Thursday, August 11, 2022

One Picture Tells You All You Need To Know About Chabad's Outreach!

CHABAD ACTIVITIES IN BERMUDA - A mezuzah goes up on a Bermuda home



  1. My cousin is a shliach for 26 years overseas, once in a very rare moment of being candid, he told our family that at most Chabad has a 1% success rate or less in getting Yidden to keep the mitzvos and Shabbos over the long run. That means for every 100 people that come to get to put on tefillin, some are not even Yidden, and come because an alter zeide or bubba was named Goldberg, one guy stays the course for a little.

  2. isn't it on the wrong side?

    I've been to lots of Chaba programs. At their events they divide people into three groups
    1) The majority - there for alcohol and food
    2) The potential donors - either the rich guy himself or his kid
    3) That sky kid who asks the right questions and seems to have genuine interest.
    They put up with (1) to find (3) and suck up to (2) to pay for the next program.

  3. “isn't it on the wrong side?“

    Not necessarily. The door looks like it may open onto a fully enclosed back porch, in which case the mezuza goes on the right side facing out.

  4. Anyone see the Asian lady in the background? That's the mezuza's guy wife. The Asian child is in the pink sandals

  5. UOJ is just biased against Nike because they use a competitor to DiamondCard so he makes tawdry insinuations whenever he sees the checkmark logo.

  6. The heir to the Levi Strauss fortune actually is that putz Daniel Goldman who is running for Congress in NY. You should see some of his pathetic pandering for the heimishe vote in Boro Park. He's having a really hard time, because unlike that other faker Shmuckie Chuckie Schumer, Goldman cannot speak even broken Yiddish.

    Kolko probably wore Levi's bechadrei chadorim to identify with San Francisco.

    Did UOJ have a hand by the way in launching the recall for scumbag Chesa Boudin? He still won't shut up about how he spent Pesach Sedorim in prisons with his Weather Underground terrorist parents

    "Sheine" mishpooche!

  7. Bo does the UOJ blog
