Tuesday, January 24, 2023

The Ever-Charming Avigdor Lieberman Gets This One Right! - "You say that the (present religious) government wants to bring Israel to a 100% dictatorship, so what compromise do you want? A 50% dictatorship?"


Liberman takes shot at Lapid: There's no way to compromise on judicial reform 


Yisrael Beytenu chairman rejects idea of negotiating with coalition on the planned judicial reform. 


Yisrael Beytenu chairman Avigdor Liberman on Monday evening took a shot at opposition leader Yair Lapid and National Unity Party chairman Benny Gantz for proposing to form teams that would negotiate a compromise on the Netanyahu-Levin judicial reform.

"It is impossible to reach any compromise on the issue of the judicial reform," claimed Liberman in remarks at the Knesset plenum. "You say that the government wants to bring Israel to a 100% dictatorship, so what compromise do you want? A 50% dictatorship?"

"Good and naïve people who try to reach a compromise with Netanyahu and Levin simply turn themselves into partners in the operation to rescue Netanyahu from his legal entanglement," he added before clarifying, "Yisrael Beytenu will oppose any deal and any compromise with the Netanyahu-Levin group."

Lapid said in response that he did not offer any compromise, but on the contrary, and attacked "those who say this is an offer to compromise - either did not understand, or understood and is lying for political reasons."

Earlier, Lapid announced at the start of the Yesh Atid faction meeting that he suggested to President Isaac Herzog that an independent presidential committee will be established and which will be tasked with "formulating a real, balanced and considered proposal, to correct and improve the judicial system, and to regulate the relationship between the judiciary and the legislature.” Lapid added that the President is currently looking into the idea.

Immediately afterwards, the President said, "As part of the talks that the President has been holding in recent weeks with the aim of preventing a historic constitutional crisis and stopping the further division in the nation, the President also spoke with the head of the opposition, MK Yair Lapid. The President continues his efforts with all the relevant parties, with the aim of creating a wide-ranging, attentive and respectful dialogue and conversation, in the hope of reaching as broad an understanding as possible."




  1. Blind squirrel stumbles upon an acorn!

  2. And yet there is a possible compromise.
    Eliminating the judges' control of who gets on the court - perfectly reasonable. A self-selecting out-of-touch club is not a reasonable court.
    Allowing a Knesset override is perfectly reasonable, but it should be a 70 or 80 vote majority to do it.
    The two sides have dug in - Bibi wants to neuter the court for personal gain but his opponents will reject even the reasonable parts of his plan because, well, Bibi!

  3. ווער עס האט געטרינקען אונגארישע וויין אים קען מען נישט אפנארן3:58 PM, January 24, 2023

    Charming? Is UOJ being facetious? Or really like Yvette (Avigdor)?

    I always saw him as a raging bull in a chinaware shop.

    ווער עס האט געטרינקען אונגארישע וויין אים קען מען נישט אפנארן

    Russian vodka also works

  4. Funny stuff! Bull, yes - charming, no!
