Thursday, December 01, 2022

Shame on California for continuing to elect corrupt leaders who care little for their children...


'It's frightening for society.' Thousands of convicted pedophiles in California are being released from prison in less than a year for horrific acts, including rape, sodomy and sexual abuse of kids under 14, investigation reveals



1 comment:

  1. From the current Agudah Fresser Convention panel on anti-Semitism + anti-Charediism

    The Agudah made Aaron Twerski 2nd fiddle to a Chassidishe askan in Rockland County, Yisruel Kahan. There was a major flaw in both their speeches which has come to be expected of the Agudah, as non-Agudah gedolim have pointed out going back decades. There was NOT ONE mention of Torah as the best solution or any part of the solution. How could these Convention Fressers ignore this - bifrat when the inyana deyuma is Hakol Kol Yaakov??????

    Kahan contradicted himself when he said a goyishe inspector catches Yidden all the time on new construction violations but never once R' Don Ungarischer ztl because he was a tzaddik who always made sure to make kiddush Hashem. In the next breath, Kahan said we are all tzaddikim but the anteh-Semitten refuse to recognize it. It would have been a lot more productive had Kahan given musser for all the terrible, willful chilul Hashem that goes on & which causes at least 95% of anti-Semitism in Rockland to begin with. The Agudah has come to be living in a dream world, so are they supposed to solve the Klal's problems? Maybe this is the real reason why Twerski then went off script to waver between whether the Agudah "will become in irrelevant in 3 to 5 years" or is already irrelevant.

    Twerski got rather emotional while bashing his Agudah hosts for excluding the Chassidishe oylam for the last 10 years from the Moetzes, which he said is the gorem why the Chassidishe oylam stopped coming once a year to Fress and otherwise have no interest in Agudah, and why he is personally uncomfortable coming to join the Fressers. He feels it was a revolution bemeizid that the Litvaks pushed out the heimishe. He warns if the Agudah does not immediately do kiruv & expand the Moetzes with heimishe Hadras Punims, gantz Klal Yisroel will lose the brewing battle against yeshivos. Pro-Fresser Twerski seemed confused when he said Bobov is one of the excluded Chassidussen. As a Bobover himself he knows that Bobov always refused to join Agudah.

    Zweibel got up & tried to make a dishonest joke that Twerski's rant is proof that we don't heavily censor speakers as we are always accused of. Cut it out Chaim Dovid, as it's obvious that Twerski pulled a fast one on you.
