Friday, February 18, 2022

Ignoring Chaim Walder’s alleged victims, Chief Rabbi David Lau visited the haredi (ultra-Orthodox) author’s home on Tuesday night ....

Chief Rabbi Lau visits shiva of alleged rapist Chaim Walder -  Haim Walder was a suspected  child rapist and serial sex offender who killed himself to avoid investigation and trial. 

Rabbi Lau should be fired today from his government job which is financed by taxpayers. This is just the latest example of the moral bankruptcy of the chief rabbinate.


Lau was photographed in a tent that was set up outside the Walder home for the shiva. 

Ignoring Chaim Walder’s alleged victims, Chief Rabbi David Lau visited the haredi (ultra-Orthodox) author’s home on Tuesday night to comfort his family, who are sitting shiva.

Walder was found dead in a cemetery on Monday in what is suspected to have been a suicide. He was facing multiple allegations of rape and sexual assault of minors since a Haaretz expose last month.
Walder was a well-known author of children’s and young adults’ books in the haredi world. His series Kids Speak (in Hebrew, Yeladim Mesaprim al Atzmam) has sold more than two million copies in communities across Israel and the Diaspora. 

He was accused of raping minors and young adults, all of whom he met in his line of work as a therapist and children’s author. 
Lau was photographed in a tent that was set up outside the Walder home for the shiva. 
Lau’s visit to the shiva drew condemnations across social media particularly due to his silence on the Walder affair and not saying anything about the author’s alleged victims. So far, more than 20 testimonies have been brought to the rabbinical court in Safed that had convened to hear the accusations. 
Haim Walder was a suspected rapist and serial sex offender who killed himself to avoid investigation and trial. Rabbi Lau should be fired today from his government job which is financed by taxpayers. This is just the latest example of the moral bankruptcy of the chief rabbinate.

The haredi media also ignored the victims and reported on the death of “Rabbi Haim Walder” without mentioning the severe allegations that were brought against him.  


  1. Didn't Dovid Lau also abuse his position to help his machshayfa Drama Queen cousin Lonna Kin-Ralbag? He can't get her ex arrested because he's too scared to enter the country but he had her ex-shvigger's levaya held up in spite

  2. For kicks and giggles, I'm going to suggest a counter-argument to see what the responses are:
    Walder sinned. His family did not. Did they know anything about what was going on? Did they participated? Or were they likely horrified and humiliated by the revelations? And then he committed suicide, another blow to them.
    So was Rav Lau going there to honour Walder or comfort the mourners? Is the implication that the mourners who didn't commit the crimes are not to be comforted?


  4. For kicks and giggles


    Excuse me?!!!!!!

  5. As in, I am just raising it for the sake of argument, not because I agree with it.

  6. Logic of the Ass-konim who are manipulating Rav Edelstein apparently does not work both ways according to them.

    The Ass-konim have blood on their hands for driving Shira to mental illness & suicide.

    Shira (Hashem yinkoim dama) had barely a minyan by her levaya today while Walder ymach shmoy had thousands of filthy tush kissers show up.


  8. Philly gets Results9:16 PM, December 30, 2021

    World hits record average of 1 million new COVID cases per day

    More than 7.3 million new coronavirus cases were detected around the world in the last seven days, the highest figure since the pandemic began in late 2019

    By AFP

  9. Shmuel Boom Boom Bloom9:59 PM, December 30, 2021

    I'm tired of all this Walder drama.

    There's no there, there!

    For the record, some heavy hitters are in total agreement with me: Lipa Margulies, Yankel Bender, Moshe Scheinerman, Avi Shafran, Meir Porush, Yitzy Frankfurter, Yehuda Eckstein, Pablo Vasquez (janitor in YTT), Yanky Kanievsky, ex-CEO Aaron Kotler, Shlomo Chaim Kanarek, Menachem Mozes, Duvid Niederman, Eliezer Eisgrau, Moshe Eisemann, Sheftel Neuberger, Shimshy Sherer, Shelly Silver, Andrew Cuomo, Freddo Cuomo, Srul Weingarten, Motty Elon, Joel Schonfeld, Ephraim Bryks, Mendel Epstein, Gimpel Wolmark, Aron Tendler, Sholom Tendler, Mordechai Tendler, Leib Pinter, Sholom Rubashkin, O.J. Simpson, Pinny Lipschutz, Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby, Shmuel Kaminetzky, Sholom Kaminetzky, Elliot Spitzer, Steve Mostofsky, Simcha Weinberg, Matis Weinberg, Dominique Strauss-Kahn & Burich Lebovits

  10. Shmuel Boom Boom Bloom


    Hey --- great to see you back.

  11. ex-CEO is right

    Even R' Malkiel was maskim he had to go. Aaron was of course all lawyered up in case they didn't give him a goldeneh enough parachute when they kicked his rear end out the door.

  12. Scheinerman, you @#$%!

  13. Whaddyyya know - Old Timers Day - @UOJ

  14. Dr Tuvya Chaim Charles Bungalow Putz Neuhoff10:16 PM, December 30, 2021

    I am against driving someone to suicide of any kind!

    (And as a Monn d'Omar, I'm also baleydikt that Boom Boom would omit yours truly from the list of nichbodim)

  15. Dr Tuvya Chaim Charles Bungalow Putz Neuhoff said...


    Aint the same without ya!

  16. Regarding the ex-CEO, I would've said "UOJ gets results", except that for a change, UOJ caught a break because someone else lifted a finger to deal with a Klal problem. It was actually Louis Scheiner who convinced the roshei yeshiva & BMG Board that it was long past due to give him the heave ho.

  17. Inside Info


    Yom Kippur around the corner :-)

  18. The jury is deliberating if Scheiner can pull this off over the long haul! You heard it here first :-)
