Wednesday, June 10, 2020

He set out to create schools that emphasized Jewish studies without compromising its secular studies program.

In 5704/1944, Harav Shraga Feivel Mendlowitz, zt”l, founded Torah Umesorah, the National Society for Hebrew Day Schools. Though Jewish day schools existed at the time (the first full-time day schools were Etz Chaim, founded in 1888, and Rabbi Jacob Joseph School in 1900), the idea was generally rejected by most American Jews who saw it as a step back to the European shtetl. Rabbi Mendlowitz, however, felt that “afternoon Hebrew schools” were failing to transmit Yiddishkeit in a compelling manner to students who arrived tired in the afternoons and were constantly subjected to assimilationist influences in American culture. He set out to create schools that emphasized Jewish studies without compromising its secular studies program.

The vision of one man lives on forever:


  1. Throw the Bums Out!3:13 PM, June 10, 2020

    How did such a precious entity like Torah Umesorah ever get hijacked by the lowlives running it these days?

    Between the officers / board members / vaad members:

    Shmuel "Boom Boom" Bloom, the diehard advocate to protect molesters

    Shea Fishman, the bumbling fool who agreed to co-conspire in the molester scheme

    Zvi Bloom, the rotten tree above produces the rotten apple involved in ponzi scheming (Platinum) & convicted of real estate fraud (Seasons Supermarkets)

    Richard Stadtmauer, who was convicted of crimes in the Charles Kushner plot of being machshil his own shvogger with a shiksa zoyna

    Shmuel Kaminetzky, cult personality figure who the gedolei Eretz Yisroel have called a rasha for facilitating mamzerus for money - how much blood does he have on his hands between the measles & coronavirus outbreaks as he fights against all medical norms?

    Pinny Lipschutz, Kaminetzky's crisis manager to make all the scandals magically disappear

    Yitzchok Feigelstock, the Long Beach cult personality figure of teenage "hang out" + Friday the 13th infamy & the shvachste talmid their ever was of R' Aron Kotler (try talking to him in learning), who later gained notoriety as er vos feift auf Rav Schach

    Rabbi Dovid Feinstein, who publicly admits he never calls the police on molesters despite the chiyuv al pi halacha

    Aron Schechter, the Jamaica prison camp specialist who is in cherem by R' Moshe Feinstein's personal beis din

    Avrohom Fruchthandler, Schechter's enabler

    Rabbi Aharon Feldman, Kaminetzky's "Yes Man"

    Rabbi Elya Brudny, who had to be publicly chastised by Brisk & the talmidei R' Aron Kotler to stop being Kaminetzky's valet

    Yankel Bender, who since Yudi Kolko hit the fan hasn't been on the right side of any issue in 40 years

    Chaim Hoberman, another Long Beach conspirator

    Shmuli Werdiger, liason with his father for all the pro-molester & other corruption requests enabled through the Medina

  2. Vos iz shlecht?

    Associated Press

    Compounding the hardships of the coronavirus, some nursing homes have demanded that low-income residents turn over their $1,200 economic stimulus checks, a cash grab lawmakers want to halt.

    On Tuesday, Sens. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, and Ron Wyden, D-Ore., called on the Health and Human Services inspector general’s office to issue a warning to nursing homes and assisted living facilities that such practices are “improper and unlawful.”

    In the House, Reps. Richard Neal, D-Mass., and Frank Pallone, D-N.J., asked the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to spell out to nursing homes that the relief money from Congress is not considered income that facilities can legally claim to defray the cost of care.

    Low-income Medicaid recipients must not be “coerced into wrongly handing over their checks for fear of being kicked out of their homes,” wrote Neal and Pallone. Any funds taken must be returned.

    Nationally, over 35,500 people have died from coronavirus outbreaks at nursing homes and long-term care facilities, about a third of the national toll, according to a running tally by The Associated Press.

    The attempt to claw back stimulus checks from residents on Medicaid was flagged last month by the Federal Trade Commission’s elder justice office.

    FTC elder justice coordinator, Lois Greisman, posted earlier that “this is not just a horror story making the rounds.”

    Some nursing homes were claiming that if a resident was on Medicaid, the facility would get to keep the $1,200 stimulus payment.

    “Congress expressly intended that any refund be disregarded in the administration of federal programs and federally assisted programs,” wrote Grassley and Wyden. Translation: Medicaid recipients can keep the money.

    The Trump administration agrees. CMS chief Seema Verma tweeted on Tuesday that “nursing homes engaging in this behavior will be subject to enforcement action.”
