Tuesday, January 26, 2021

"The Pedophile of Edgewood."


Greer’s Supreme Court Petition Denied

by Larry Noodles

The United States Supreme Court declined to hear "Rabbi" Daniel Greer's appeal of the $21 million civil verdict entered against him almost three years ago in Federal Court. Greer filed a petition for certification before the Supreme Court after he had lost on appeal at the Second Circuit Court of Appeals. Greer's attorneys argued on appeal that the verdict was "excessive" and "shocking" and should either be completely set aside or reduced. The Second Circuit held the following: "The amount of compensatory damages is undoubtedly high, but we are not persuaded that a new trial or remittitur (reduction) is warranted under Connecticut law. The award here is not excessive when compared to the awards in the cases cited above. Here, the record indicates that EM suffered repeated abuse for approximately three years, from the time he was fourteen until he was seventeen years old. At certain points, EM was abused for hours at a time, on a weekly basis. The first time Greer abused EM, he plied EM with alcohol, pretended to care about EM and his family, acknowledged EM's parents' financial struggles, and then kissed him. Eventually the abuse included oral sex, anal sex, mutual masturbation, and watching pornography together — while EM was a sophomore, junior, and senior in high school and Greer was a 60-something year old man."

The New Haven Police arrested Greer a few months after the civil verdict of $20 million entered in the child rape case. If Greer had won the civil case I don't believe that the State's Attorneys Office would have filed the criminal case. If Greer had offered the victim a settlement, long before the civil case was filed, a civil case would have never been filed.

Greer's attorneys also argued on appeal that the trial judge's jury instructions pertaining to Greer's refusal to answer questions based on his right against self incrimination was improper. The trial judge instructed the jury that they could make negative inferences against Greer due to his failure to answer difficult questions on cross examination. The Second Circuit listed the questions Greer refused to answer: Greer refused to answer whether he "sexually abused and assaulted other minors including Avi Hack" whether he "taught religious and secular studies, communal service, ethics, theology and Jewish history," whether he "forced EM to have sex with him when he was a child at various locations in New Haven apartments he owned," whether "he had molested EM in Greer's bedroom" whether he "had sex with EM at a motel in Branford" whether he "forced EM to have sex with him at a motel in Paoli" whether he forced EM to have sex with him when EM was a child at a hotel in Philadelphia," whether he "had sex with EM when he was a child at land in Hamden..."

Greer was sentenced to 20 years of incarceration suspended after 12 after he was convicted of child molestation. Greer is currently on home confinement, after he was recently released due to COVID19 in the prisons. Greer's case will be reviewed again on February 1, by Judge Alander. Greer may or may not go back to jail. Eventually Greer will have to go to jail and spend 12 years in the custody of the Department of Corrections. Greer has already registered as a sex offender. Greer is allowed to leave his abode in order to go to doctor appointments and appointments with his attorney. A local recently told me that she saw Greer driving around in his minivan in his Edgewood neighborhood. Greer used to be known as the "Mayor of Edgewood." Greer is now known as "The Pedophile of Edgewood."

Greer was tried and incarcerated just before the pandemic. Greer has been in and out of prison ever since, due to issues in the prison related to the pandemic, and Greer's age. Greer is 80 years old. At one point Greer's son Ezi Greer drove his father to the Superior Court to turn him in to the Marshal. I was there and took pictures. I was shocked that Ezi drove his father to the prison. During the civil trial an expert testified that he had evidence that Ezi was molested by his father. Ezi Greer was active in politics in New Haven for many years, along with his brother Rabbi Dov Greer. Dov, Ezi and Avi Hack also helped run Greer's yeshiva, where EM was enrolled. Avi Hack was also molested by Greer. Avi, Dov and Ezi protected Daniel Greer for years while Greer attracted minors to his yeshiva for the purposes of rape and abuse. After "Rabbi" Greer was sued Dov moved to Long Island, Ezi moved to Waterbury, and Avi moved to Providence RI. Avi's father Harold Hack, who also protected Greer for year, also moved to Waterbury. Greer got Harold a job at the City of New Haven. Harold's daughter is married to Ezi Greer.

Ezi, Avi, Dov and Harold refused to testify against Greer at Greer's civil and criminal trials. I contacted numerous potential witnesses to testify against Greer in the criminal trial. A few showed up and testified against Greer. One testified that he was a classmate of EM at the high school and that he suspected that EM was being molested by Greer at the time he was in school. Another testified that Greer tried to molest him. A few others wanted to testify but found it too emotionally painful to show up in court and testify. I was surprised that EM had the strength to testify at the civil trial and the criminal trial. Greer's lawyer William Ward mercilessly attacked EM at the civil trial, yelling at him calling him a "LIAR" and a "THIEF." Greer's lawyer Willie the Dow at the criminal trial was more respectful and didn't yell and scream at the victim. The Dow probably learned from Ward's mistake, attacking the victim, victim blaming, did not work out very well for Ward.

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