Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Agudath Israel Reminds You How Important They Are To You! Give Them Your Money So They Can Replace Your Doctors With Their Deadly Medical Advice!

Mon, Aug 24 at 5:33 PM
The vital importance of Agudath Israel of America cannot be understated. Our future, just as our past and present, is ensured by the Agudah’s tireless efforts on the frontlines and behind the scenes.

As the Agudah is vital to you, in 1 week YOU ARE VITAL to the Agudah! Bez”H on Tuesday, September 1, the entire Agudah family will launch a national fundraising campaign, entitled YOU ARE VITAL.

For over 100 years, the Agudah's vital nature was felt, directly or indirectly, across all aspects of your Jewish life. The vital importance was especially acute during the pandemic, as all aspects of life-health, education, advocacy, work, community, religion, family-were suddenly upended.
More than the past and present, the Agudah is vital to our future. The Agudah’s increased vitality will ensure that each individual Jew in America and the collective family of Am Yisroel will have a vibrant tomorrow.