Wednesday, December 09, 2020

The Absolute Dumbest Hasidic Rebbe Alive Today --- Aron Teitelbaum From Satmar Comes in a Close Second! They Would Rather Their Pathetic Followers Take Welfare From Their Respective Governments!

Vizhnitzer Rebbe condemns advanced academic studies "Their underlying purpose is to implant ideas of heresy into our minds."

At a recent meeting of the Organization of Principals of Haredi Seminaries, the Vizhnitzer Rebbe expressed his strong opposition to haredi girls learning in university, likening advanced academic studies to the “Greek wisdom” that Torah sages have been traditionally opposed to throughout Jewish history, and asserting that the underlying purpose of introducing haredim to advanced university studies is to “implant ideas of heresy” into their minds.

 “We are now approaching the festival of Hanukkah, and as is known, one explanation for the Torah verse describing how the ‘earth was empty and formless and darkness was upon the face of the deep’ is that it refers to the rule of the Greek Empire, and the attempts of the Greeks to cloud the vision of the Jewish People via their decrees,” the Rebbe said. “Their sole desire was to teach the Jewish People their Greek wisdom and to separate them, G-d forbid, from the Torah of G-d. 

Therefore, we use a specific term that hints at this ‘darkness’ when we refer to their attempts to make us forget our connection to Torah, because being connected to G-d and His Torah comes from a place of light, whereas the opposite comes from darkness.” The Rebbe then linked his words to the current trend of university learning, saying, “I came here in order to arouse the listeners to the urgency of this matter of advanced academic studies which are forbidden, and indeed it should be obvious that such studies are in opposition to the wisdom of the holy Torah which enlightens mankind – they achieve the opposite effect and bring about only darkness.

 “Such is the situation today as well,” the Rebbe continued, “in their attempts to convince us with nice-sounding phrases and persuade us that this will enable us to earn a respectable income, and from there things just deteriorate.” Referring to the commonly made claim that having a degree enables a person to earn a higher income, the Rebbe said that given that this is accompanied by a decline in a person’s spiritual level, it should not be a matter for serious consideration, as “no G-d-fearing person wants his spiritual state to decline, regardless of possible material gains. “To our great distress,” he continued, “this is what we are seeing happen today, and I speak from personal experience from the many stories I have been told of the devastation wrought by advanced academic studies. A haredi Jew must know that he should not allow himself to be blinded by all these suggestions and vain promises whose underlying intent is to destroy him, G-d forbid.”

 The Rebbe furthermore stated that his opinion is that advanced academic studies are tangentially linked to the sin of idol worship, “because at first, they promise that the studies will be gender-segregated, but after completing a course, they suggest that in order to obtain a degree and advance still further, one must study in a mixed course, and from there things get worse and worse…”


  1. Physicians have advanced academic degrees. The next time any of them get really sick, they should not be treated by physicians; they should only be given treatments that are described in the Talmud.

  2. Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden revealed today that he's under investigation by the top federal prosecutor in Delaware for his taxes.

    The probe was disclosed 5 days before Joe Biden is expected to be formally selected as the next president by the Electoral College.

    Hunter Biden said in a statement, “I learned yesterday for the 1st time that the US Attorney in Delaware advised my legal counsel, also yesterday, that they're investigating my tax affairs. I take this matter very seriously but I'm confident a professional & objective review of these matters will demonstrate I handled my affairs legally & appropriately, including with the benefit of pro tax advisors,” Hunter Biden said.

    In a statement, Joe Biden & Kamala Harris said, “President-elect Biden is deeply proud of his son, who's fought difficult challenges, including the vicious personal attacks of recent months, only to emerge stronger.”

  3. !יאָשקע פּאַנדריק

    Who the hell did UOJ get that oversize envelope with the Hunter documents to, if it wasn't Cuomo?

  4. Schmuckie Schumer gets results11:21 PM, December 09, 2020

    Never mind this politically correct jibberish - the real reason they come is because Schumer-Pelosi-Biden's puppetmasters give them everything for free to dilute Republican votes:

    Migrant Caravans Head to US Border

    Wed, 09 Dec 2020

    Ruinous hurricanes that wrecked & flooded swathes of Central America last month ... after a year of travel bans & soaring unemployment, demand to reach the US is already high

    “Caravans will be increasing in coming weeks” said Jose Gonzalez, coordinator of NGO Guatemala Red Jesuita con Migrantes. “People are no longer scared of the virus. They’re hungry, they lost everything & some towns are still flooded”

    Joe Biden pledges to abolish Trump migration policies, ie prolonged detention & separation of families, designed to deter illegals. This encourages more impoverished Central Americans to make the trip & test Biden, said Gonzalez

    “When there's a change in US-Mexico govt, caravans move to test the waters how authorities respond. They see the one who's building a wall & hates Latinos is on his way out”

    Newsmax hasn't called the election for Biden due to numerous legal complaints

    On social media, announcements circulate of migrant caravans leaving San Pedro Sula, Honduras’s #2 city, hit by both storms. The 1st caravan's leaves in days, the 2nd in mid-Jan

    Biden advisers hope to shift from Trump policies if they take office without signaling the border's wide open. Swift, sweeping change spurs more people to attempt the journey

    “Joe Biden will restore order, dignity & fairness to immigration” said Ned Price, Biden transition spokesman. “His immigration policy's driven to keep families together & end disastrous family separation”

    A Mexican foreign ministry official said migration's likely to remain a main challenge in US-Mexico relations, adding Mexico continues to cooperate to address root causes together with regional partners

    Hurricanes Eta & Iota were in a record Atlantic season of 30 named storms. Eta did $5 billion damage in the region affecting 3 million people, flooding homes, damaging roads, bridges & crops thru Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala & El Salvador. Govts are still tallying damage from Iota & water has yet to subside. The countries were already reeling from economic slump from months of COVID lockdowns

    Victor Espinal, 31, whose home in La Lima, Honduras was flooded by both storms, says he's joining a caravan. He was laid off by Chiquita Banana where he worked 8 years, after it flooded & is afraid he won’t find work again soon

    The house where he lived with his wife, 2 kids & mother-in-law is now empty, their mud-soaked mattresses & damaged belongings in the street outside

    “There’s nothing for me, not 1 piece of furniture, even a plate to eat off. I’m not one to cry, but when I returned home I cried. Memes say material goods aren’t important, but they are because people work their whole lives for them & in 15 days, it’s all gone”

    Guatemalan President Alejandro Giammattei, said without help from rich countries, his citizens & of surrounding countries will flee

    “If we don’t want hoards of Central Americans to move to other countries with better living conditions, we have to make a wall of prosperity in Central America” he said at an event in Honduras with the Central American Bank for Integration

    Migration from Central America to Mexico & the US spiked after Hurricane Mitch in 1998 & Hurricane Stan in 2005. Other weather events also forced Central Americans to abandon their countries. An InterAmerican Bank study shows migration from El Salvador doubled after a severe drought in 2014-15

    “The problem with all these countries is they’re highly vulnerable to climate — hurricanes & drought” said IDB Economics Adviser Ana Maria Ibanez. “There's a relation between migration & extreme weather”

    As a candidate, Biden called for $4 billion aid for Central America & said his administration would address the climate crisis facing the region
