Thursday, September 15, 2022

Under current law, minors who experience sexual abuse are able to file federal civil claims until they turn 28 years old, or until 10 years after the violation or injury is discovered. The bill Congress passed seeks to eliminate those time restraints. There is no statute of limitations in place for criminal offenses involving child sex abuse.


Bill eliminating statute of limitations for child sex abuse civil suits heads to Biden’s desk

The House on Tuesday passed a bill eliminating the statute of limitations for victims of child sex abuse who seek to file civil claims, sending the measure to President Biden’s desk for final approval.

The chamber cleared the bill, titled the Eliminating Limits to Justice for Child Sex Abuse Victims Act, by voice vote, a strategy reserved for non-controversial, popular measures. The Senate passed the legislation by unanimous consent in March.

The measure calls for removing the statute of limitations for minors filing civil claims relating to a number of sex abuse crimes, including force labor, sex trafficking, sexual abuse and sexual exploitation of children.

Under current law, minors who experience sexual abuse are able to file federal civil claims until they turn 28 years old, or until 10 years after the violation or injury is discovered. The bill Congress passed seeks to eliminate those time restraints.

There is no statute of limitations in place for criminal offenses involving child sex abuse.

During debate on the House floor Tuesday, Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) said survivors of child sex abuse often delay reporting their situations, which could put them at risk of not seeking damages because of the statute of limitations.

“Also common is delayed disclosure, with the tendency of survivors of child sexual abuse to wait many years before disclosing abuse to others,” Nadler said. “This is because survivors of sexual abuse often take a long time to process their trauma and many survivors who were abused as a child may not even recognize the abuse they suffered until much later in life.”

“Unfortunately, because survivors of child sexual abuse often delay reporting, any statute of limitations may prevent survivors accessing justice and seeking damages in civil court,” he added.

The New York Democrat argued that statutes of limitations in place for civil claims of child sex abuse “can serve to protect abusers and enable them to continue to exploit their power by allowing victims’ claims to expire.”

“This bill will enable survivors who are victims of federal child sex abuse offenses, including aggravated sexual abuse, sex trafficking, human trafficking, forced labor, and sexual exploitation, to seek civil damages in federal court regardless of the amount of time that has passed since the abuse,” he added.

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) on the House floor Tuesday said the bill “would allow victims of human trafficking or sex offenses to seek civil remedies regardless of when the crime took place.”


  1. More tawdry tales to attempt to drain our bank accounts. How much of a hand did Mr. Jew have in this?


    Significant Weberman updates

    DA Gonzalez asked Cuomo the Homo Jr. to commute Weberman's sentence to just 9 years. Cuomo ignored him. But due to Satmar $$ influence it was the only such request Gonzalez has made.

    A Weberman victim is suing Satmar UTA who brazenly asks the Court to toss the suit as they did "nothing wrong". When they came to give Weberman a deposition he pleaded the 5th, lol, so the Court complelled him to be deposed regardless.

  3. "This shameless uberFRESSER (Shafran) will be writing some ridiculous nonsense...wait for it!"

    Shafran does have some valid points for a change but he does of course skirt the problems with Chassidishe yeshivos as if they don't exist. And because he's trying to convince the outside velt that heimishe Yiddish are wordly, he pathetically quotes a Simon & Garfunkel song. That will rile up some Fresser kanoyim!


  5. Same ol' from uberFRESSER.

    Twerski went to YTV with a rigorous secular education, then of course he went to a school who trains you to be a professional liar with a straight face!

    Maybe the truck driver and the plumber and the baker......etc............... could not be anything else because they can't read or write????? Of course Jews geb zich an eitza, look at all the Holocaust survivors that could not speak a word of what???? American boys instead of hearing nonsense stories about the Besht, learn the basics....give them a shot at being what ever they choose to be.

    Shafran is paid to advocate for this insanity, because his bosses got caught defending the indefensible!

  6. Normally I'd be upset that you're conflating yener Fresser mit Uber, ober fort I am exactly the kind of guy who Shafran is prone to defend!

    Travis Cordell Kalanick is an American businessman best known as the co-founder and former CEO of Uber.

    Kalanick's parents are Bonnie Renée Horowitz Kalanick (née Bloom) and Donald Edward Kalanick. Bonnie, whose family were Viennese Jews who immigrated to the U.S. in the early 20th century, worked in retail advertising for the Los Angeles Daily News. Donald, from a Slovak-Austrian Catholic family whose grandparents immigrated to the United States from the Austrian city of Graz, was a civil engineer for the city of Los Angeles.

    In a 2014 interview with men's magazine GQ, he joked that the company should be called "Boob-er" for all the female attention it was bringing him. Executives were known to expense strip club visits to corporate accounts, a practice jokingly referred to as "Tits on Travis".

    Sexual harassment and other forms of discrimination were rife at Uber corporate headquarters during Kalanick's tenure as CEO. The issues went unaddressed by HR, and Kalanick in particular was known to protect his favored employees from consequences for this type of behavior. Much of this behavior became public in early 2017. That February, it was reported that Kalanick had full knowledge of sexual harassment allegations at Uber and did nothing.

    On June 11, the final report of the independent investigation into Uber's sexual harassment issues was presented to Uber's top management. The scathing report was "hundreds of pages" long and included a dozen pages of recommendations, most prominently that Kalanick needed to take a leave of absence and reduce his level of control over Uber's operations. On June 13, 2017, it was announced that Kalanick would take an indefinite leave of absence from Uber, although he continued to work without the approval of the company's board. On June 20, 2017, Kalanick resigned as CEO after five major investors, including Benchmark Capital, demanded his resignation in a letter.
