Monday, September 05, 2022

Chabad Is Running Out Of Jews To Convert To Their ManGod!


Chabad At Church of the Resurrection (Manhattan)


  1. Sadly the old site seems to be down.

  2. One summer day, Sadie meets her friend Muriel on the street and asks where she’s off to.
    Muriel tells her she’s going to the local tattoo parlor, she wants to get a tattoo!

    Sadie is astounded! “A tattoo! You’re a Jew! You can’t get a tattoo!”

    Muriel says, “Ha! You’re wrong! Vat! You don’t read the Forverts! It says now that we can get tattoos, and I’m gonna! I’ll show you when I get back!”

    So, off she goes.

    The owner of the establishment is cleaning up when Muriel hops on the table, pulls up her skirt, removes her underpants, and tells the startled tattooist, “Okay! Listen good! Now that Jews can get a tattoo, I want one of Moishe Dayan on my right thigh, and one of Golda Meir on my left thigh! Here, I brought with me the pictures! They’re my heroes! A goil can’t wear her heroes!”

    The tattooist takes the photos from Muriel, shrugs and says, “You’re the boss, lady!…it’s your dime!”, and begins to work.

    Two hours later, he’s done.

    Muriel looks down and says, “That don’t look like Moishe and Golda to me! What did you do there?”

    The tattooist says, “It looks just like the pictures you gave me!”

    Muriel yells, “Listen to me! No way does this look like Golda and Moishe!”

    The tattooist, getting angry now, says, “Let’s ask a stranger!”, as he walks out the door.

    He grabs a drunk, staggering down the street.

    “Look at these tattoos on this lady’s thighs, and tell us, do they look like these pictures of Moishe Dayan and Golda Meir!”

    The drunk takes the pictures, and studies them, studies the tattoos, looks again at the pictures, again at the tattoos.

    Finally, he says, slurring his words, “I don’t know about Meir or Dayan, but the one in the middle is definitely the Lubavitcher Rebbe!”

