video conference.

“I have a personal, long and warm connection with Joe Biden for nearly 40 years,” Netanyahu said, “and I know him to be a great friend of the State of Israel.”

Netanyahu expressed certainty that he and Biden will work well together and continue to strengthen the US-Israel relationship, in the video message relayed several hours after he tweeted his congratulations.

The prime minister also thanked US President Donald Trump “for the great friendship he showed to the State of Israel and to me, personally.

“I praise him for his recognition of Jerusalem and the Golan, for his standing up to Iran, for the historic peace treaties and for bringing the alliance between Israel and the US to unprecedented heights. Thank you, President Trump,” Netanyahu said.

Netanyahu’s initial tweet, which was almost identical to his remarks at the cabinet meeting’s opening, came about 11 hours after a flood of congratulatory messages to Biden from world leaders, sparking criticism.Netanyahu, Alternate Prime Minister Benny Gantz, Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi and President Reuven Rivlin had agreed to wait until after Biden’s victory speech to convey their messages.

Opposition leader Yair Lapid tweeted about two hours after those messages began to be released that “the fact that Netanyahu, Gantz and Ashkenazi still have not congratulated the elected president of the US is shameful cowardice that hurts the State of Israel’s interests. If the president of France, chancellor of Germany and the prime minister of Great Britain can do it, so can you.”

Rivlin also expressed congratulations on Sunday morning to Biden and thanked Trump for his four years of partnership with Israel.

“I send the blessings of the Israeli people and of the State of Israel, to our friend Joe Biden on your election as the 46th President of the United States of America,” wrote Rivlin.

“Mr. President-elect, as a long-standing friend of Israel, you are now the leader of the free world and of the State of Israel’s closest and most important ally,” added Rivlin. “The strategic alliance between our two countries and peoples is stronger than any political leadership, and is not based solely on friendship. It is rooted deeply in our shared values and in our long-standing commitment to freedom and democracy as the foundations of our societies.”

Rivlin thanked Trump for “four years of partnership in strengthening Israel’s security” and the American people for “their steadfast support and friendship.”

Gantz and Ashkenazi congratulated Biden soon after his speech, several hours before Netanyahu and Rivlin did.
The alternate prime minister and defense minister called Biden “a long-time supporter and friend of Israel,” and commended Harris as someone “who has made history as the first woman elected VP.”

Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi tweeted early Sunday morning that it was “an honor” to congratulate Biden.
“The President-elect’s friendship and distinguished record of support for Israel dates back nearly half a century,” tweeted Ashkenazi. “I strongly believe that under his leadership the strategic indispensable alliance between our two countries will continue to flourish and prosper.”

Health Minister Yuli Edelstein said after the news, “Joe Biden has been a friend of Israel since he was first elected to the Senate in 1972. I congratulate you, Mr. President-Elect, on gaining the trust of the American people. I am sure that our fruitful cooperation will continue during your time as well, including in the joint fight against COVID-19.”

Though the president and the members of the coalition congratulated Biden following his victory speech, other Israeli politicians, notably from the opposition, did so much earlier.

American Jews vote overwhelmingly for Biden with 56 point margin - poll


Biden winning Jewish vote by 50+ points in Florida, Pennsylvania



  1. It's scary for Biden, really scary & the media know it. Thus, the rush to get everyone in line with a narrative that 78-year-old, early-dementia Biden, who can't draw a crowd larger than 12, just beat the Donald in a 'fair' election

    Process for a moment

    Start with Pennsylvania. Biden's 290 electoral votes with Pennsylvania's 20

    I read Justice Alito's opinion & it's clear he wants after-8 pm votes separated for a reason. Biden's going to lose at the Supreme Court & they know it. 4 justices already said the State Supreme Court can't adjust rules. New arrival Barrett says she's there to apply Constitutional rules. Wanna bet she does?

    Remove after-8 pm ballots & Biden loses Pennsylvania

    Let's visit Nevada. I've lots of friends in California with condos in Nevada to evade taxes. It's not a couple people doing it; it's 10,000s. Everyone knows. California seeks them out

    Our pal Harry Reid knows & apparently has them voting in droves this election. Probably not a big Trump constituency. Within 72 hours of the election, team Trump found, validated 3,500+ of them. I don't suspect Trump's people stopped counting

    Every one of these is a ballot reduction for Biden

    Nevada's well in reach for Trump — particularly when reducing Californians. A few of them may testify as a false vote's very bad, with jail time if convicted. Maybe a huge story

    Remember, people. Biden's at 270 after a highly probable Supreme Court decision (read Alito & concurring opinions)

    Lose Nevada, lose the election

    It gets better

    Wisconsin's 20,000 votes to Sleepy Joe. Lots of stories there, well below the Google fold, that there are way more Wisconsin votes than there are registered voters. Maybe the dead vote there — probably a Midwest thing

    Last night, we learn Wisconsin election clerks were told & followed directions, to modify mail-in ballots, fill in blanks where witnesses left out critical info

    I'm sure it was just good customer service. The problem's every such ballot's now toast

    There were 1000s such prima facie wrongful votes. Oops. Biden up 20,000 — now that's in question. No more truckloads of votes coming in, so every ballot Trump's team eliminates gets Biden a step closer to former VP Biden in a basement. Not good there

    North Carolina looks like it's over & Trump won it. Fox News is rumored to call it for Trump in April 2021

    Remember, Biden will lose Pennsylvania, so if he loses even 1 state or Electoral College vote, ouch!

    Trump wins outright, or it goes to the House, which means Trump has 4 more years

  2. part 2

    Michigan, land of the "glitches" in voting machines. 6000 votes for Trump given to Biden in 1 of 47 counties where that software's used. 150,000 votes in Biden's favor now

    Google 130k Biden votes that show up in the middle of the night to see how wonderful Google fact-checked the "debunked" story. For fun, Google "Michigan voter fraud" for 3 pages of "fact checked & proven false" Why would Google be so assiduous?

    They too see, Biden's 1 vote away from the basement

    Lawsuits in Michigan & other states are launched & discovery takes place. Google won't be there

    Voter fraud's like larceny. A little's ok, even entertaining

    Dead people have been voting for a century in Democratic cities. It's so constant one would think Republicans consider dead voter outreach to get their share

    But voter fraud on this scale isn't sustainable. It doesn't pass the common sense test

    Bloggers with lots of time go thru voter rolls of person after person who voted in a swing state also fought in the Civil War or War of 1812. It was funny at first, but overwhelmingly now goes beyond humor & rubs our faces in it

    I think Trump has to swing 1 state. Actually, 1 electoral vote. Not only is this not over, but team Biden must be sweating bullets

    Voter fraud seemed really cool until Trump went to the mattresses. Now fighting it out a voter at a time, with the Supreme Court likely to create the starting point at Biden 270, Biden has everything to lose. Perk up!


    The Left demonizing the President as Thanos & Justice Barrett as one of the heads on a 3-headed monster.

    They cast a bunch of anti-Semites & radicals as the "superheroes"

  4. President Donald Trump on Monday announced that he has fired Secretary of Defense Mark Esper and replaced him with counterterrorism chief Christopher C. Miller.

  5. Attorney General William Barr has authorized federal prosecutors across the US to pursue substantial allegations of voting irregularities before the 2020 presidential election is certified.

    Barr’s action comes days after Democrat Joe Biden & his media handmaidens declared "victory" over President Trump and raises the prospect that Trump will use the Justice Dept to challenge tallies. It gives prosecutors the ability to go around longstanding DOJ policy that normally avoids overt involvement before an election is certified.

    Trump has not conceded, instead claims a widespread, multi-state conspiracy by Democrats to skew votes in Biden’s favor.

    In a memo to US attorneys obtained by The AP, Barr wrote that investigations “may be conducted for apparently credible allegations of irregularities that, if true, could impact the outcome of an election in an individual State.”

    Any allegations not impacting the outcome, should be delayed until certified & prosecutors should open so-called preliminary inquiries, which would allow investigators to see if there's evidence allowing them to delve further.

    “While it's imperative credible allegations be addressed in a timely & effective manner, it's equally imperative DOJ personnel exercise appropriate caution & maintain the Dept’s absolute commitment to fairness, neutrality & non-partisanship,” Barr wrote.

    States have until Dec. 8 to resolve election disputes, including recounts & court challenges over the results. The Electoral College meets Dec. 14 on the outcome.

    Barr, a loyal ally of Trump, helped broadcast general fears of voter fraud before the election, attacking mail-in voting as prone to undue influence & coercion.

    Generally, DOJ policy is “not to conduct overt investigations, including interviews with individual voters, until after the outcome of the election allegedly affected by the fraud is certified.”

    But Barr argues in the memo that concerns such acts could inadvertently impact an election are minimal once voting has concluded & in some cases, investigations can't be delayed until the election is certified.
