Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Oy Vey! Now The Reform Giant? Gedolim Aint What It Used To Be...No Kidding!


Reform rabbinic giant disciplined for inappropriate relationships now accused of ‘sexually predatory behavior’

A senior leader of the Reform movement whose rabbinic privileges were briefly suspended two decades ago for “personal relationships” that violated ethical codes in fact sexually harassed or assaulted at least three women, including one who was a minor when the misconduct began, an independent investigation by Manhattan’s Central Synagogue has found.

Rabbi Sheldon Zimmerman, who was senior rabbi at Central from 1972 to 1985, resigned his position as president of Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in 2000 after the Reform movement’s Central Conference of American Rabbis ruled that his relationships had broken its rules. But neither CCAR or HUC provided details of the misconduct at the time, leaving the impression that Zimmerman had simply had consensual affairs, and he went on to serve as vice president of the Birthright Israel program and rabbi of the Jewish Center of the Hamptons.

Now, lawyers hired by Central have found credible evidence that Zimmerman engaged in “sexually predatory” behavior and used the philosopher Martin Buber’s I/Thou theology, which describes the relationship between man and the divine, as a way to justify his sexual behavior, according to a letter sent to congregants Tuesday afternoon.

“We are devastated that a member of our clergy could abuse our (or any) pulpit and position of power within our community the way that Rabbi Zimmerman did,” said the letter, which is signed by Rabbi Angela Buchdahl, Central’s senior rabbi, as well as its executive director and board president. “This was a gross manipulation of his spiritual authority.”

Nancy Levy, who taught at Central Synagogue’s youth program in 1974, told the Forward in an interview that she was manipulated into a sexual relationship with Zimmerman, who was her boss.

“How could he have done this as a rabbi? How could he have trapped us with the ‘I/Thou?’” Levy, now 74, said in an emotional phone interview. “He so misused Buber’s words,” she added. “He told me he was looking to get to God through me.

“It’s just like the Catholic priests — he used religion to justify his predation and tore down Judaism and a part of me in the process.”

The lead investigator hired by Central Synagogue confirmed that a second victim was 15 years old and a member of Central Synagogue’s youth group when Zimmerman first struck up a relationship with her in 1970. According to the investigator, the woman was 17 when Zimmerman first began to fondle and kiss her.

Central’s letter to congregants said that it would continue to investigate any new allegations of women who come forward, review its policies and procedures around sexual misconduct, and, in the next two months ”make necessary adjustment” to ensure that Rabbi Zimmerman’s tenure in the community not be “lauded” in its building, archives or website.

“We have to challenge ourselves as a congregation to speak the truth and to never let any of us be bystanders,” the letter said. “May we walk forward with humility, repentance, and a determination to never allow the leadership positions of our community to be perverted or misused.”

Rabbi Zimmerman now lives outside Dallas, where he was senior rabbi of Temple Emanuel from 1985 to 1996, and where he is listed on the website as teaching a Kabbalah course. He did not respond to requests for comment.

The revelations about Rabbi Zimmerman have prompted a review of policies around sexual misconduct not only at Central but also at HUC and CCAR. They come amid a broader reckoning over sexual harassment and assault at HUC and the world of Jewish Studies after some scholars attempted earlier this year to help the sociologist Steven M. Cohen, who was shunned by the Jewish world after five women accused him of misconduct in 2018, re-enter academic discussion circles.

CCAR, the Reform movement’s rabbinical organization and the body that originally sanctioned Zimmerman in 2000, said in a statement on Tuesday that it had moved five months ago to conduct “an audit and assessment of our ethics system” and promised that review would “result in meaningful change.” The statement called the revelations about Zimmerman “devastating” and said it sparked “institutional self-reflection” over the group’s original investigation of his behavior.

“When a rabbi misuses the power and trust of their title, we are all harmed,” said the statement, signed by the organization’s president and chief executive. “We know that we are at an inflection point. We know, too, that our commitment to real change means that there is difficult but necessary work ahead. The road in front of us will not be easy, but the safety and well-being of the communities our rabbis serve is a priority.

An HUC spokesperson said the rabbinical college had decided this month to engage an independent law firm to conduct a review and analysis of allegations relating to sexual misconduct and gender bias. This follows the creation in January 2020 of a presidential task force to address instances of harassment and bias.

Andrew Rehfeld, president of HUC, wrote in an April 23 email to faculty, staff, students, alumni and board members that the new investigation would be “thorough,” “impartial” and “undertaken with thoughtfulness and urgency,” promising more specific details “in the weeks ahead.”

“Our board and administration is really distressed by the accounts coming forward,” Jeanie Rosensaft, the HUC spokesperson, said in an interview. “We’re committed to ensuring the wellbeing, dignity and respect of every individual in our community,” she added. We are seeking to hear people’s truths and we are seeking teshuva with thoughtfulness and urgency.”

Levy, telling her story publicly for the first time, said in the interview that the inappropriate relationship with Rabbi Zimmerman began in 1974 and took a turn one day in the fall of 1975 when he called her and said he was coming over to her apartment after dropping his wife off at the airport.

“Then, I knew he was going to ask me to have sex — that he intended to consummate what had been going on,” she recalled. When Zimmerman arrived, Levy said, the two of them got undressed but did not have sex because Zimmerman was unable to have an erection.

“He told me then that I was the only person he’d ever done this with before aside from a nun,” she recalled. “In my mind, I was like, this is really weird.”

Levy said Zimmerman continued to try and reach out to her after the incident in her apartment, but she declined his overtures, quit her teaching position at the synagogue and parted ways with Reform Judaism, working instead as an educator at a church in Manhattan.

“I would be seriously surprised if I could ever affiliate with the institution of Judaism again after what happened,” she said. “I can go there for my mother’s yahrtzeit and for all the members of my family whose names are on those plaques,” she said, referring to Central Synagogue. “But after being made to feel so unsafe in that place, my relationship with that synagogue and my Judaism is permanently damaged.”

Levy spurred Central’s investigation last fall when she decided to come forward with her never-before-heard allegations against Zimmerman after happening upon a Rosh Hashanah Zoom service led by Buchdahl. “In her drasha, Rabbi Buchdahl spoke about confronting racism in our community,” Levy recalled. “Even though I hadn’t thought about Shelly for years — decades — it all came rushing to the surface. I realized it was my turn to confront the injustice that I had experienced, as our nation confronts its own legacy of slavery and racism.”

Rabbi Rick Jacobs, president of the Union for Reform Judaism said he was “profoundly saddened to learn of the painful violations endured” by members of the movement.

“Sexual misconduct has no place in our houses of worship, where our holiest ethical teachings should be lived by all especially by our clergy who care for us at the most vulnerable moments in our lives,” Jacobs said in an emailed statement.

“Our Jewish tradition is unyielding in holding all of us responsible to create safe environments where the culture of respect prevails and where there is openness to hear - and address - the failings of our leaders,” he added. “We will not rest until every space within the Reform Movement is safe and those culpable are held accountable.”

Rabbi Buchdahl said in an interview that she felt “morally compelled” to investigate after Levy came forward, followed by two other women who shared their experiences and what she described as “the lasting harm.”

“Their stories were devastating and our investigation deemed their accounts to be credible,” she noted. “We asked these women directly what could bring any measure of closure or healing, and they shared how important it would be for us to make the past public so there is no sense that a transgression this serious can be swept under the rug by the wider Jewish community.”

Part of that reckoning will include “amending” Rabbi Zimmerman’s legacy at Central “to reflect the entire truth of his rabbinate,” said Rabbi Buchdahl.

“As painful as the reckoning may be, it is necessary for any religious institution to face its history in full. As our tradition teaches, we cannot shape our future if we ignore our past. For serious sexual misconduct, no one should want to cover up the abuse, no matter how long ago it occurred,” she said.


  1. This is embarrassing that after I led Eric Schneidermann by the hand around Boro Park-Flatbush during the election campaign, first he's forced out from Attorney General & now he's been disbarred. You people have irrational bias against AGs who are sexual predators of Pakki women (& Agudah machers who are sexual predators of Chinese women)

  2. Major political drama that occurred yesterday, causing uproar & widespread condemnation of Bibi Netanyahu, may've vastly decreased his coalition-forming chances.

    The drama ensued over the vacant justice minister post that's been simmering for weeks. Defense Minister Gantz’s term as acting justice minister following resignation of Avi Nissenkorn ended & he repeatedly insisted Bibi appoint a new justice minister but Bibi refused.

    Yesterday Gantz insisted a cabinet vote be held for his own candidacy for the post & he was voted down 17-10. In a surprise, Bibi then called a vote for Likud's Ofir Akunis to fill the post, but since Gantz objected, AG Avichai Mandelblit told Bibi the vote's illegal under an agreement between Bibi & Gantz.

    Bibi proceeded anyway & the meeting erupted into shouts, Mandelblit shouting the vote's illegal, telling Bibi: “You held a vote against the opinion of the AG – it's unprecedented!”

    Bibi’s actions led to a storm of politicians, including Saar, scathing against his lack of adherence to law & agreements. Blue + White went so far as: "Bibi tried another terror attack vs democracy & Blue + White stopped him.”

    Gantz warned Saar & Bennett that Bibi can't be trusted to keep agreements.

    In the wake of the uproar, Bibi asked Mandelbit for a 48-hour extension on the Supreme Court decision to appoint a justice minister “to reach agreement between the sides.”

    Meanwhile, the Supreme Court froze Akunis’s appointment as justice minister.

    However, today, Bibi backed down & agreed to appoint Gantz as justice minister, requesting the Supreme Court cancel the hearing.

    Still, the damage is done & seems to have destroyed chances of Saar & Bennett joining Bibi. A senior Likud official told Channel 12: "Bibi made a serious mistake” pushing Akunis even after the AG said it's illegal.

    Meanwhile, Yamina chairman Naftali Bennett met with Islamic Raam chair Mansour Abbas to form a unity govt without Bibi & Likud. He's also scheduled to talk with Yair Lapid.

  3. Republican lawmakers are demanding an investigation of federal climate czar John Kerry, after a leaked recording revealed he told Iran’s foreign minister of covert Israeli military ops.

    “It's very serious, it should be investigated. It's beyond him just resigning,” said Rep Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), House GOP leader.

    Rep Lee Zeldin (R-NY), of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said Kerry should testify whether he gave classified or sensitive information to Iranian FM Mohammad Javad Zarif.

    “Israel is America’s staunchest & most loyal ally. That America’s top diplomat leaks covert military ops to the largest state sponsor of terror — puts Israeli lives at risk — is massively alarming. Secretary Kerry must immediately testify before the House to address this. If Kerry did undermine Israel, he must resign immediately & have his security clearance revoked​"

    Sen Ted Cruz (R-TX) said if the tape's verified, “it's catastrophic, disqualifying recklessness by Kerry, endangering safety of Americans & our allies. It's consistent with his long empowering Iran’s regime. Kerry poured $100s of billions into the Ayatollah’s terrorist bank accounts, was close confidant of Zarif under Obama & was caught repeatedly meeting with him during the Trump administration (never mind the Logan Act) — & never publicly accounted what was discussed”

    Sen Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), of the Senate Judiciary told Fox News an investigation's needed & if Zarif’s claim's true, “Kerry should seriously resign​. He puts our men & women in uniform at risk.”

    Former Sec of State Mike Pompeo said the tape makes him question if Kerry, Biden’s climate envoy, can be trusted to negotiate the Iran nuclear deal.

    “Before a deal with Iran that reduces American security, it'd be good to know what arrangement may've been made between these two,” Pompeo told the Washington Free Beacon.

    Kerry was instrumental in brokering the 2015 nuclear pact that President Trump withdrew from in 2018.

    Pompeo also said the leaked recording confirms “what I said for years: Zarif continued to engage with Kerry on policy & according to Zarif, Kerry informed Iran of Israeli ops.”

    Sen Lindsey Graham (R-SC): “If true, it’s very damaging. I like Kerry, but it's very problematic if true.”

  4. Elly, it's not just Agudah Fressers like you who molest Chinese women!:

    NYC Comptroller & Mayoral candidate Scott Stringer today denied old allegations of sex assault, but said he had a “consensual” relationship with his accuser.

    “To be clear, I unequivocally condemn sexual harassment of any kind. (Thanks, Bungalow Putz Neuhoff!) Sexual harassment's unacceptable,” Stringer told reporters at a press conference alongside wife Elyse Buxbaum.

    Stringer insisted, “This isn’t me. I didn’t do it,” in response to bombshell allegations by lobbyist Jean Kim, who claims Stringer groped her multiple times in 2001 while an unpaid intern on his campaign for public advocate.

    “I fight for the truth, as the allegations are false & completely antithetical to my life,” Stringer said.

    The comptroller met Kim in the late 90s & she “supported-donated to my campaign for public advocate, as early as '99.”

    “She was a peer, absolutely not an intern. My interns were students. She wasn't part of it. Jean was at the time a publicist supporting the campaign. She never worked for me in any capacity. We were friends for years. Around the campaign, we had an on-off relationship of 3 months. She 30, I 41. The relationship ended before I met Elyse,” said Stringer, now 60. Kim’s lawyer says she's now 49.

    “I never used force, made threats, or anything alleged. It was amicable for many years after, until 2013, when I couldn't find her a role in my campaign for comptroller. I understand it's painful to hear these allegations, but I urge everyone, including my supporters, treat Ms Kim courteously. Any behavior to the contrary doesn't represent me. Everyone must be treated with respect & dignity”

    Buxbaum, who Stringer married in 2010 & with whom he has 2 children, defended her husband as she revealed she's a “survivor of sex abuse. I never met a man more respectful of women & women’s rights. If 1% of what Scott's accused of is true, I wouldn't stand by him.”

    Kim spoke out publicly today @ City Hall & charged Stringer “inappropriately & relentlessly pursued sex with her. One evening before the primary, we were talking when without warning or consent, he tongue-kissed me, his hands down my pants & groped me inside my undies. I pulled away & tried to avoid him. He warned me don't tell anyone. When we traveled to & from events, he repeatedly put his hands on my thighs & between my legs. He asked more than once, ‘Why won’t you F me?’”

    Stringer said, “I don’t talk that way. It’s not language I use, ever.”

    The comptroller called for Gov Cuomo to resign over sex harassment claims against him, but said he won't resign.

    “Cuomo’s accused of multiple abuses of his office. It isn't the same. I tell you what's described simply isn't true. I unequivocally deny it,” Stringer said.

  5. Biden Puppetmasters Weaponize FBI10:23 PM, April 28, 2021

    Sen Lindsey Graham today defended Rudy Giuliani after the FBI raided the former NYC mayor’s apt, grabbing his cell phone & other devices as they roused him from bed at 6 AM, saying judges issue search warrants easily & he’s concerned Giuliani received unfair treatment

    The Senate Republican, lawyer & ex-chair of the Senate Judiciary, said past FBI abuses vs Trump associates make him wary of justification of the raid

    “I’m very suspicious. We’ve been told 1,000x everyone in Trumpworld's a Russian spy. It turns out not accurate,” Graham told reporters on Capitol Hill

    “I know Rudy a long time. A search warrant doesn’t = guilt”

    Graham said Giuliani, who was Trump’s personal attorney, may be getting a raw deal from the FBI, who notoriously misled the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to surveil Trump adviser Carter Page — drawing a scathing IG report & rare rebuke from the Court. Ex-FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith pleaded guilty to falsifying records given the court

    “All the accusations that disrupted lives — Carter Page, Papadopoulos — is this is a continuation?”

    The raid's of an investigation if Giuliani illegally lobbied Trump on behalf of Ukrainians. But Graham’s concerned the "investigation" gained steam as Biden took office

    “I’m very skeptical given FBI-Mueller "investigations". Those investigating Ukraine-Russia Trump "links" employ huge scrutiny. Rudy like anyone's presumed innocent. A warrant's easy depending on the judge. Past abuse of power should alarm everyone”

    Giuliani's famous for investigating Hunter Biden’s $83,000 a month no show job on the board of energy co Burisma as his father led Obama’s Ukraine policy. Giuliani’s inquiry was a major part of Democrat witch hunts vs Trump

    Giuliani later was pivotal publicizing contents of a Hunter Biden laptop with files linking Joe Biden to Hunter relationships in China & Ukraine

    A Delaware computer tech provided Giuliani the hard drive. The NY Post reported on those contents in the 2020 campaign

    Rudy’s son blasted the FBI for raiding his dad’s apt & law office, revealing a judge appointed by Obama signed the warrant

    “It's disgusting, absurd & further politicization of DOJ,” Andrew Giuliani said outside his father’s swank Manhattan building on E 66 St

    Attorney for Giuliani, Robert Costello, blasted the raid, saying DOJ targeted the mayor due to “Trump derangement syndrome”

    “Outrageous Trump Derangement Syndrome's gone so far that hatred drives an unjustified, unethical attack on the US Attorney-Mayor who did more to reduce crime than virtually anyone in US history”

    Giuliani said the FBI “steadfastly declined” to take Biden's hard drives when he “offered them on many occasions”

    “Keep in mind the agents couldn't read the drives without plugging them in, but took Giuliani’s word that the drives are copies of Hunter’s & don't contain anything on Giuliani. Their reliance on Giuliani’s credibility tells you what you need to know”

    The probe grew from prosecuting Lev Parnas & Igor Fruman, associates who introduced him to Ukrainian officials & await trial on unrelated finance charges

    Costello adds how DOJ “runs rough shod over constitutional rights of anyone involved in, or legally defending, Trump”

    The electronic devices seized are “replete with attorney-client & other constitutional privilege material. The warrants involve only 1 item: failure to register as a foreign agent. Giuliani not only denied it, but offered twice in 2 years to prove it entirely untrue. 2x the offer's rejected by SDNY, stating while they'll listen, they won't tell Giuliani-Costello the subject matter they want”

  6. Shmuel Kaminetzky10:32 PM, April 28, 2021

    Good boys!

    150 Israelis From India, Mexico Refuse Tests, At Least 55 Cases On Returning Flights

    150 Israelis who recently arrived on flights from India & Mexico refused to undergo a 2nd covid test, Channel 12 News reported yesterday.

    The initial test @ Ben-Gurion Airport is mandatory but the 2nd test is not & passengers can't be legally forced to be tested again. However, since 55 passengers on 2 flights already tested positive for the virus, including 10 who were fully vaccinated, the 2nd test is vital to thwart the spread of the Indian variant in Israel.

    India's currently experiencing a catastrophic surge of infection & there's fear the new Indian variant's spreading in Israel. To date, 8 cases have been IDed in Israel.

    Since some passengers who refused to be tested a 2nd time have been vaccinated or already recovered from the virus, they're not required to quarantine, increasing fears they'll spread the Indian variant if they’re carriers.

    Some health officials express fear the Indian variant is resistant to vaccines.

    “The Indian variant has 13 mutations,” an expert told Channel 12. “We hope the vaccines will also be effective against this variant but we don’t know.”
