Sunday, November 14, 2021

One woman said Walder began grooming her when she was sent to him for treatment at age 12, some 20 years ago, slowly moving from compliments to sexual acts. After she got her first period at 13, Walder told her this needed to be celebrated, and had sex with her at a hotel in Ramat Gan...


Celebrated Haredi children’s author accused of sexually abusing teen girls


Newspaper investigation brings three cases in which educator Chaim Walder allegedly took advantage of young women; Walder says claims ‘amount to a blood libel’

Chaim Walder in 2011 (CC BY-SA Yoninah/Wikimedia Commons)
Chaim Walder in 2011 

Well-known Haredi children’s author Chaim Walder has been accused of taking sexual advantage of a number of teen girls. Walder, known as an educator and therapist in the community, allegedly used his popularity and status to commit the acts.

In an investigative report by the Haaretz newspaper published Friday, three women accused Walder, 52, of sexual abuse — two of them detailing incidents they said happened when they were minors. Walder has denied the allegations.

One woman said Walder began grooming her when she was sent to him for treatment at age 12, some 20 years ago, slowly moving from compliments to sexual acts. After she got her first period at 13, Walder told her this needed to be celebrated, and had sex with her at a hotel in Ramat Gan. She said she was traumatized and cried afterward.

Sexual encounters continued on a weekly basis, the woman said, sometimes several times a week. 

Though she was repulsed by him and only waited for sexual encounters to end, his status and his conversations with her, in which he treated her like an adult, kept her around him. She finally cut of ties around age 16. Several associates of the woman confirmed to Haaretz that she had revealed the details to them in the past.

Another woman told the paper that Walder began using her when she was 15, also some two decades ago, and had sex with her on multiple occasions. A third said he abused his position as her therapist when she came to him in her twenties to have sexual relations. She later filed a police complaint, but the case was closed by prosecutors who cited lack of evidence.

Walder’s attorneys said he denies the accusations “with disgust.”

They said the claims were “false accusations rooted in bold lies that amount to a blood libel” and “are unworthy of a response as they have no connection to reality.”

They further asserted that Walder was being targeted for his work to help children who have suffered from violence and abuse, and “as a result, some people have come together to harm him.”

They also said that their client had undergone a lie detector test in which he denied the accusations and was found to be truthful.

The claims against Walder follow a precipitous fall from grace for another lauded Haredi figure, Yehuda Meshi-Zahav, who attempted suicide in March following numerous allegations of rape and sexual assault. Meshi-Zahav, who founded the ZAKA emergency service and who was known for various social activities, left a note in which he denied the accusations.

Meshi-Zahav remains hospitalized in a coma since his attempt to take his own life.


  1. I have yet to come across a victim to lie about sex abuse! Polygraphs are reliable ...but in some cases sociopaths and psychopaths have been known to beat it. The victims are coming out all over the place according to my well-placed sources.

  2. Got it. I also see many individuals who are rotten apples themselves who have been coming out to accuse Walder recently. So you think he is guilty anyway, right? All I know his idiocy has been published by Feldheim relatad and closely associated with Baltimore Ner Israel leadership. If Feldheim publishes Walder he must be a pedophile.

  3. So far it is allegedly...legally, but like so many other charismatic, beloved child-rapists, his reputation is subject to "Kolo d'Lo Posek"

  4. Feldheim would never knowingly publish anything from bad guys!

  5. Lawyers always say "alleged" to escape accusations. I have never liked Walder and Feldheim that he is related to, I despise Art$croll and its ilk. They create fake Jewish history and tradition where Jew-animals must listen to their shepherds and never use their own brains. Crazy!

    Feldheim would never knowingly publish anything from bad guys!

    Hope you are joking. Feldheim is related to NIRC and I personally know their involvement in various coverups. And they were publishing books by Moshe Eisemann after he was exposed as a pedophile.


    I'm not finding anything on their website for Moshe Eismann.

  7. I will get Feldheim to take down everything from Walder once he is found guilty legally or admits to it.

  8. All titles at have been published by Feldheim. After Eisemann was exposed, he continued publishing through them. They just do not put their name on the front page. "Money loves silence," as Rockefeller said.

  9. Can you get Art$croll remove Eisemann?

  10. Art Scroll's position - "Get us a guilty verdict from a court of law or bais din"

  11. Feldheim Publishing Co. got a psak halacha to take down Walder's books - and he removed them immediately!
