Monday, December 19, 2022

Torah Umesorah & Dishonorable Rabbis Of That Once Storied Institution - Shame on You For Embracing The Disgraced Donald Trump! He Embodies Every Anti-Torah Value - Sub-Human Conduct - That Our Chazal Warned Us Against!



    There's at least 1 commercial that plays first. The commercials are sometimes lengthy.

  2. Trump is no malach but Hillary's behaviors were more clearly illegal.

    1. How can you possibly make that statement after today’s referral of Trump’s criminal actions to the justice department for possible prosecution.
      We are all sick and tired of some Republicans still referring to Hillary Clinton. Is that the best you can do?

  3. I must have missed it, was Clinton honored at TU?

  4. Head of OU Kashrus Menachem Genack hugged & kissed Hillary at the DNC Fresser Convention.

    Torah Umesorah President Fruchthandler was always hobnobbing with Bill Clinton. Poor R' Zelig Epstein zl was forced to give an audience to Slick Willy because Frucht kept boasting what an adam gadol we Yidden have, so Clinton demanded a meeting with him.

  5. You have to be a tipish to even count Trump an ally. He spends time with Ye and Fuentes. They talk about Hitler doing some good things. Are you all off your F-ing rocker?!?!?! He is no friend of the Jews. Wake up!!!!

  6. The OU has their own psak on Androgynous/Clinton. They make up stuff at their whim!

  7. It's a difficult situation. If the neighbourhood Mafia boss makes sure some of his boys are around the shul to keep it safe after threats of vandalism, maybe even makes some contributions to help out because he had a good Jewish accountant, do you throw a gala dinner for him?

  8. Midget Marvin Hier11:09 PM, December 20, 2022

    Yeah yeah, sure. The real reason UOJ is lacing into Trump is because Trump is mechabed ME.

  9. Makkot 5b:15

    The Torah uses a gezariah shava of Rasha Rasha
