Sunday, July 24, 2022

No Story Needed - Photos of Gold Colored Coffin - Church - And The Values Of White Trash!


כל המתגייר משום אשה משום אהבה משום יראה אין זה גר וכן היו ר׳ יהודה ור׳ נחמיה אומרים כל אותם שנתגיירו בימי מרדכי ואסתר אינם גרים שנא׳ ורבים מעמי הארץ מתיהדים כי נפל פחד היהודים עליהם וכל שאינו מתגייר לשם שמים אינו גר:

תנו רבנן גר שבא להתגייר בזמן הזה אומרים לו מה ראית שבאת להתגייר אי אתה יודע שישראל בזמן הזה דוויים דחופים סחופים ומטורפין ויסורין באין עליהם אם אומר יודע אני ואיני כדאי מקבלין אותו מיד ומודיעין אותו מקצת מצות קלות ומקצת מצות חמורות ומודיעין אותו עון לקט שכחה ופאה ומעשר עני ומודיעין אותו ענשן של מצות אומרים לו הוי יודע שעד שלא באת למדה זו אכלת חלב אי אתה ענוש כרת חללת שבת אי אתה ענוש סקילה ועכשיו אכלת חלב ענוש כרת חללת שבת ענוש סקילה וכשם שמודיעין אותו ענשן של מצות כך מודיעין אותו מתן שכרן אומרים לו הוי יודע שהעולם הבא אינו עשוי אלא לצדיקים וישראל בזמן הזה אינם יכולים לקבל לא רוב טובה ולא רוב פורענות ואין מרבין עליו ואין מדקדקין עליו קיבל מלין אותו מיד נשתיירו בו ציצין המעכבין את המילה חוזרים ומלין אותו שניה נתרפא מטבילין אותו מיד ושני ת"ח עומדים על גביו ומודיעין אותו מקצת מצות קלות ומקצת מצות חמורות 


  1. Paul
    You gotta cover the latest re R Greer and his self admitted mistress ( I kid you not, he testified at a depo, transcript is public, calling himself Greer's mistress) Rabbi Avia Hack formerly of New Haven, now of Providence RI and rabbi of Ohawe Shalom.

    New Haven Indepdent has a story about how Greer used a beis din in Ny to force Hack to get him unconvicted for years of sex with thier student

  2. La Kosher Nostra10:14 PM, July 24, 2022

    Greer is using Notis, the Rav & Rosh Yeshiva of Lancaster, PA, as a hired gun to persecute & silence the victims. He is a Telzer Notis who learned by R' Elya Ber in Fallsburg before becoming a disgrace to Brisk. He was originally shnorring off Greer for free space in the New Haven compound. When the government came after him for putting minors in danger in proximity to child rapist Greer, he took off to Amish Country.

    The President of the Lancaster kehilla (established 1887) received complaints about Notis acting like a gangster so he "spoke to him & got his word it won't happen again". Or at least that's what Notis duped the President into believing.

  3. Avi Hack, the ex-Menahel, was also molesting the bochurim. He admitted in a deposition to engaging in ear licking of a bochur he had the hots for. He is known to be guilty of much more than ear licking.

  4. Get a Load of This!10:24 PM, July 24, 2022

    Pinny Lipschutz is front & center in the public image rehab effort for Zvi Belsky by recently making him a weekly Yated columnist!

    And can you believe the nerve of Belsky? Not only is he is promoting himself by bragging about meeting with every rich guy in Cleveland & beyond on behalf of Telz, but he wrote for this Shabbos a shtikel on KANOYIM POIGIM BOI OF ALL THINGS in parshas Pinchos! How many comradettes does Kozbi bas Tzur have among the women on Belsky's favorite hookup sites?


    UOJ should make clear to Pinny that he's really crossed a line here unlike any other!

  5. Street Corner Crazy Jr10:27 PM, July 24, 2022

    Notis is in Izzy Belsky mode. He is even using a phony ad hoc "beis din" he controls to harass & marginalize Greer victims who have already won civil judgements.

  6. Pinchos Lipshutz won't admit it, but he owns this website beshutfus with ex-CEO Aaron Kotler.

    It's outrageous how he's covering up for the Agudah Fressers in this obit of Chaim Berlin Mashgiach Rav Yosef Carlebach, son of the last Rov of Hamburg Hy"d, who was just niftar now at almost 100 years old.

    Aron Schlechter & Big Frucht were put in cherem by the personal beis din of R' Moshe Feinstein for tossing out the Mashgiach like a piece of garbage and refusing to reinstate him or even explain themselves.

    The beis din further poskened that Chaim Berlin is required to continue paying the Mashgiach's salary for the rest of his life. That's not exactly chump change when the psak was 45 years ago!

    Big Frucht tried to spread a cover up LIE around 20 years ago that R' Moshe was "choizer" on the psak. The Carlebachs asked R' Dovid Feinstein to sign a letter that Big Frucht & Schlechter are LYING. R' Dovid had some backbone that time & actually signed.

  7. Chaim Berlin = My Way or the Highway10:59 PM, July 24, 2022

    One of the best letters I ever read was the one that UOJ once dug up of the rosh yeshiva of Wurtzburg in the alter Heim, R' Shimshon Refoel Weiss, giving heck to Fruchthandler over his disgraceful behavior in the Carlebach fiasco!

  8. Butt Kissers of Fressers11:11 PM, July 24, 2022

    Shmeckelstein also covered up in the obit on YWN. But unlike Lipschutz, he did allow remizos in the comments that Chaim Berlin & the Fressers had given the Mashgiach the shaft. Lipschutz did not allow the slightest hint because his anti-vaxx guru in Philly won't allow it.

  9. If it wasn't for shvogger Rechnitz underwriting his salary & then some, Zvi Belsky would be lucky to be driving a truck for Rubashkin or as apprentice of the Gerrorist Tuna Beigel who owns Bedford Sewer.


    One woman reported that her congregational rabbi had raped her while counseling her for depression. He said she — “a virgin Bais Yaakov girl who never talked to boys,” in her words — had seduced him. He got a promotion to head a large Orthodox congregation; she was ostracized and left the community.

  11. Hershel Schlechter Critic11:14 AM, July 25, 2022

    You should excerpt the Igros Moshe teshuva that an aina Yehudis girlfriend of an avaryan cannot possibly be megayer!

  12. HA! Rav Moshe was an old fashioned guy


  13. What kind of a sick and twisted Bes Din would consider hearing a complaint from a twenty-year sentenced same-sex rapist to try and reverse his prison sentence?

    “...During cross examination, Nowak also brought up that Greer summoned Hack to a Din Torah/ Beit Din, or rabbinical court. Greer summoned him with the claim that Hack was responsible for Greer’s ​“suffering” in prison and that Hack should be ​“liable for the civil judgment against him” because the ​“cause of that judgement was [Hack’s] deposition....”
