Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Mark Your Calendar To Get The Delta Variant of Covid - Maybe Even Die ( Al Kiddush Hashem) - November 18 - November 21 - Stay Tuned To Which Jew Gets To Be Hospitalized In The ICU - Or Gets To Be Buried Next To The Noviminsker Rebbe! --- Exciting Time For Klal Yisroel --- Maybe Even The "Last Supper"!


The Agudah Convention
November 18 - November 21, 2021 / 14 Kislev - 16 Kislev
We are pleased to announce that we will iy'H be having The Agudah Convention this coming November – specifically, with a change from the usual date to November 18 - November 21, 2021 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Stamford, CT. (Please note the CHANGE OF DATE.)

The convention has always been our organization’s signature event of the year, bringing together our “Agudah family” for several days of chizuk, chavershaft and practical planning in the presence of many of the leading Gedolei Yisroel of our time. 

But even more than that: With so much happening on the contemporary Jewish scene – the unprecedented historic threat against the independence of our yeshivos; the alarming rise in anti-Semitism both in America and abroad; the rapidly deteriorating political climate in America; the escalating challenges of raising ehrliche, healthy children in today's world; the internal economic, social and moral challenges our community faces – it is essential that Klal Yisroel gather together under the leadership of our Gedolei Yisroel to discuss, to plan, and to take achrayus for whatever is incumbent on us to do communally as a tzibbur or individually as yechidim.

Additional information and details to follow. But for now please mark your calendars for November 18 - November 21, and make plans to join us for what promises to be a most memorable Agudah Convention.

Rabbi Labish Becker
Rabbi Shai Markowitz

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