Thursday, February 18, 2021

Large families. Group prayer. Funerals with hundreds of mourners. Social distancing is the antithesis of ultra-Orthodox Jewish life.

The coronavirus is devastating Israel’s ultra-Orthodox communities. They represent 12.6 percent of the population, but 28 percent of infections.

‘How Many Funerals Will Come Out of This One?’


JERUSALEM — The crowd surged and swirled, like the eddies of an ocean. Crushed against one another, hundreds of men stretched their arms toward the rabbi’s body, trying to touch the bier in a display of religious devotion.

It was the height of Israel’s third lockdown, in an ultra-Orthodox district near the heart of Jerusalem. Gatherings were banned. Masks were mandatory. Infection rates were spiking, particularly among ultra-Orthodox groups like this one.

Yet here were hundreds of mourners, most with mouths uncovered, attending an illegal funeral procession for a revered rabbi who had himself died of the coronavirus.

For these deeply devout Jews, attendance was a religious and personal duty. To briefly grip the rabbi’s bier, and symbolically assist his passage from this world, was a sign of profound respect for the dead.

But for secular Israeli society, and even for some within the ultra-Orthodox world, this kind of mass gathering suggested a disrespect for the living.

“What is more important?” wondered Esti Shushan, an ultra-Orthodox women’s rights activist, after seeing pictures of the gathering. “To go to funerals and study Torah? Or to stay alive?”

It is a question that channels one of the central conflicts of the pandemic in Israel: the spiraling tension between the Israeli mainstream and the growing ultra-Orthodox minority, an insular group of highly religious Jews, also known as Haredim, who eschew many trappings of modernity in favor of intensive religious study.

When the pandemic began, one Haredi leader promised that adherence to Jewish law would save his followers from the virus......



  1. Charles Dickens's fictional works contained many real observations from real life.

    In Oliver Twist, for instance, there were pickpockets working the crowds that gathered for hangings of criminals convicted of picking pockets. So yes, capital punishment's deterrent value is limited.

  2. It was only a matter of time before this happened. I hope to be proven incorrect, but I am now predicting that the purveyors will include a disproportionate number of blackhats, and the purchasers will likewise include a disproportionate number of blackhats:

  3. The accompanying picture is amazing: it resembles something painted 300+ years ago, with the way light and shadow are shown, faces frozen in reverence, the absolute stillness in the room. I'd almost believe it's a painting.

  4. Shake down of the Yeshiva of Spring Valley parent body to pony up money to pay for a Shalach Manos to go to YSV President Sruly Orzel, who fills the shoes of Past-President MOISH FINKEL.

    What the Heck?! He's a multi-millionaire who is not exactly undernourished to put it mildly, LOL.

    Parents are crying to Tomchei Shabbos they have no money for food during the pandemic, but the ikker is to keep Orzel's boych satisfied & add another fat roll to his frame.

    Who is in charge of the kashrus of the items? It used to be FINKEL's rav hamachshir Rav Breslauer.


    Can't wait to tell my conference call groupies vos der Eybishter helft!

  6. Gedolei Eretz Yisroel imitate UOJ12:15 PM, February 18, 2021

    A Rosh Kollel with many branches throughout Israel approached Rosh Yeshivas Slabodka, HaGaon HaRav Moshe Hillel Hirsch, chaver Motetzes Gedolei HaTorah, to ask him a shaila regarding those who choose not to vaccinate, B’Chadrei Chareidim reported.

    This Rav’s Kollelim are very makpid on shemiras sedarim and he told the Rosh Yeshivah with great pain on the tremendous amount of Bittul Torah during the winter zeman due to many avreichim contracting the coronavirus and others being required to enter quarantine.

    The Rav wanted to know what he should do ahead of the upcoming summer zeman regarding avreichim who don’t want to vaccinate. Can he require that the avreichim vaccinate as a condition for remaining in the kollel?

    HaRav Hirsch immediately paskened that the kollel can permanently ban any avreich who refuses to vaccinate since his refusal can harm others and lead to bittul Torah.

    The Rosh Kollel immediately implemented the p’sak and sent a message to his kollelim that any avreich that doesn’t get vaccinated cannot learn in Kollel as of the first day of Nissan.

  7. A poshute baal habayis knew this a year ago:

  8. What do you think of this, UOJ?


    Motty's Supermarket in Monsey, owned by Motty Klein from Satmar burned to the ground today.

    What kind of insurance policy was taken out on the place?

    Don't forget Motty's brother was arrested a few years ago as the common denominator in the massive FBI raid on many Monsey yeshivos. The brother owns the security company that falsely signed off on govt subsidized T1 connections that were never installed. When reporters come looking for the brother he pulls his 3/4 up to wrap around zein farshtinkenner kup vee atifas Yishmoelim & even drives away like that which is totally dangerous & illegal as he can't see a thing.

  10. "can't see a thing"

    According to prosecutor Charles Brandt, a co-conspirator with Frank Sheeran (bag man for Scranton's Buffalino crime family) to whack Jimmy Hoffa, was Genovese soldier Sal "Sally Bugs" Briguglio.

    Brandt recorded his theory in his book titled after the mafia shprach for assassinations

    the book was adapted for the big screen as "The Irishman" by Scorcese

    on the way to the hit, Hoffa's son was transporting a fish wrapped in newspaper which the stench & mess really irked Sal. Trying to ward off the hostility against his son, Hoffa started mocking Sal's eyeglasses which Sal was sarcastically moyde that he can't see an effin thing with them on

    Sal was also co-conspirator in another high profile murder with the infamous ex-yeshiva oissvorf turned mob assassin Heshy Konigsberg

    Heshy who understood the politics of shidduchim was resigned to strategizing to pay a frumma maydel to marry him if only in name to give him kinder
