Tuesday, January 25, 2022

"ONE - perhaps slipped through our fingers" - Rabbi Matisyahu Salomon Mashgiach ruchani of Beth Medrash Govoha - Agudath Israel Convention November 2006...


Chanoch L'naar said Salomon

Education director in Haredi city named as suspect in child sex abuse case


Mordechai Be’eri accused of molesting several boys when he was a teacher in Modiin Illit settlement some 13 years ago; court extends his detention

Mordechai Be’eri, director of the education department in the municipality of the ultra-Orthodox city of Elad, was arrested last week over child sex abuse he allegedly committed against his students some 13 years ago, officials said Sunday.

The Petah Tikva Magistrate’s Court permitted the publication of Beeri’s identity, amid suspicions that he abused boys aged under 14 in an institute in the settlement of Modiin Illit, where he was a teacher.

A young ultra-Orthodox man recently filed a police complaint, saying he was 12 when Be’eri, now 70, molested him. Since police opened the investigation, they have uncovered several more allegations of abuse, the Ynet news site reported.

Police on Sunday called on other people who may have been abused to come forward and press charges.

Be’eri, originally ordered held by the court last Wednesday, had his remand extended by several more days.

“We are pleased that the police have apprehended the suspect. Every abuser should know that they can face justice, even many years later,” said a statement from Magen, an organization that aids victims of sexual abuse and is assisting the alleged victim.

The arrest comes as Israel’s ultra-Orthodox community is being shaken by sexual abuse allegations against several leading figures.

In December, prominent children’s author and rabbi Chaim Walder died by suicide after the Haaretz newspaper published a series of stories accusing him of sexually assaulting nearly two dozen people, including children — allegations he had denied.

The Walder story has been hailed as a potential turning point in the approach to sexual abuse cases within the insular community.



 An open letter to Rabbi Matisyahu Salomon, Mashgiach, Bais Medrash Govoha, Lakewood, New Jersey:



  1. Bum bum bum bum bum bum bum


    'You know who' takka lived his life like a bum

    Now that he's passed on, we want to know before Binyomin cashes in on the policy if it was natural causes? Or did he take UOJ's advice to jump off a building?

  2. Bentzion Schiffenbauer2:46 PM, January 25, 2022

    Oy, Moireinu Harav Hagaon Chananya Yomtov Lipa!

    Vechol Yisroel yivku ...!

  3. You heard it first from UOJ3:06 PM, January 25, 2022

    UOJ once asked "when's the last time you were at a funeral & they called the dead guy a scumbag?"

    Well, can we make an exception this time? Dach zich that it's warranted! Im loi achshav, aimosai?

  4. You heard it first from UOJ said...


    Oif der gaoan olam? Shem zich :-)

  5. Pall bearers, fall in!

    Yankel Applegrad
    Bentzion Schiffenbauer
    The Fuchs brothers
    Shmuel Kaminetzky
    Pro-Fresser Aaron "Tort Putz" Twersky, Esq.
    Dr. Tuvya Chaim Charles "Bungalow Putz" Neuhoff
    Sol Werdiger (on Avi Shafran's shoulders)

  6. Ohel CEO David Mandel3:22 PM, January 25, 2022

    Any room left under the aron for me to stick my paws under for this 'honorable' man?

  7. I'm confused? Which levaya are you guys handling? Or are they doubling up both Margo & Shelly Silver to share one levaya?

    Al kol ponim, Curtis Sliwa should be ashamed of himself. Instead of giving a cover up hespid on Shelly as episs a Saint, he paraphrased UOJ's sharfeh zog on Belsky that the Feds should finish their investigation by searching under Shelly's matresses!

  8. A World Without YeshivaWorld9:07 PM, January 25, 2022

    Incredible how Schmeckelstein publishes on YWN whatever horse manure is shoveled to him by his Agudah Fresser handlers.

    According to the Fresser revisionist history, Shelly Silver was R' Dovid Feinstein's biggest chussid & fought milchamta shel Torah in Albany.

    Facts: Shelly fought in favor of every single deviancy against the Torah. The Fressers probably feel hakoras hatov that he fought the Child Victim Act as long as he was in power, which was actually a favor for his Catholic goyta mistress who was the paid lobbyist of the Vatican. And perhaps the only kavod that Shelly ever felt for an adam gadol was when R' Dovid didn't fight hard enough to stop Philly allowing a zoyna to have 2 husbands!

  9. As Boog would say, Shelly sure won't be going to anymore cop funerals now.

  10. "Chananya Yom Tov Lipa"

    I didn't know Margo was named after the father of R' Yoelish. Ich mein, as a regular reader of UOJ, I could've sworn Margo was named after Leopold of the Holy Roman Empire!

    The Agudah Fressers are afraid of pushback as they obviously instructed all their stooges to not say 1 word that he kicked the bucket.

    The only obit was from VIN & even he pulled it after a few hours.


    says Margo's father was the Horencher Ruv

    omits that Margo was YTV's bus driver

    calls him a "visionary" & "always concerned with the welfare of talmidim" [sic] (what the heck?)

  11. How old exactly was Margulies? He's pegged on the internet at every age from 89 to 97.

  12. Our records show he was 97.

  13. Crrrazy Hungarrrian10:32 PM, January 25, 2022

    VIN also left out the big Hachturah when UOJ crowned Margo the Rebbe of Molest.

  14. Vos episs etlicher er macht a Rebbe while others UOJ coronates with a lousy paper dunce cap?

  15. Shmuel Boom Boom Bloom10:57 PM, January 25, 2022

    Heartbreaking news! And not even a courtesy call about the levaya in KJ?

    Im ne'evad echad min hachaburah, yidag kol hachaburah!

    All us molester advocates have to stick together!

  16. No record of Boom Boom Bloom in our files.

  17. Теперь --- как нам конвертировать рубли в доллары для войны в Украине?

  18. Kolodny @ 11:02 pm, you treat Boom Boom like a shtick dreck after he was the most valiant shield for molesters in the tradition of Tress & Sherer? That's like if we showed zero hakoras hatov to Vito Gropez.

    Putin, Agudah Fresser Ner Yisroel alumnus Alberto Dov Friedberg makes a living exchanging foreign currencies.

  19. "One slipped through our fingers." Yes, The One, God Himself, slipped through the fingers of their Judaism and disappeared out of it.
