Wednesday, August 18, 2021

I'm in "relatively" good company :-)





  1. Well, it seems some Yidden who sought his advice were more worthy of getting an answer from the Rebbe.
    A long time ago, someone near and dear, at a crossroads and emotionally depleted, wrote the Lubavitcher Rebbe, seeking his counsel.
    When sufficient time had passed to allow for a reply but having received none, this person called Chabad HQ, curious as to why.
    "No answer (from the Rebbe) is an answer." That's what this person was told after his third or fourth attempt to get an explanation.
    Good one.

  2. This is a pretty universal zog.

    Are you saying the Rebbe was the original mechaber?

  3. Are you saying the Rebbe was the original mechaber?


    Probably not, but he implemented this particular philosophy into his "business model".

    The upside --- shluchim around the world doing unbelievable amounts of chessed.

    The "unspoken" downside - the amount of gentiles that have been incorporated as Jews into their club.

  4. Old School Lubavitch3:34 PM, August 19, 2021

    "the amount of gentiles that have been incorporated as Jews"

    There is a minority of money grubbing shluchim who are guilty of this. But when there are 5000 shluchim, even a small percent can be a lot.

    The alter Chabad dayan in Brazil R' Leib Zaiontz put out a psak being moyche these cowboys that whitewashing goyim (especially the intermarried ones) is against halacha and against the explicit warnings of the Rebbe. But these cowboys think it's the Wild West and Kotlarsky is not taking any meaningful action against them.

  5. Chabad anywhere, a good percentage of the kids in kindergarten and pre-school are gentiles.

  6. Old School Lubavitch5:37 PM, August 19, 2021

    Those preschools are a different money making scam altogether with tuition exceeding that of 8th grade at many Brooklyn-Lakewood yeshivos ketanos. The cirricula is purposely structured as Yiddishkeit so watered down that it would qualify for the Separation clause at public charter schools. Many of these shluchim do not do kiruv on goyim, though they will disproportionately be among the ones maysis umaydiach with encouraging use of the parking lot on Shabbos so they can cash in on Reform-Conservative born Yidden.

  7. This similar scenario plays out with Chabad worldwide:

    An Israeli in L.A. marries a shiksa, he sends his kids to Cunin's on Pico, shortly after he pulls them out to send them to public school. Now his daughter is dating as a Jew - The Cunins tells whoever asks, "she went to our school". Maaseh b'chol yom v'yom.

  8. Old School Lubavitch5:59 PM, August 19, 2021

    Jerry Lewis wannabe Cunin is about as corrupt & greedy as gangsters come.

    The talmidim of the Choizer Lubavitch R' Yoel Kahn would never do that.
