Monday, March 07, 2022

The Fickle Media --- Nobody is reporting that the Russian army is already in Moldova (in red)


 From Wiki: Currently, the Russian Federation holds an unknown number of soldiers in Transnistria, an unrecognized breakaway state internationally recognized as part of Moldova. This Russian military presence dates back to 1992, when the Soviet 14th Guards Army intervened in the Transnistria War on support of the Transnistrian separatist forces. Following the end of the war, which ended in a Russian-backed Transnistrian victory and in the de facto independence of the region, the Russian forces stayed in a purportedly peacekeeping mission and reorganized in 1995 into the Operational Group of Russian Forces (OGRF), part of which is currently guarding the Cobasna ammunition depot. Today, the Government of Moldova views the presence of these Russian troops as illegitimate and has called for their withdrawal and replacement by international forces. Russia however has opposed this. 



I fully support Rabbi Bender's fundraising efforts - You can be certain every dollar raised goes to help the refugees! PM


Rabbi Yaakov Bender

Dear Parents, Alumni and Friends,

Many people have inquired as to how they can help ameliorate the awful situation in Ukraine. I am hoping that you will join me in supporting Yad Yisroel, which are the boots on the ground facilitating rescue operations out of Ukraine.

The costs are a staggering $2,500 minimum per person just for the rescue--plus thousands more for the refugee needs following their rescue.

Thus far they have rescued over 2,500 Jews--but the requests are pouring in, 24 hours a day.

We all grew up thinking that, had we been around in the 1940s, we would definitely have done more to save Jews.

Well, now we can.

Every $2,500 saves another Jew! It's that clear!

But there's more.

Once they are taken out of Ukraine there is the need to house them.

Until now many of them were being put up in facilities with no heat, sleeping on the floor. These are Yidden who left everything behind, traveling 30 hours or more in harrowing, fearful conditions. Sleeping on the cold floor is not acceptable. At least not for us.


Yad Yisroel is therefore allocating funds to set up heated facilities with more amenities for these people, so that they can suffer just a little bit less.

They are working literally around the clock. This isn't anything less than life and death.

They have been working 24/7, including Shabbos, because this is war. These are refugees. These are people who cannot be left behind. Lives are at stake.

Every penny raised goes to them. There are no administrative costs or salaries. There are no gimmicks or games. There is nothing other than saving lives. This is a verified, legitimate cause.

Your generosity can literally help save lives -- please contribute now at this link.

May we all hear besuros tovos very soon.


Rabbi Yaakov Bender



  1. Better late than never1:54 PM, March 07, 2022

    Kolko, other molesters & all the other crap aside now. It looks like Bender is finally on the correct side of an issue for the 1st time in 40 years!

  2. What's our take on Doomsday Bunkers, UOJ?

  3. Don't panic yet --- I'll say when.
