Thursday, November 17, 2022

Poland Says Definite Russian Deadly Bomb Blast Was Not A Bomb... Not From Russia.....and Only a Little Deadly....


  1. It could've been a Russian test - will they respond?
    It could've been an errant missle from either side that landed in the wrong spot.
    It could've been an Ukrainian missile sent as a false flag to push NATO.
    One thing is certain: by itself, it isn't worth WW3

  2. My 91 years old aunt had worked hard all her life, however, because of her silly pension plan and "nice" Jewish fraudsters at her job, she lost all her savings and now receives the government SSI. Not long ago, she got a letter from the SSA. The letter states that for a few months in 2020 (during the COVID pandemic when she was confined to her apartment) her bank account had just above $2K, which (nobody had told her) is prohibited if one receives the SSI. So the SSA has divided the "illegal" payments she received in 2020 over the next decade, and her meager SSI will now have monthly deductions of around $50. (If you have $2001 and not $2000, the entire monthly SSI deposit becomes "illegal" and must be returned.) Looks like the SSA gives my aunt a blessing of ad meah ve'esrim...

    She worked hard all her life, paid taxes, loved America -- and now her country takes away fifty bucks from her! I am not an aficionado of Tucker Carlson, but when he blames the Biden administration for sending billions of dollars to Ukraine, I tend to agree. I don't like Putin, I think the war between Russia and Ukraine will instantly cease if he is "deleted." But instead of working on cheap Putin problem, the West takes a long and expensive road of sending cash to Ukraine. I read how Zelensky's aids now drive expensive cars and build lavish residences around Kiev -- presumably with my aunt's SSI deductions too. And a couple of days ago I encountered an amazing story of how Ukrainians now rename their streets: They now have Stepan Bandera and Semyon Petlyura streets around Ukraine ( Both crooks murdered thousands of Jews. Zelensky, whose wife is gentile and kids are baptized, prefers not to mention such facts. Instead, he talks about how different the Ukrainian and Russian nations are. To me, they are both chips off the old Soviet block with rampant antisemitism, servitude, villeinage, criminality, prostitution, corruption, and the desire to get everything for free because avda behefkera niha lei. (My friend actually told me how his church-going Ukrainian cleaning lady tried to steal his "Jew"-jewelry!)

    What are your thoughts, rav Shraga Feivel, especially in view of the fact you mentioned above that Zelensky almost started the Third World War with his reckless statements about the "Russian" missile, what a Torah-true Jew must think about the whole spiel?

  3. In the end...the Ukes, whose Jew hatred is in their DNA, will blame the "Jew" Zelensky for the untold millions? of dead and wounded...They will "get him"....or the Ruskies will.

  4. How true.... An interesting addition to your post:

    "Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky’s personal aide, Alexey Arestovych..."

    In 2005, Arestovych joined the far-right Brotherhood political party, led by Dmytro Korchynsky. In that period, he repeatedly took party in conferences and events of the Eurasia Movement of Aleksandr Dugin, where he actively opposed the Orange Revolution.

    Dugin worked as a journalist before becoming involved in politics just before the fall of communism. In 1988, he and his friend Geydar Dzhemal joined the ultranationalist and anti-Semitic group Pamyat (Memory), which would later give rise to Russian fascism.

    image proof:

    Arestovich and Dugin in Moscow at anti-revolution Eurasian from press conference (2005)

    או חברותא או מיתותא should be read in case of Zelensky-Arestovych friendship as אוי חברותא אוי מיתותא, literally!
