Friday, October 08, 2021

A young woman who claims she was sexually abused by Hirschel Pekkar, a "prominent" member of New York’s Hasidic Jewish community three decades ago is going after his greatest legacy: a massive brass menorah in the heart of Brooklyn.


1 comment:

  1. I think every Jew regardless of denomination should always ask that when treating others whether in or out of your denomination and those different faiths to make sure you remember where you came from. We were slaves in Egypt, exiled by the Babylonians, oppressed by the assyrians, Persians and Roman’s. We have roamed this earth as we have been pursued and kicked out of many countries as well as the most recent attempt as genocide by the Germans and their accomplices. And for what? For being different, collective punishment of our ancestors and not ever really understood? We have been treated as second class citizens. So ask yourself why after that painful experience would we not come away with the ability to not hurt others regardless of who they are? Don’t abuse a child, don’t mistreat the widow, agunah, etc. Don’t cast aspersions on your fellow man. If there is a purpose then it’s to have gone through this experience and now know when you’re in a leadership position or I’ve power that it’s incumbent upon you to guard yourself from repeating the behaviors of your oppressors. Success shouldn’t be emulating those around you who you know aren’t doing the right thing. We must do better or we’re like everyone else. And then the devil has won.
