Sunday, February 27, 2022

The Follies Of Humankind!



  1. UOJ, one thing I cannot fathom: One group of brave Navy SEALs and one UAV with explosives are enough to send the brutal dictator to his so beloved "Paradise" and save the world. What is Biden waiting for?

  2. I gather that the majority of Russians do not support Putin but people are powerless to change anything: the dictator has successfully suppressed all opposition. I have little doubt that he will use nukes anyhow in a matter of hours. The US intelligence folks know where the bastard is hiding right now. Why not take him out, why wait for the Russian nukes to fly over the ocean? At that point it will be too late, indeed!

  3. Wherever he is he's got the football with him. Even if they know where he is right now, although doubtful, he'll use it . They will have to lull him into a false sense of it unfold in the coming weeks.

  4. UOJ, hope you are right, but I have been monitoring Pu for a few years now. The KGB operative has one character trait that is particularly dangerous: he never forgives. He killed every schoolmate who had made fun of him, every politician who had dared to oppose his viewpoint. Now he made up his mind to destroy the USA...

  5. If the US takes him out then you have to think about how that will look to the Russian population. Just think about if someone from another country had took out Obama, Trump or Biden because of something the US was doing that they didn’t like. It wouldn’t go well. It’s really up to the Russians to step it up if they’re not in agreement. The current situation we are in is not an overnight kind of thing. The die had been cast while ago. We’re going to have to see how it plays out.


  7. "It’s really up to the Russians to step it up if they’re not in agreemen."

    Pu killed or imprisoned every opposition leader in his country. When now young people protest against the war holding even blank sheets of paper, they are immediately arrested by Putin's fascist police, are beaten, raped and tortured. In fact, Russian prison system became a rape conveyor:

    And also visit (click the US flag on top of the page if it's not displayed in English).

    Russians are powerless to change anything now. Only we can kill the dictator. Or he will bomb and kill us.

  8. There was something in the news years ago about Putin putting out a hit on someone who exposed him as a child molester.
