Thursday, January 20, 2022

Protecting Children Through Active Bystanding .... I support this organization - run by pros!


Active bystanding is key to protecting children from sexual abuse.

What is Active Bystanding? A “bystander” is a person who witnesses a boundary violation or sees a situation in which to protect children. An Active Bystander is someone who does something about it. Bystanders can play a major role in keeping kids safe by acting when they see a child who needs help. Intervening or taking preventative measures as a bystander can mean the difference between a child being sexually abused or being protected from abuse.

Go beyond theoretical knowledge and learn practical skills for protecting children. In this training you will learn how to be an active bystander in child sexual abuse prevention and response. You will receive examples of boundary violations and inappropriate behaviors, and how you can make spontaneous and planned interventions that reinforce boundaries and protect children. This training builds on the education provided in Stewards of Children®, Darkness to Light’s evidence-based training on preventing, recognizing, and reacting responsibly to child sexual abuse. It is highly recommended that participants complete Stewards of Children® prior to taking the course.

Available both online or as an in-person session delivered by an authorized Darkness to Light Facilitator.


During the training, you will hear compelling stories from experts and survivors about being an active bystander. You will also:

  • learn what it means to be an active bystander.
  • learn what actions you can take as an active bystander.
  • receive examples of boundary violations and red flag behaviors.
  • learn how to make spontaneous and planned interventions.


Darkness to Light is proud to offer this bystander training, which includes:

  • stories from featured survivors, experts, youth serving professionals, and parents.
  • a course worksheet designed to help reinforce key concepts and serve as a resource guide on bystander intervention.
  • interactive discussion about important issues in sexual abuse prevention and how they affect communities and youth serving organizations (facilitator-led only).
  • knowledge checks (online only).

Bystanders Protecting Children from Boundary Violations Sexual Abuse can be taken in-person or accessed online at any time. The training can also be purchased as a part of the Stewards Plus package.


If you are with an organization that provided you with a unique custom link, please ensure you register for a new account with the link. Please select the organization you are with from the drop down below. Use the custom link that populates to create your account.


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