Friday, December 16, 2022

This Is Another Demonstration Of How Warped Minds Have Taken Control Over Once Premier Orthodox Jewish Institutions...Trump will give a speech before the annual President’s Conference of Torah Umesorah


וכל ישראל יבכו


The former president will speak before the annual President’s Conference of Torah Umesorah at his club in Miami, on heels of Fuentes, Ye dinner.


Former president Donald Trump is set to meet with a Orthodox Jewish educational group on Friday, amid ongoing controversy over his decision to dine with two prominent antisemites.

Trump will give a speech before the annual President’s Conference of Torah Umesorah at his club, National Doral, in Miami, a person close to Trump confirmed. The event is part of a days-long gathering that brings together leaders, educators and askanim (Jewish social workers) for the group, which promotes Torah-based religious education and Jewish private day schools.

The event comes at a particularly delicate time for Trump. Over the Thanksgiving holiday break, the former president hosted a dinner at his Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach with Ye (better known as Kanye West) and white nationalist Nick Fuentes.

Trump subsequently insisted he had no idea who Fuentes was at the time. But he has stopped short of denouncing his or West’s views, which include repeated attacks on Jews as well as — in Fuentes’ case — Holocaust denialism.

“I had never heard of the man — I had no idea what his views were, and they weren’t expressed at the table in our very quick dinner, or it wouldn’t have been accepted,” Trump told Fox News.

Last week, Trump attacked “Jewish Leaders” for lack of loyalty to him and forgetting his record on Israel, in a post on his social media site, Truth Social.

The Orthodox Jewish community has hewed far more conservative politically than reform and even conservative Jews. And the Republican Party has courted them accordingly. Torah Umesorah has hosted several prior annual president’s conference events at Trump’s Doral club.

Torah Umesorah, the National Society for Hebrew Day Schools, was the first national Jewish organization in the United States to pioneer Jewish day schools within the country. It started to develop these in 1944,[4][5][6] during World War II and at a time when the United States was at war with the Axis Powers and Europe's Jews were being consumed by the Nazi genocide of the Holocaust. Challenging the prevailing mood of the times, Rabbi Shraga Feivel Mendlowitz founded Torah Umesorah to develop a network of Jewish day schools across North America.[7]


  1. Like I have been saying. They have no leadership authority anymore. I would go no further than the MO and OO at this point.

  2. Whomever wrote this article needs to clarify - askanim aren’t social workers - many are just a bunch of rich people who like having power but pretend they’re helping the supposed Gedolim and the masses while they’re more like devious social engineers - they’re purpose is to social engineer themselves as the elite while often actually hurting the common people who actually view the world through the lens of humanity instead of through the sociopathic lens of what is in it for me - how can I make money off of this.

  3. Live from the Fleish Carving station3:06 PM, December 18, 2022

    Who invited him? Boom Boom Bloom / son? Or Frucht?

  4. Trump requested to come. He was not invited.
