Monday, October 19, 2020

Agudath Israel To Governor Cuomo: In Our Shuls There Iz Problem....


Agudah Chorus: We throw our Jews down the well,

by telling you to go to hell,
so our shuls can be free
to make big  funeral "pardee"

We can not go to shul to shmooze,
 we miss the kiddush clubs and all the booze,
The dead Jews are not our problem
most never pay their dues,
This year cuz of you we can not make tenksgiving party,
oy vey, what to do?

 Agudah Chorus : Governor - In our shuls there iz problem,
we will tell you to go to hell,
So we can go to shul
and drop dead, because we are fools

Give us more reasons to sue,
so we can pray together not to lose,
 as we gather our idiot flock,
all around the Boro Park block,
so we give people around the world more reason to hate the Jew...

Agudah Chorus : Governor - In our shuls there iz problem,
we will tell you to go to hell,
So we can go to shul
and drop dead, because we are fools