Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Dear Governor Cuomo, Please take into consideration what is happening In Israel because there were the resrictions lifted for schools. Please note 44.2% of the new COVID-19 infections were children below the ages of 19.

From:Paul Mendlowitz
To:Governor Cuomo

Dear Governor Cuomo,

Please take into consideration what is happening In Israel because there were the resrictions lifted for schools. Please note 44.2% of the new COVID-19 infections were children below the ages of 19.

As a Jewish father and grandfather I once again urge you to please --- do not permit sleepaway camps this summer, it is a tragedy waiting to happen.

Thank you so much for your kind consideration.

In the last 10 days, 11.2% of infections were children nine and younger, 23% children between the ages of 10 and 19, and 57% adults under 59 – perhaps parents or teachers. In contrast, only 14.4% of people infected are over the age of 60 (7.3% between 60 and 80).…/coronavirus-crisis-stop-confusing-s…

Paul Mendlowitz


Today, 12:35 PM
Paul Mendlowitz

 Thank you for your email. To build a stronger, better New York, we need the participation of citizens like you – sharing your ideas, comments, and concerns. Your input is invaluable to our mission to create a government that works for its people, and I appreciate you taking the time to contribute your feedback.

I want to assure you that your letter has been received and that it will be read and shared with the appropriate members of my staff.

I encourage you to visit my website,, where you can review my Administration’s initiatives and familiarize yourself with my office and your state government. You can also follow us on Twitter at @NYGovCuomo and Facebook at for the latest updates.

Thank you again for sharing your perspective and for joining in the effort to build a new New York.


Governor Andrew M. Cuomo

He set out to create schools that emphasized Jewish studies without compromising its secular studies program.

In 5704/1944, Harav Shraga Feivel Mendlowitz, zt”l, founded Torah Umesorah, the National Society for Hebrew Day Schools. Though Jewish day schools existed at the time (the first full-time day schools were Etz Chaim, founded in 1888, and Rabbi Jacob Joseph School in 1900), the idea was generally rejected by most American Jews who saw it as a step back to the European shtetl. Rabbi Mendlowitz, however, felt that “afternoon Hebrew schools” were failing to transmit Yiddishkeit in a compelling manner to students who arrived tired in the afternoons and were constantly subjected to assimilationist influences in American culture. He set out to create schools that emphasized Jewish studies without compromising its secular studies program.

The vision of one man lives on forever: