Thursday, December 31, 2020

Let The Grifting Begin.....


Kushner Family to sell $100m. bonds in Israel - WSJ - The deal would be Kushner Companies’ first bond issue in Israel


It is not yet clear what role Jared Kushner will take in the company when Trump's term in office ends on January 20, the report noted.


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and  US President  senior advisor Jared Kushner participate in a special tree planting ceremony in Jerusalem and address the Abraham Accords, December 21, 2020 (photo credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM/THE JERUSALEM POST)

The family business of White House Senior Adviser Jared Kushner has filed papers to raise at least $100 million by selling bonds in Israel, The Wall Street Journal has reported.Kushner Companies filed papers earlier this month with the Israel Securities Authority to sell the bonds on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange, the report said. The sale would likely take place in the first quarter of 2021.

Jared Kushner played a leading role in the Trump administration’s Middle East policy, and was instrumental in negotiating Israel’s normalization agreements with the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Morocco, and Sudan. His family’s connection to Israel and relationship with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu go back decades.The deal would be Kushner Companies’ first bond issue in Israel, although the firm has received loans in the past from Bank Leumi and Bank Hapoalim, and investments from Psagot and Harel, the Journal noted. The company has also worked very closely with Israel’s Steinmetz family, which made its fortune as one of the world’s leading diamond traders.

The company did not say what it would do with the funds, but the Journal speculated that it could be stockpiling cash to take advantage of a wave of cheap real estate opportunities that the pandemic could force in the coming year. Earlier this month, the company put up for sale a Maryland property portfolio that could fetch $800m. Kushner Companies owns dozens of real estate properties in New York and New Jersey, with an estimated value of some $7 billion. The company was founded by Jared’s father, Charles Kushner, who was pardoned by US President Donald Trump earlier this month for crimes of tax evasion and witness tampering, for which he was sentenced in 2004.It is not yet clear what role Jared Kushner will take in the company when Trump’s term in office ends on January 20, the report noted.



    Here's Weissman, the Village Idiot of Beit Shemesh, making a fool out of himself again.

    Just to show you how low the anti-vaxx have sunk, even while they serve as cheerleaders for Philly, they also have no shame passing around this Weissman waste of an article & trying to proselytize with it. Some of what Weissman scribbles even crosses over in kefira. While he's an am haaretz, an apikoress is nebich an apikoress.

    Waiting to see if Rabbi Abe Kiss will pick up on this. He has trashed Weissman in the past, especially when Weissman took to handing out his silly pamphlets on street corners

  2. Mommy, Tatty, big news! Now that the super contagious UK variant is spreading like wildfire among heimishe, a bunch of yeshivos who were wasting their time with silly harchokos have finally been penetrated!

    There are a number of coronavirus outbreaks in Israeli yeshivos, including Chevron, Kol Yaakov, Derech Chochma & Ohr Yisrael, with dozens of bochurim diagnosed with the virus, Kikar HaShabbos reports.

    The outbreaks apparently occurred due to the bochurim returning home for Chanukah.

    In Kol Torah, there are already 50 confirmed carriers. A bochur told Kikar: “Boruch Hashem we lasted until now – over 10 months- without even 1 case in yeshivah. There are now dozens of bochurim who tested positive.”

    “We returned after Chanukah vacation & the tests were delayed for a week. We’ve been so careful but the bochurim are getting tired of it & some of the capsules began to mix with other capsules. This is how we ended up with mass infection”

    A yeshivah bochur from Derech Chochma told Kikar: “We returned after Chanukah vacation & like always, all bochurim were tested. But the tests were delayed & 1 carrier managed to infect a large number of bochurim. There are 10+ confirmed patients & following tests carried out today for the entire yeshivah, I believe we’ll have dozens of cases as there are dozens of bochurim with symptoms.”

    At the beginning of the week, dozens of bochurim were diagnosed with the virus in Chevron Yeshivah, which is known for being extremely stringent with health regulations.

  3. Rotten Apple Watch6:53 PM, December 31, 2020

    Speaking of Street Corner Crazy "Jr", did Zvi Belsky finally have his derriere booted out of Telz? Or does his new title as the money man for Be'er Hagolah in Starrett City, Brooklyn, mean he is double dipping?

  4. Child abuser Shimon Marciano

    A senior police officer was charged with assault today for attacking 2 people at a Haredi demonstration in Jerusalem after footage emerged of him violently shoving & smacking a young boy & an adult documenting the event.

    The officer grabbed a 12-yr-old, angrily shoved him to the ground, slapped him, then pushed a man who documented it, video footage showed.

    “I didn’t do anything” the boy's heard crying, as he's thrown to the ground by the officer.

    As per the indictment, submitted by the Justice Ministry’s PIID Police Internal Investigations, on Oct 4, Shimon Marciano, commander of Jerusalem's Lev Habira police station, commanded a police force ostensibly providing security for a large Haredi demonstration, hoping to prevent a riot.

    The indictment states the protest turned violent with trash cans set on fire, stones thrown & insults hurled.

    Near midnight, the officer ran to a group of protesters after they allegedly threw stones. In their vicinity was the young boy who began to run. The officer grabbed the boy, pushed him to the ground & while he was down, slapped him “without any reason or justification,” the indictment states.

    Shortly after, as another police officer detained the boy, Marciano noticed a man filming the incident.

    The indictment states “defendant grabbed the man by the back of his neck & pushed him hard to the ground, toward bushes.”

    PIID charged the senior officer with 2 counts of assault.

    The indictment came amid a growing number of incidences of police violence that've been documented recently nationwide.

    During a demonstration Sunday, 100s of members of the hardline Haredi Jerusalem Peleg Faction blocked Route 4 to protest the arrest of a yeshiva student who failed to visit a draft office to arrange deferment of conscription. Police said they're looking into video of a female officer punching a Haredi man in the head while he was being arrested at the Bnei Brak protest.

    Separately, 100s of right-wing protesters clashed with Jerusalem police after Shabbat over a car crash death of a settler fleeing police after throwing stones at Arabs. 11 policemen were injured & 2 toddlers hit by water from a police cannon.

    A clip showed a policeman beating a protester at the demonstration.

    Marciano isn't the 1st senior police officer indicted for assault. A senior police officer was charged with assault in Nov for attacking 2 people at a demonstration vs Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu, 3 months after footage emerged of him shoving & smacking protesters outside the PM’s residence in Jerusalem.
