Thursday, May 25, 2023

He Could Have Been A Contender For The Philadelphia Rosh Yeshiva!


COVID Conspiracy Doc Dies

Rashid Buttar, DO, a well-documented COVID conspiracy theorist, died days after claiming he had been poisoned, according to the Daily Staropens in a new tab or window.

Buttar claimed in early May that he was given a "poison" that contained "200 times of what was in the vaccine" shortly after an interview with CNNopens in a new tab or window in late 2021, according to the report.

His official cause of death wasn't released, but he spent time in intensive care recently, the Star reported.

Conspiracy theories have cropped up in the wake of his death, according to VICE Newsopens in a new tab or window. Anti-vaxers have claimed that doctors who oppose mainstream medicine are being killed by mysterious forces, and Buttar said he had a stroke in February, which he "appeared to blame on vaccine 'shedding,'" VICE reported.

A member of the "disinformation dozen," Buttar was known for spreading disinformation about the COVID-19 pandemic. Before the pandemic, Buttar was punished by the North Carolina state medical board for his treatment of autism and cancer patients -- including injecting a cancer patient with hydrogen peroxide, according to the Star.


  1. Conspiracy theorists have zero cognitive abilities. Zero.

  2. Mysticism gone wild and so wrong!
