Thursday, January 14, 2021

Impeachment Mit Babka - A Double M'chaya!


Jerry Nadler brought Zabar’s bag with ‘a babka and the constitution’ to the impeachment hearing

Jerry Nadler speaks to the media in New York, Sept. 7, 2020.


(JTA) — As chair of the House Judiciary Committee, Rep. Jerry Nadler has been busy this week creating impeachment history. But he he hasn’t gone hungry, apparently.

C-SPAN caught Nadler carrying a bag from Zabar’s, the famed New York grocery and appetizing store located in his Upper West Side congressional district, as he took his seat on Wednesday. The bold orange logo would be unmistakeable to anyone familiar with the store.

Multiple news organizations — including New York Magazine and West Side Rag, a hyperlocal blog — reached out to Nadler’s office to find out what was inside the bag.

The response, from Nadler’s deputy press secretary Julian Gerson: “A babka and the constitution, what else?”

Nadler is one of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s nine chosen managers for the impeachment process, along with fellow Jewish Reps. David Cicilline, Jamie Raskin and Adam Schiff.

1 comment:

  1. There's no way that Obama's Kapo Jerrold Nadler lost several 100s of lbs to go from overstuffed kishka bursting out of the largest size clothing from 'Big & Tall Male' stores to his current frame, without a major surgical procedure like liposuction or gastric bypass to rip out his gut.

    Pre-surgery he was mocked by the editors on the Wall Street Journal editorial page for his daily snack of two boxes of donuts in a single sitting washed down with a diet Coke. Zogt the WSJ: "It's a good thing it was diet Coke, not regular Coke!"

    Post-op, it hurts gastric patients to keep FRESSING junk like babka. It makes them dump. Nadler's behavior is simply a twist on the Yevonim of olde who purposely induced themselves to dump in specially constructed barf rooms so they could enjoy bout after bout of Esav-style fressing.

    Nadler's disgusting paid mouthpiece Ezra Friedlander probably arranged that the babka became one of the few items at Chazir Treif Zabar's to become kosher (under Lubav hashgocho).
