Thursday, May 06, 2021

They might deny COVID-19 exists, then play it down, and eventually blame 5G and Jewish people for the pandemic.


Germany’s Anti-vaccination History Is Riddled With Anti-Semitism

Jewish people were blamed for spreading disease, and considered expendable victims.

 German painting from the plague and scenes from a protest arranged as a flag


Last year, I felt lucky to be an American in Germany. The government carried out a comprehensive public-health response, and for the most part, people wore masks in public. More recently, COVID-19 cases have surged here, with new infections reaching a single-day zenith in late March. Germany has lagged behind the United States and the United Kingdom in vaccination efforts, and German public-health regulators have restricted use of the AstraZeneca vaccine to people over 60, after seven cases of rare cerebral blood clots. Key public-health measures, particularly lockdowns and vaccination, have been divisive. Among some people, even the magnitude of the virus’s infectious threat has been in question.

Over the past year, Germany’s sprawling anti-lockdown movement has brought together a disquieting alliance of ordinary citizens, both left- and right-leaning, and extremists who see the pandemic response as part of a wider conspiracy. In August, nearly 40,000 protesters gathered in my neighborhood to oppose the government’s public-health measures, including the closure of stores and mask mandates. It was unnerving to hear German chants of “Fascism in the guise of health” from my window, and all the more given that the same day, a subgroup of those protesters charged Parliament. In a moment presaging the U.S. Capitol insurrection, 400 German protesters, including a group carrying the Reichsflagge, emblematic of the Nazi regime, rushed past police and reached the building’s stairs. Germany is riddled with QAnon adherents, some of whom are anti-vaccination, and some people are using this pandemic to articulate their anti-Semitic beliefs. They might deny COVID-19 exists, then play it down, and eventually blame 5G and Jewish people for the pandemic. In Bavaria, vaccine skeptics now use messages such as “Vaccination makes you free,” an allusion to “Work makes you free,” a horrific maxim of Nazi concentration camps.

Like the United States, Germany has a thriving anti-vaccination movement, and here it has encompassed conspiracy theorists, left-leaning spiritualists, and the far right. These last ties are the most troubling. In German-speaking lands, anti-science sentiment, right-wing politics, and racism have been entwined since even before Jews were accused of spreading the bubonic plague in the 14th century. These movements illustrate a grim truth: In both the past and the present, anti-science sentiments are inextricably tangled with racial prejudice.

Anti-vaccine movements are as old as vaccines, the scholar Jonathan M. Berman notes in his book, Anti-vaxxers, and what is striking, according to the author, is that early opponents at the turn of the 18th century believed that vaccination was “a foreign assault on traditional order.” 

But beliefs linking anti-science sentiment and anti-Semitism were already deeply set. During the plague outbreak of 1712 and 1713, for instance, the city of Hamburg initiated public-health measures including forbidding Jews from entering or leaving the city, Philipp Osten, the director of Hamburg’s Institute for History and Ethics of Medicine, told me. By the time cholera emerged in the 19th century, sickening thousands of people in the city within a matter of months, these antiquated ideas had taken on a new form.




  1. Is this the reason the Kaminetzky grandchildren become combative if you merely ask them to explain Granny's anti-vaxx shita?

    It must be a pretty darn embarrassing topic for them when they know deep down that the crackpot websites she spent YEARS "researching" are mostly from either neo-Nazis or fringe Far Leftists.

  2. Minutes to midnight, Bibi informs President Rivlin yet again he fails to form a govt

    For 2 years, Bibi's increasingly desperate to attain victory & increasingly negative. Hidden cameras deployed @ Arab polls to intimidate-suppress turnout. The centerpiece of his campaign: label Benny Gantz mentally ill, his cell hacked by Iranian intelligence & open to extort for infidelity

    As by Mar 2020 even those methods fail, Bibi pivots breezily, Likud staff annoy reporters as if children, it's "unavoidable cut & thrust politics". Bibi’s manager Ofer Golan: “Win, then apologize”

    So in Mar 2020, mentally ill, extortionable, unfaithful Gantz is PM. Bibi agreed to rotate Gantz as “alternate PM”, Nov 2021 actual PM. Bibi vows to keep his commitments, even alter law to give Gantz leverage & convince him he's sincere

    Surprising literally no one, Bibi reneges. His only means to stop transfer of power was new elections from govt failure the 1st time in history to pass a budget

    That was Bibi of Mar 2021: survivor, ruthlessly dishonest, break every norm to win

    His failure, finalized Tues, is painful, if only as it's right after his most spectacular successes: 4 peace agreements with Arabs & trailblazing vaccinations

    No matter the successes & how bad his challengers splintered, electoral math is the same

    How's it possible?

    Likud decries “anyone but Bibi” to “disqualify” Bibi. That “obsessive hatred,” they gripe, is the ultimate deadlock

    But a close look reveals a different, hard to overcome reason for failure

    Arab turnout drops an astonishing 20% from '20-'21, mainly from the fragmented Joint List (Arab turnout rises with unity & declines when parties run separately), but also by Likud pivoting anti-Arab to pro-Arab

    So how did fractured center-left, vaccinations, peace treaties & sharp decline in Arab turnout, not move the needle in Bibi’s favor?

    Simple. Likud shed 21% of it's voters, 1,352,000+ in 2020 to 1,067,000 a year later. Bibi’s key allies, Shas & UTJ-Agudah, also declined, shed 10+% of their voters

    An ISI thinktank analysis is blunt: Likud voters stayed home

    In hardscrabble Likud strongholds, turnout drops 5%. Concentrated among Likud voters; Likud’s share drops 7%

    Turnout drops 4.2% in Haredi-Right Jerusalem. “Likud cities”: Ashdod, Ashkelon, Beersheba, Hadera, Holon & Netanya, turnout fell 4%

    In settlements (minus Haredi Beitar Illit & Modiin Illit), it drops 2.5%

    Compare Left-secular areas with much smaller decline: 1.7% in Tel Aviv, 1.3% in high-income cities: Hod Hasharon, Modiin, Kfar Saba, Ramat Gan, Raanana & Givatayim + kibbutzes just 0.2%

    With repeat elections decided by exhaustion, it’s hard to escape concluding Bibi’s side blinked first

    “The report of my death was an exaggeration,” Mark Twain quipped

    So too Bibi. There's a chance – slim, complex, but very there – he pulls back from the brink of oblivion

    His opponents after all, are no better off to form a coalition. If Lapid-Bennett prevail, Bibi has almost limitless chances to destabilize it in the opposition. In a coalition of deep-right Yamina to far left Meretz, there’s hardly a policy that won’t spark internal strife

    If Lapid-Bennett fail, Bibi has another shot. Knesset has 21 days to form a govt before it must dissolve for elections. Bibi will wheel & deal with ferocity of a cornered tiger

    If that too fails, Bibi's still interim PM til next election. He's not out of the running

    Yesterday wasn't just another setback. The glass ceiling's impervious to Bibi's most ruthless campaigning & the ceiling's sinking

    Bibi survived 2 years deadlock forcing a new election when opponents appear

    Mar 23, even that failsafe began to fail

    A 5th election may settle it, or 6th or 7th


    When is the farher to get into Philly for Elul?

  4. Chicago Agudah Fresser8:33 PM, May 06, 2021

    Concerned a convicted healthcare mogul freed by President Trump might flee the country, prosecutors urged a federal judge Tues to confine Philip Esformes to his Florida home with an ankle monitor & impose $10.5 million bond to ensure his appearance for a new trial.

    But their request was rebuffed, at least for now.

    US District Judge Robert Scola instead granted Esformes to postpone the bond proposal until Aug, when it'll be taken up again.

    DOJ prosecutors recently said they'll pursue unresolved charges from Esformes' fraud trial in 2019, when a jury deadlocked on the main conspiracy charge + 5 other offenses but found him guilty of 20 corruption counts. Scola sentenced Esformes to 20 years prison & $5.3 million restitution to taxpayer-funded Medicare & $38 million forfeiture.

    "The trust he broke was epic," Allan Medina, lead prosecutor in the $1 billion case vs Esformes, said.

    Trump commuted Esformes' term to time served after 4.5 years behind bars, but left intact his convictions, financial penalties & probation.

    To date, the govt's seized $30 million in assets from Esformes, who ran a massive Medicare fraud scheme by bribing medical professionals to refer patients to his chain of nursing facilities in Miami-Dade.

    Judge Scola noted all that confiscated money would be lost if Esformes flees to Israel to evade his new trial next year. Scola posted a statement on the docket left with his staff by an anonymous male caller who inquired about the bond. The caller said: "Be careful — he's looking to run to Israel."

    Scola stopped short of pre-trial detention as prosecutors didn't request it & also expressed reservations burdening Esformes with a multimillion-dollar bond with the govt already holding so much of his wealth.

    Esformes' defense team tried to put the notion he's a "flight risk" to rest when they said he's appealing his convictions for bribery, money laundering & obstruction of justice from the original trial in hope of clearing his record & recovering seized assets.

    Esformes told the judge he spends his days with his ailing father, a rabbi & wealthy businessman, at his Boca Raton home & visits regularly his 3 kids at their Miami Beach home & devotes to study-prayer at synagogues. He also pursues new business here & hometown Chicago.

    Esformes, 52, told the judge he's rebuilding his familial & spiritual life since released from prison, while complying with probation.

    "That's what I do day & night," Esformes told Scola, as attorney Howard Srebnick stood by. "I push to be better."

    Trump's commutation blindsided DOJ not only because Esformes' fraud was the biggest in the history of Medicare but also because his trial was so bitterly fought over months.

    Trump's commutation only affected Esformes' sentence — not his conviction or 6 charges the jury was unable to reach verdicts on.
