Thursday, July 21, 2022

GEVALT! The Jewish Fress Gets It Right (After being tormented for 16 years For Being Idiots)

Word Prompt – GEVALT – Yisroel Picker

Photo Credit: Jewish Press

I recently posted the following on my LinkedIn account:

You aren’t to blame if the abuser loses their job due to your reporting.

You aren’t to blame if the abuser ends up getting divorced due to your reporting.

You aren’t to blame if the family of the abuser suffers because the abuser gets put in jail due to their actions.

And Finally:

You aren’t to blame if the abuser decided to take their own life rather than go to court and/or jail.

It is the abuser themself who is solely responsible for all the above.

Some of the comments complained that religious Jews should not be speaking about this in public. That the family of the (alleged) perpetrator shouldn’t suffer (despite the fact that I listed no names). That I was defiling Jews across the globe.

My reaction to these comments was a single word: “GEVALT!”

We have made huge strides in the area of child sex abuse prevention, but huge strides doesn’t mean we are anywhere near the goal.


...And in the beginning....בְּרֵאשִׁית

An Anonymous Flier (Pashkevil) In Brooklyn
By: Editorial Board  

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

It was doubtless inadvertent, but the author of the flier makes our point. Thus, the flier recites that "this mailing should not have been necessary," inasmuch as the target and his employer were warned in advance that if the individual either resigned or was fired, "th[e] mailing would be stopped." And on the Internet, the author has declared to one and all that he is about to "uncover" others if they do not accede to his demands. 

Plainly, this individual is engaged in an effort to fashion a weapon with which to impose his will on Klal Yisrael. 

An anonymously written flier mailed recently to many Jewish homes in Brooklyn, containing lurid accusations of improper conduct against an individual in our community and railing against his employer for not firing him, should be taken as a serious warning of a cancer growing in our midst. The flier not only offers no substantiation of the charges themselves, but also reports uncorroborated – and, it turns out, vigorously denied – comments from the employer, which the flier’s unknown author offers as proof of a cover-up. 



  1. Professor Ryesky2:50 PM, July 21, 2022

    The Jewish Press -- Yellow Journalism with Blue Ink!

    [Query: Would they have been so supportive of the Agunot a few years ago if Klass's own daughter had not been entangled in a messy divorce proceeding?].

  2. Agudah Multiverse of Madness6:29 PM, July 21, 2022

    Surely you are aware of the FRESSER M.O., that they will now steer potential clients away from Picker's practice ...

  3. Picker is no good in ANY Agudah Fresser reality

    But it was ok when Yudi Kolko hung out on Bleecker St showing off his chest hair


    Sol Werdiger promises we can do this kumzitz with Abish Brodt at the Fresser Convention Melaveh Malka - but with one catch - we have to sign he gets the exclusive license to manufacture Village People costumes.
