Thursday, June 25, 2020

Oy! These anti-Semites! The letter from the Health Dept closed with a dire warning that businesses operating in violation of the Executive Order are liable to be punished with a fine of up to $1,000 per violation per day along with other civil penalties and closure, and may be denied permits to operate in future seasons.

“Overnight children’s programs are considered non-essential businesses,” Bartos wrote. “Executive Order 202.8 requires all non-essential businesses to reduce their in-person workforce by 100%. Accordingly, the prohibition against overnight children’s camps applies even if the camp alters its operations to offer programs of less than 72 consecutive hours.”

The notification from the Department of Health is understood to forewarn the camps not to seek any loopholes in the closure of overnight camps, and to preclude them from altering their program in order to continue operation under the guise of an alternate type of business.

The Department of Health letter references that many overnight camps have been applying for permits to operate Temporary Residences, which are considered essential services and are thus allowed to operate under the executive order. 

Nevertheless, it goes on to warn that these types of businesses are still subject to restrictions, and must adhere to guidelines pertaining to social distancing, use of face coverings, food service, swimming pool use and gathering size limitations contingent on the phase of reopening of the region in which the camp is located.

“The responsible party must develop a written Safety Plan outlining how its workplace will prevent the spread of COVID-19,” the letter informed the operators.

Besides for the Safety Plan, Mr. Bartos reminded the Temporary Residence operators that all children staying overnight at their facility must be accompanied by a parent or guardian, and the operator may not accept responsibility for overnight supervision of a child. In addition, meals served at the facility are restricted and prohibit congregate meal service, i.e. eating together in one gathering. The letter instructed that “individuals seated at the same table must be members of the same party (but may be from different households), with a maximum of 10 people per table.”

The letter from the Health Dept closed with a dire warning that businesses operating in violation of the Executive Order are liable to be punished with a fine of up to $1,000 per violation per day along with other civil penalties and closure, and may be denied permits to operate in future seasons.

FIGURE 2. COVID-19 cases among children* aged <18 745="" among="" hospitalization="" known="" status="" sup="" those="" with="" years="">†
by age group and hospitalization status — United States, February 12–April 2, 2020
 Abbreviation: ICU = intensive care unit.
* Includes infants, children, and adolescents.
Number of children missing hospitalization status by age group: <1 10="" 15="" 1="" 291="" 388="" 398="" 5="" 65="" 682="" 68="" 71="" 73="" 76="" 813="" of="" p="" year="" years="">
<1 10="" 15="" 1="" 291="" 388="" 398="" 5="" 65="" 682="" 68="" 71="" 73="" 76="" 813="" of="" p="" year="" years="">
Russian roulette (Russian: русская рулетка, russkaya ruletka) is a lethal game of chance in which a player places a single round in a revolver, spins the cylinder, places the muzzle against their head, and pulls the trigger in hopes that the loaded chamber doesn't align with the primer percussion mechanism and the barrel, causing the weapon to discharge. Russian refers to the supposed country of origin, and roulette to the element of risk-taking and the spinning of the revolver's cylinder, which is reminiscent of a spinning roulette wheel.

The deadly game is commonly associated with six-shot revolvers. If such is the case, mathematically, the average number of consecutive pulls of the trigger before the gun discharges is 3.5. After a single spin, the probability of it firing is 1/6, followed by 1/5 on the second pull, 1/4 on the 3rd pull and so on, until if it failed to fire 5 times, the probability is 1/1(=1) on the final pull. [1] If the cylinder is re-spun after each trigger pull, the probability of firing remains 1 in 6 on each occasion, and the probability of it having fired after 6 pulls is , or about 66.5%.

CDC AS OF APRIL 2: (3 months data not yet available)

 Note 44.2% of the new COVID-19 infections were children below the ages of 19 In Israel!

In the last 10 days, 11.2% of infections were children nine and younger, 23% children between the ages of 10 and 19, and 57% adults under 59 – perhaps parents or teachers. In contrast, only 14.4% of people infected are over the age of 60 (7.3% between 60 and 80).…/coronavirus-crisis-stop-confusing-s…