Sunday, April 16, 2023

From Directions in Your Bedroom, to the Car You Drive...and The Importance Of Keeping Child Rapists Out Of Jail... The Danger That Is Gur Chassidus, and the Ignoramus that leads it...

Ger, also known as Gur, is the largest Hasidic court in Israel has unparalleled political and financial power, and its thousands of Hasidim are ruled with an iron fist. It's a community with branches across Israel and in the United States and Europe, but with the characteristics of a closed cult where the leader dictates the most intimate details of the lives of his followers, who are dependent on him for everything.

 The Gerer chasidic sect’s Communications Committee issued a declaration in the sect’s various shuls describing what it termed the “loopholes in multimedia systems in cars” and stressing that Tesla cars, which have systems which cannot be filtered, should not be purchased or used.

Entitled “Bal Yeraeh U’Bal Yimatze” [should not be seen of found] the declaration states that “after numerous incidents and tragedies which occurred, we are obligated to warn and issue an alarm that unfiltered appliances should not be seen or found in our camp in any way, both visible and hidden.

“Additionally it has become clear that in many vehicles the multimedia systems are open and exposed to the internet. Even in cases where the company claimed that it was filtered or the users believe that it has nothing untoward, in most cases the unfiltered internet can easily be reached with a number of damaging incidents occurring, may Hashem have mercy.”

The declaration placed responsibility on “each and every person not to bring such impediments to himself or to his children and not to maintain a dangerous phone appliance without a filter or supervision in his possession.”

The declaration recommended detaching the Waze application from every vehicle system and added that “Tesla vehicles cannot be detached at all from the internet system and therefore should not be purchased or used.”

1 comment:

  1. Garnel Ironheart9:19 AM, April 17, 2023

    Until somehow Tesla vendors figure out a way to give the Rebbe a cut of all sales and then suddenly it'll become the kosher car.
