Monday, June 08, 2020

Parents: The Agudath Israel Would Have You Believe That The 50 or so Orthodox Jewish Sleepaway Camps Will Follow These Guidelines When the "Goyim" Are Not Looking! This is the Same Group of Liars that Told You There Were No Child Molesters in Yeshivas & Fought Against The Markey Bill!

Camp Operations Guide Summer 2020

The American Camp Association (ACA) and the YMCA of the USA (Y-USA) are engaged together to provide educational resources to both day and overnight camps, state and local health departments, and parents/guardians and campers. The educational resources are being developed by an independent expert panel being coordinated by Environmental Health & Engineering, Inc. (EH&E), a Boston-based consulting firm specializing in environmental health. This expert panel has convened specialists in pediatric medicine, camp medicine and nursing, epidemiology, infectious disease management, biological safety, industrial hygiene, organizational design, and other technical specialties. These educational resources will be shared with CDC and state and local health departments so that all parties can be informed. Information will be available on the ACA and Y-USA websites as it becomes available.

NOTE: All chapters will be labeled interim as we receive initial feedback on the content.

Field Guide for Camps on Implementation of CDC Guidance


This field guide is designed to provide camp directors and staff with a practical guide and tool kit to implement specific recommendations provided by the CDC in relation to risk reduction at camps. The objective of this field guide is to provide educational materials for camp staff to reduce potential exposures to and spread of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) the virus that causes COVID-19. The recommendations provided here are designed to be implemented for various types of camps (e.g. adventure/touring; day, resident, backcountry, weekend) and geographic locations and pertain to camps in geographical locations under low and medium mitigation conditions, according to federal guidance. Any recommendations in this guide should also coincide with a given camp’s communicable disease plan.

Download Field Guide for Camps

Individual Chapters

Field Guide Cover and Introduction

1.0 Communication

2.0 Field Guide Content and Resources

3.0 Health – Screening and Preventing COVID-19 Infections

4.0 Facilities Management

5.0 Food Service and Other Deliveries

6.0 Cleaning and Disinfection

7.0 Activities

8.0 Campers and Staff

9.0 Transportation Considerations

10.0 Personal Protective Equipment Plan for Camp Staff

11.0 Supplies List

12.0 Appendices

Please contact ACA if you have questions.

About ACA

The American Camp Association is a community of camp professionals who, for over 100 years, have joined together to share our knowledge and experience and to ensure the quality of camp programs. Because of our diverse 12,000 plus membership and our exceptional programs, children and adults have the opportunity to learn powerful lessons in community, character-building, skill development, and healthy living — lessons that can be learned nowhere else.


  1. YMCA is a religious sect founded in 1850s England. Though they believe in Yoshkie, they imported the pagan ancient Greek Hellenic idea of worshiping the body, always keeping in shape. So they have a fanatical ulterior motive to open the summer camps even if some kids won't be able to work out with them because they will die. YMCA needed someone with fancy public health titles to sign off on a tailored report so they hired McCarthy who is paid consultant to pro-Commie China WHO who've been lying all along to downplay the severity of the virus.

    A UOJ field agent came into possession of an Agudah FRESSER email where the FRESSER admits they are working with the YMCA camp group to jointly pester the State Governors.

    And par for the course, the Agudah FRESSERS are angry at Eckstein for reporting at YeshivaWorld that Premier Ford of Ontario ordered all summer camps shut. Why are they angry when the report is true? Because the FRESSERS are hoping that after they pester Ford enough, he will at least cave to make an exception for Camp Agudah. But now that Eckstein reported the truth, parents are going to make other plans instead of hanging around while the Agudah puts goes through their neurotic exercise in futility.

  2. In light of the current unrest, what do you think about this, UOJ?


  3. Fresser Hotel California7:57 PM, June 08, 2020

    those with fatal coronavirus "can never leave"

    The Agudah Fressers relentlessly bugging Gov. Newsom got him to cave in today on yeshivos AND camps.

    He instituted many safety protocols that you can bet will not be followed.

  4. UOJ GETS RESULTS8:33 PM, June 08, 2020

    The state health department's announcement covers a number of other sectors as well. The full list of industries that will reopen on June 12th is as follows:

    Day camps (No Overnight Camps and no groups larger than 12)
    Tribal casinos
    Bars and restaurants
    Music, film, and television studios
    Professional Sporting Events (without live audiences)

    Many of these businesses, such as zoos, campgrounds, and day camps, are popular summer hangout spots. The June 12 date will give them time to reopen before the season begins in earnest.

  5. UOJ GETS RESULTS8:40 PM, June 08, 2020

  6. California Fressers Don't Fool Me8:47 PM, June 08, 2020

    5. Limit Sharing• Keep each camper’s belongings separated and in individually labeled storage containers, cubbies or areas. Ensure belongings are taken home each day to be cleaned and disinfected

  7. Shmuel Kaminetzky9:23 PM, June 08, 2020


    Lauren Brandt Schloss, of the USDAN Summer Camp, says deciding not to open the arts-based summer camp was hard, but one-on-one counseling and large group activities just couldn't operate safely.

    "We feel there is just too many unknowns about the virus," says Schloss.

    Bryce Parham is sad he won't get to attend the camp, but his father says even if they did open, he doesn't think he would've allowed him to.

    "I think summer camp and social distancing are oxymoronic," says Jalik Parham. "I just don't see them together in the same place at the same time."

  8. The Kiryat Sanz community in Netanya was extremely cautious from the very beginning of the outbreak of the coronavirus in Israel, strictly adhering to all health ministry regulations without exception.

    Even when the Sanzer Rebbe‘s mother passed away, the levaya was attended by family only. The community’s caution paid off and not one member of the community was diagnosed with the virus – until now.

    Last week, an avreich in the community, which numbers about 750 families, tested positive for the virus, sending dozens of avreichim from his kollel into quarantine, and since then more and more cases have been diagnosed.

    After the number of coronavirus cases in the community rose to almost 20, it was decided on Motzei Shabbos to close all schools in the community, both for boys and girls, as a precautionary measure, despite there being only one student in the girls’ school who was diagnosed with the virus.

    The reason for the outbreak is not entirely clear but according to a B’Chadrei Chareidim report, residents believe it is due to the reopening of shuls, specifically the main Beis Medrash in the Kiryah, which serves as a sheteiblach “factory” for hundreds of residents of Netanya who come to the Kirya to daven.

    “The fact that until today there was not even one coronavirus patient in the Kiryah leads us to the conclusion that the opening of the shuls – despite all the warnings and arguments of the gabbai with people who aren’t residents of the Kirya and came to daven without masks – is the source of the outbreak,” one resident told B’Chadrei.


    9. Day camps for children, as defined by Rule 400.11101(i) of the Michigan Administrative Code, may open as of June 8, 2020, subject to guidance issued by the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs.

    Residential (overnight), travel, and troop camps within the meaning of Rule 400.11101(n), (p), or (q) of the Michigan Administrative Code must remain CLOSED for the time being.


    Quebec's day camps will be allowed to open on schedule this summer, but with more supervision and other measures in place to reduce the risk of COVID-19 infection according to Provincial Premier François Legault.

    Sleepaway camps remain closed until the 2021 season.

  11. Wishful Thinking10:00 PM, June 08, 2020

    the upcoming launch of Camp Agudah West, opening in the summer of 2020 on a 180 acre campus in Big Bear Lake, California.


    Has Dov Hikind lost his mind, organizing a heimishe Yiddishe "Black Lives Matter" protest march down Ocean Pkwy?????

    Dreying zich with Hikind are the joke rabbi Dovid Goldwasser, Chanina Sperlin from Chabad, the Black ger who works at Auction Mart Monsey, a Shvartza galich who had shaychus with the violent criminal George Floyd, and ex-Monsey menuvol-extraordinaire Sanford Rubenstein Esq., who used to be Al Sharpton's sidekick until an alleged rape when he was alone with one of Sharpton's female employees. Rubenstein is known since college and until now when he is an alter shmageggie, that he is with a different Shvartz maydela every night. This is the filth that Hikind hangs out with? And one Shvartz maydela at a time is nisht genug. The Post reported that Rubenstein takes one maydela each time to swinger clubs but when he was being investigated for rape they started denying him entrance as an undesirable who attracts negative attention to their business.

  13. A federal appeals court on Monday tossed out three lawsuits challenging President Donald Trump’s ban on travelers from predominantly Muslim countries, a victory for the Trump administration in its years long defense of the ban.

    A three-judge panel of the Richmond-based 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals found that a federal judge in Maryland made a mistake when he refused to dismiss the lawsuits after the Supreme Court upheld the ban in 2018 in a separate legal challenge filed in Hawaii.

    The ban, put in place just a week after Trump took office in January 2017, sparked an international outcry from Muslim advocates and others who said it was rooted in religious bias.

    “We conclude that the district court misunderstood the import of the Supreme Court’s decision in Hawaii and the legal principles it applied,” Judge Paul Niemeyer wrote in the unanimous decision.

    Justin Cox, an attorney with the International Refugee Assistance Project, the lead plaintiff in the case, said the groups who sued are considering their legal options, which could include asking the panel to reconsider its ruling, appealing to the full 4th Circuit court of 15 judges or asking the Supreme Court to hear the case.

  14. Hey Dov, you disgrace! Where the hell have you been for weeks before shpatziring arm in arm with old horndog Sanford Rubenstein?

  15. Now I understand how Shmuel Kaminetzky just callously dumped me on Ner Yishmoel

    It doesn't even matter how many of his own mishpocho become sick as dogs and could possibly die from the virus, first his son Sholom & then his nephew. He just keeps pushing for all camps & yeshivos to open to sacrifice kids to his anti-vaxx Moilech.


    2nd Wave In Israel?

    148 new coronavirus cases have been diagnosed over the last 24 hours, the Health Ministry announced Tuesday night. The death toll from the coronavirus stands at 299.

    Earlier, Health Minister Yuli Edelstein warned that Israel could see more than 200 new cases a day due to the failure to abide by social distancing guidelines as the Israeli economy reopens.

  17. Slabodka Rosh Yeshiva imitates UOJ5:02 PM, June 09, 2020

    doesn't hold any punches when telling the Fressers to take a hike!

    His sentiments have since met the approval of other gedolim, starting with R' Moishe Hillel Hirsch.

  18. Yeshivishe insider5:30 PM, June 09, 2020

    The Slabodka RY's bit about the Chazon Ish is because the Agudah manipulation of R' Chaim Kanievsky included badgering him to put words in the Chazon Ish's mouth that he would side with the heintig Agudah to fight the government in all ways possible while sacrificing kids & even adult lives.

    Both Slabodker roshei yeshiva have also been grumbling that not only are R' Chaim's gangster de facto kidnappers being mevazeh him but every word they induce him to say is not from his own information. Ma sh'ain kain Slabodka & Ponivizher rosh yeshiva Rav Edelstein who do their own research & have not been robbed of controlling their own mental faculties are assering anything dangerous.

    The raid in Brisk is that while the lowlife grandson Yanky Kanievsky is working with multiple instigators though Arye Deri seems to have reversed himself to start behaving, it's not clear if Philly or Litzman is the bigger culprit. Many Americans assumed that Philly was driving everything including Litzman by putting Sol Werdiger on the phone with him. The Brisker oylam isn't ready to posken yet because Litzman is a Boro Park boy with fluent English who learned in Beis Hatalmud & is just as capable as originating all the garbage of manipulation, including getting the devious, fake "bubble" or "capsule" concept from the Christian sect. So Philly could have possibly got it all from Litzman, lav davka the other way around!

  19. How dare you!

    How could you even have a hava amina that Litzman would do something underhanded?


    I agree 100% with Malka!

  21. Litzman and Philly get results1:30 PM, June 10, 2020

    700 students of the Mercaz Beis Yaakov school for girls in Bnei Brak entered quarantine after two sisters, a 2nd grader and 5th grader, were diagnosed with the virus on Tuesday morning.

    After Health Ministry officials conducted an epidemiological investigation, they instructed the school to instruct 21 classes, about 700 girls, to enter quarantine as well as 17 teachers. The remaining classes were permitted to continue attending school.

    Also in Bnei Brak, a student in the Rozhin Talmud Torah, where a Rebbe was diagnosed last week, was diagnosed with the virus.

  22. Sholom Kaminetzky2:29 PM, June 10, 2020

    Mamash a tchikava zach! Go Mommy, Tatty, Litzman & Yanky Kanievsky!:

    Israel’s Health Minister: “Rate Of New Cases Skyrocketing To Over 200 A Day”
