Wednesday, June 01, 2022

"Mr." Mendlowitz זצוקייל - would be very saddened, grieved, pained, upset & disappointed with this ridiculous proclamation!


Top haredi rabbi grants top title to four others 


Rabbi Gershon Edelstein, last leader of Lithuanian-haredi sector, designates four additional rabbis as community leaders.

Rabbi Gershon Edelstein
Rabbi Gershon Edelstein

Rabbi Gershon Edelstein, a leading Lithuanian-haredi rabbi, is the last in his sector to have been granted the title, "Maran," which signifies a community leader, by the Yated Ne'eman newspaper.

On Monday evening, Rabbi Edelstein decided to grant the title, "Maran," in Yated Ne'eman to four additional rabbis, Kikar Hashabbat reported.

Until today, the title used for HaRav Edelstein was “Rabbeinu Maran Rosh HaYeshiva HaGaon” “Rabban shel kol Bnei HaGolah” (‘רשכבה”ג’). and the other members of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah were called by the title only “HaGaon HaGadol”. After the death of HaRav Chaim, z’tl, the Yated staff consulted with HaRav Edelstein about the titles used for the members of the Moetzes. HaRav Edelstein instructed that the title “Maran” should be used for the members of the Moetzes who are over the age of 90, and “HaGaon HaGadol” for those under the age of 90.

Kikar Hashabbat was informed that Rabbi Edelstein decided to grant the title to all the elders of the Degel Hatorah party's Council of Torah Sages who are over age 90.

Under the decision, the ones who will receive the title are Rabbi Baruch Mordechai Ezrachi, Rabbi Baruch Dov Povarsky, Rabbi Dov Landau, and Rabbi Meir Zvi Bergman - all over 90 years of age.


The Maran 3 and one ‘רשכבה”ג  - R' Landau is napping! Someone wake up R' Povarsky to tell him he is now a "Maran" -  getting him a 10% discount at Yankel's Pizza Place!

This is a dramatic and unusual decision, since in the past, no more than one person was named by Yated Ne'eman as, Maran," and now there are a total of five with the title.


  1. Oy vey! Chas vesholom! Not mekabel!

    RSFM would be upset at the quantity, quality, or both?

  2. Hey,
    What’s better than being made a “Made Man” in the Daas Torah racket. If you were a Made Guy you could screw around with anybody but they can’t screw around with you. It’s like a license to steal.


  4. The Roman Catholic Church Hierarchy

    The Roman Catholic Church was organized into a distinct hierarchy of roles during the Middle Ages. The hierarchy consisted of the following roles ranked lowest to highest:


    Each title had a salient function within the Roman Catholic Church. There were checks and balances within the roles to ensure that the church would run smoothly. It should be noted that women were barred from all these titles.

  5. I mostly don't agree with NYS DOE & Board of Regents sticking their noses in private education, but I was wondering after seeing AARTsie FAARTsie accredit all the Satmar yeshivos, if AARTsie FAARTsie & Bernie Fryshman are just a front for the Agudah Fressers?

    Alumni of the Satmar mosdos, for the large part, cannot read English!

  6. The tactical political error on the part of the Agudah and the OU was they did not bifurcate the problem. They should have told Satmar & Co....teach basic literacy to your kids or you're on your own!

  7. Zalmi Teitelbaum4:44 PM, June 01, 2022

    Vell, you know, vus dee reefst basic literassies iz duch a mehalech tze independentz. And meiner chevra not gonna stand for it. If Moishe Gabbai can't tell yeder einer vhat to do vhen dey get "a mind of deir own" azoy vee me zugt, he pushet gonna be outta a job!

  8. Uriah's Wife,

    Shkoyach for the zecher to Ray Liotta during this week that he passed away.

    Vechol Agudah yivku ...

  9. Maran or moron?

  10. Moishe Gabbai Friedman7:23 PM, June 01, 2022

    Vus Zalmi zugt iz a heendert pertzent ausgehalten. Dumbing down da oylam nuch merr & vus merr iz da only veg!
