Wednesday, April 21, 2021

The Yeshiva & The Shiksa.... Zeidy Yossel Kushner Would Be Proud...Hershel Schachter's Slippery Slope...


Israeli yeshiva leaks name of model Karlie Kloss' baby


Yeshivat Reishit, where Jared Kushner's brother Josh studied, leaked name of baby born to Josh Kushner and his wife, Karlie Kloss.

Karlie Kloss
Karlie Kloss

It’s common practice in Jewish circles to wait until eight days after a baby boy is born before publicly sharing the baby’s name at the time of circumcision.

Josh Kushner and Karlie Kloss, the brother and sister-in-law of Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump, wanted to wait even longer than that to make the baby’s name, Levi Joseph, public.

But Kushner’s Israeli yeshiva had other plans.

Yeshivat Reishit, where Kushner was a student in 2003, congratulated the couple in an alumni email, announcing the baby’s name in the process. The yeshiva, located in Jerusalem and Beit Shemesh, runs a Modern Orthodox post-high school gap year program for American boys.

When the New York Post, which first reported on the leak, asked Kushner and Kloss for comment, Kloss posted the name to Instagram herself on Saturday.

Born in March, the baby may be named for Kushner’s grandfather, real estate scion and philanthropist Joseph Kushner, who died in 1985. The Joseph Kushner Hebrew Academy in Livingston, New Jersey, is named for him.

Kushner, who founded the Oscar Health insurance company, and Kloss, a supermodel and TV star, married in 2018.

1 comment:

  1. Shmuel Kaminetzky11:49 PM, April 21, 2021

    Herd immunity ... Ferd immunity ... Blah blah blah

    Less than half of NYC adults still haven’t been vaccinated

    By Gabrielle Fonrouge
    Apr 21, 2021

    Many in the city that never sleeps are still snoozing on the COVID vaccine

    Less than half of adults in NYC got a 1st dose — even though everyone 16+ has been eligible for weeks & appointments are widely available

    Vaccinated New Yorkers urge their feet-dragging neighbors to get on board so NYC can reach herd immunity — estimated when between 70-90 % inoculate

    As of today, 3.2 million New Yorkers, or 49% of city adults, received at least 1 dose of vaccine & statewide, 42% of residents started inoculating, data show

    City denizens who fully inoculated — 2 shots Pfizer / Moderna / 1 shot J&J — stood at 32% today, or 2.1 million adults. Statewide, not even 33% completely inoculated — only 5.8 million received doses, or 29% of the state

    At Medgar Evers College vaccine site today, staff said they usually give 3,000 doses a day but by afternoon, only 661

    “Anyone who can get it should because it protects everyone, not just you,” said Maya Man, 24, a Brooklyn artist, describing the facility as “empty”

    Teachers vaccinations, crucial to open schools, still lags behind, DOE data show

    Only 43% of all DOE workers — including administrators & guidance counselors — got the shot, even though educators were eligible since Jan

    NY falls behind other states in the northeast as per Becker’s Hospital Review.

    Gov Cuomo announced today most sites will allow 60+ without appointment starting Fri — adding to 30 sites allowing walk-ins for 50+

    Councilman Mark Levine said “It confuses people, different rules for NYC, state, pharmacies & others. The sooner all are walk-in for any age, the better. It needs to be frictionless. It’s a big deal we got 49% of adults in NYC with at least 1 shot but it’s a lot more work to get the next 50%+”

    Compounding the issue: the CDC pause of J&J after 6 women with blood clots

    The one-dose shot's important accessing difficult to reach elderly, rural areas, or who may not come for a 2nd dose like the homeless. NY relied on J&J for the homebound

    Experts warn the pause also damaged public confidence in vaccines

    “The result in public opinion's documented in surveys as a dramatic drop in confidence in any vaccine, major negative impact on people wanting to be vaccinated,” said Dr Stan Weiss, public health expert @ Rutgers

    He said CDC messaging “failed”. Officials should've signaled they take safety seriously

    Weiss said “normal” is when 80-90 % of the population inoculates. The longer it takes, the more we risk being out run by more-contagious variants of virus

    “The faster, the less risk variants pose. The slower in high vaccination rates, the greater risk the variants pose”
