Thursday, January 26, 2023

Creep tries to abduct boy from NYC synagogue — thwarted by mom - Rabbi "Nothing To See Here"!








To the folks who want me to take down this post:

1 - As long as there are charges pending, I will leave it up! If  ALL charges are dropped, I would be thrilled to take it down.

2 - The mother may email me in strictest confidence -


Added Friday January 27, 2023:

 UOJ Questions for the alleged, could be, maybe, kid snatcher:

1 - Were you invited to the simcha?
2 - Do you daven there regularly?
3 - Why did you run away and hide in a nearby yeshiva?
4 -What right do you think you have to grab a stranger's child?
5 - Your bulshee excuse of not walking between 2 women is exactly that - bulshee!
6 - Why are ALL the charges not dropped?
7 - Who pressured the mother to drop some of the charges, what charges were dropped?
7 - Any prior history of this nature?

I'm not ready to buy into the narrative being sold to the public on other sites - yet!

The conduct of this guy is abominable --- and only a lunatic will believe there is nothing to see here!

9:09 AM, January 27, 2023



A creep tried to abduct a 9-year-old boy from a Brooklyn synagogue Wednesday — but was thwarted when the kid’s mom showed up and saw him trying to carry her son away, police said.

The boy was attending a bris for a family member at the Hesed Le Avraham Synagogue on East 7th Street in Gravesend shortly after 9 a.m. when a man who had been praying inside approached him, cops and the congregation’s rabbi said.

The stranger asked the child to go outside with him — and when the kid refused, he picked him up by the shoulders and tried to carry him out through the front door, according to police.

The mother spotted the creep carrying her son and jumped in — asking the boy if he knew the man from the synagogue, cops said.

When he told her no, she ripped her son from the man’s arms, police said.

The suspect then ran off — hiding in a nearby yeshiva, according to law enforcement sources.

Cops had K9s out in Brooklyn hunting for the man, who possibly suffers from a type of mental illness, according to the sources.

When asked if the alleged abduction attempt brought up memories of the death of Leiby Kletzky, an 8-year-old Hasidic Jewish boy who was kidnapped and murdered in Borough Park in 2011, Lankry said the recent scenario “didn’t come close” to the earlier tragedy.

“[This situation] could be something as benign as someone from [the boy’s] family wanted [Mayer] to call the boy out,” he reasoned.

Yossi Mayer, 42, was taken into custody about an hour later and subsequently charged with kidnapping, endangering the welfare of a child, and harassment.

Speaking to The Post by phone Wednesday, Rabbi Lankry, who leads the congregation, worried that law enforcement was jumping to conclusions about Mayer.

“There’s a very big concern [in the community] that we may be coming to conclusions too fast…and therefore compromising a person’s life,”said Lankry, who did not witness the incident but was “in the vicinity.”

“And at the same time, if he really is someone that had ill intentions, it should be public knowledge.”

Lankry, who does not know Mayer or the victim personally, cautioned against immediate judgment of the situation.

“We have to give [Mayer] a chance to talk,” he urged. “Innocent until proven guilty is something we should all live by.”



  1. If Lankry were Fire Commissioner, the standard operating procedure for responding to fire alarms would be to give one man a thermometer, send him out on a bicycle to ascertain the temperature of the situation, and do a spectrographic analysis of the flames to determine what is actually being burned before deploying a fire truck to the scene.

  2. It's like you have to pass an IDIOT test to qualify for a rabbinical position!

  3. That Rabbi is a tool. Lacks good judgement. He is not fit for communal leadership.

  4. Saying 'Let's wait until the facts are in" isn't such a horrible thing to say. At some point, someone runs over to the rabbi and says "Someone tried to abduct a child!" What does the rabbi know about the situation? He didn't hear or see anything directly. So "I need to know more before rendering judgement" isn't so controversial.
    The problem is after the facts are now known and established and he's still saying that.
    My favourite version of the story was that the guy saw a bunch of women in his way so he grabbed the kid so there wouldn't be any yichud when he passed them.

  5. Added Friday January 27, 2023:

    UOJ Questions for the alleged, could be, maybe, kid snatcher:

    1 - Were you invited to the simcha?
    2 - Do you daven there regularly?
    3 - Why did you run away and hide in a nearby yeshiva?
    4 -What right do you think you have to grab a stranger's child?
    5 - Your bulshee excuse of not walking between 2 women is exactly that - bulshee!
    6 - Why are ALL the charges not dropped?
    7 - Who pressured the mother to drop some of the charges, what charges were dropped?
    7 - Any prior history of this nature?

    I'm not ready to buy into the narrative being sold to the public on other sites - yet!

    The conduct of this guy is abominable --- and only a lunatic will believe there is nothing to see here!

    9:09 AM, January 27, 2023

  6. 1. He was there for davening. Not a crime.
    2. He goes from from place to place to daven as the mood moves him. Not a crime.
    3. Because this crazy woman started screaming "Why are you holding my child!?" and that's not tznius so he went to the neaerest place that has no women in it.
    4. Because he has a spiritual need to avoid yichud and this child is the object to help him do it. He was making the child a mitzvah object. Who could object to that?
    5. Well clearly you're on a low spiritual level if you don't realize his neshama would've been consigned to gehinnom for doing that.
    6. Because the mother was told that if she makes an issue out of it, she's be blacklisted and this boy will never get a shidduch.
    7. Probably the same rabbi who didn't know what was going on.
    7. Sorry, shouldn't that be 8?

  7. Who asked you to remove this article? I would ask you to keep it up even after all the charges are dropped. For everybody to see how ppl with agendas got no issues doing any amount of evil as long as they are able to promote their agenda

  8. Tens of nasty emails needless to say, I'm used to it and not intimidated.

    I have someone I trust in law enforcement looking into this!
