Wednesday, June 02, 2021

He was a trusted member of the Jewish community and she felt safe.....


Dozens of Women Accused Famous Intellectual Andrés Roemer of Sexual Abuse. They Came Together to Make the World Listen



Margolis, a 32-year-old communications manager, says she met Roemer in 2009. She was a volunteer at a Jewish community center and was working on a project to award scholarships to teens to attend the Brilliant Minds festival. A few weeks after seeing him give a talk at his office, she was out walking with a friend when she spotted him seated at a café and approached to say hello. After briefly chatting, Roemer proposed that she drop by his house to interview for a position with the festival. Margolis thought this was a golden opportunity and accepted. Meeting in his home did not strike her as a concern. He was a trusted member of the Jewish community and she felt safe. On the appointed day, she sat in the entertainment room as Roemer asked about her studies and described the festival. Then—out of the blue, as she recalls it—he complimented her on her breasts, and later asked if she was clean-shaven in her pubic area. She cut the meeting short and left, feeling utterly humiliated. She never heard back about the job. 




  1. UOJ Gets Results11:39 AM, June 02, 2021

    Where's Hunter? A top Trump White House official suggests the public will be hearing more about President Joe Biden's son in the future.

    Former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows teased what he may know about the Biden family's business dealings during an interview today on Newsmax.

    "I can tell you, there's more to come with Hunter Biden," Meadows told host Grant Stinchfield.

    "It's amazing how Joe Biden & Hunter Biden actually had a quid pro quo, and to accuse President Trump of using his influence to enrich his family was just not accurate," Meadows added. "And now, what we see is real influence peddling that took place by then-Vice President Joe Biden."

    Meadows was responding to a New York Post report on more materials from the laptop that belonged to Hunter Biden indicating his father met with his Ukrainian, Russian & Kazakh business associates at a dinner in D.C., in 2015 when Joe Biden was VP.

  2. Andrés Roemer said "I have not done anything wrong" after being rebuked in the street by a journalist about his stay in Israel, this after being known that in Mexico there is an arrest warrant against him for rape & his bank accounts have been frozen.

    A video shows the moment when journalist Amir Shuan, from Israel's Channel 13, approaches Roemer on the streets of Tel Aviv & questions him about using his Judaism to escape justice in Mexico.

    “Is it proper for you to use your Judaism to stay in Israel? To escape from Mexico?

    "I'm not escaping from anywhere," Roemer responds nervously & after excusing himself, walks away while a man takes him by the arm.

    But you're here, aren't you? Shuan asks.

    I come very often, Roemer replies after turning around.

    In another section of the video, the former Mexican ambassador to UNESCO, holds the camera that follows him as he walks through the streets of Tel Aviv, “I've done nothing wrong, nothing! Nothing!".

    In Mexico ..., the Israeli journalist questions him.

    No, nowhere, I swear!

    “You can also read that there are more than 400 women supporting me (against reports of rape, sexual abuse & harassment) that they know me, believe me!” Roemer tells the reporter. However, so far no kind of support to which he refers has transpired.

    Finally, in the footage he can also be seen, visibly upset, struggling in the middle of an argument, of which no further details are known, inside a bar with locals. "

    Why… Don't touch me! ”Roemer is seen shouting as he struggles with a man who wants to take him by the arm, who later, after standing behind a 3rd man who mediates, asks“ why are they holding me?”

    At all times the diplomat is seen recording the scene with his cell phone but, so far, he has not published his version, nor has he spoken about it. Inside the bar, Roemer is seen talking on the phone while walking from one side to the other & moments later having a conversation with 2 policemen who arrived.


    Citizens of Israel, observing Andrés Roemer, wanted by the Mexican justice system, chased him in the street & called police.

    The video in Hebrew, shows in the final part how a person recognizes him & asks him questions about his crimes in Mexico.

    Roemer initially confronts this person but then tries to take refuge in an establishment, where people call the police.

    The Attorney General works to find a way to extradite him so that he can answer for the crimes he's committed.

    "How does it happen that a person who has an international arrest warrant against him & complaints of rape finds refuge?"
