Thursday, December 23, 2021

Say It Aint So Sam! - Bill Gates thinks the world is entering the "worst part of the pandemic."


Bill Gates predicts 'the worst part of the pandemic' is coming 


Gates said he's canceling his holiday plans as omicron cases surge.

Bill Gates
Bill Gates thinks the world is entering the "worst part of the pandemic."

Bill Gates said he called off his holiday plans as the omicron variant ushers in what he predicts could be the "worst part of the pandemic." He also predicted, however, that the current surge in COVID-19 cases could be over within months, and the pandemic itself may end next year “if we take the right steps.”

“Just when it seemed like life would return to normal, we could be entering the worst part of the pandemic,” he tweeted on Tuesday. "Omicron will hit home for all of us. Close friends of mine now have it, and I’ve canceled most of my holiday plans.”

In his thread, Gates said the omicron outbreak could be the worst so far in the pandemic because of how quickly it spreads. He urged people to wear masks, avoid large indoor crowds and get the COVID-19 booster shot. “Omicron is spreading faster than any virus in history,” he tweeted. “It will soon be in every country in the world.”

Health professionals agree with Gates, saying the U.S. may see a record number of COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations as omicron circulates more quickly than other variants. Government officials are creating a website where people can order at-home virus tests and are working to send out hundreds of millions of tests.


  1. On the other hand, once everyone's had it, we're all immune so this might be, IY"H, the final push.


    This is the grandson of the Shaarim Metzuyonim baHalacha who is simply repeating a Chazal that Shmuel Kaminetzky & the Agudah Fressers think they can override


    Ariel Hyman, the former administrator of Montefiore demonstrated “incompetence, untrustworthiness, dishonest practices or irresponsibility in the practice of nursing home administration,” according to a June 3 notice from a state regulatory agency.

    The nine-count notice from Deborah Veley, executive director of the Ohio Board of Executives of Long-Term Services and Supports, also accuses Hyman of “fraud and deceit” and said he is “unfit or incompetent” for nursing home administration.

    Hyman was terminated Oct. 29, 2020, along with the top two nurses at the Beachwood nursing home after COVID-19 testing swabs were allegedly falsified on Oct. 13. Thirty-three residents who tested negative for COVID-19 that day tested positive by Oct. 29.

    The Ohio Attorney General’s Office is conducting a criminal investigation of the testing falsification

  4. Hyman sounds like a geshmake guy!

    A lawyer for Ariel Hyman, the former administrator of Montefiore, is seeking to shield documents in order to protect Hyman’s rights regarding self-incrimination as he is the subject of a criminal investigation.

    Hyman and Montefiore’s top two nurses were terminated Oct. 29, 2020, following the alleged falsification of COVID-19 testing on one unit.

    “Currently, several state agencies have investigations pending into events at the Montefiore and Menorah Park Beachwood facilities in September and October 2020,” Karen L. Clouse of Bricker & Eckler LLP in Columbus wrote in a July 2 motion to stay discovery, which would halt evidence gathering in a pending civil suit.

    “The (Ohio Attorney General) has opened a criminal investigation and has specifically identified defendant Hyman as one of the people under investigation,” wrote Clouse


    If I wasn't fired yet by CNN I woulda brought Ari on my show so we could redt shtussim about similarities between Italianishe meatballs & heimishe kreplach.
