Thursday, December 29, 2022

Washington Hebrew Congregation to pay $950K in child safety lawsuit!


D.C.'s Attorney General Karl Racine says the Washington Hebrew Congregation, a synagogue that also runs a childcare center, will have to pay nearly a million dollars after claims of creating an environment that put children at risk for abuse.

The District sued the congregation, saying it violated a D.C. law requiring at least two adults to be in the room with minors. The settlement both parties reached specifically stated that WHC denies liability for the OAG’s allegations. 

"What happened at Washington Hebrew Congregation is every parent’s worst nightmare," AG Racine said in a statement. "Instead of protecting the children under their care, Washington Hebrew disregarded the law and failed to report incidents of harm, hired unqualified teachers, and ran an unlicensed summer childcare center for years. Today, we’re holding them accountable for putting D.C.’s youngest, most vulnerable residents in harm’s way." 

READ MORE: Families file lawsuit against Washington Hebrew Congregation preschool over alleged child sex abuse



1 comment:

  1. The synagogue’s board was derelict in their governance oversight responsibility. Why?
